13 Marzo 2025

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I campi in grassetto sono obbligatori.


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Dati del responsabile del sito internet e intestatario del dominio
ATTENZIONE: i dati seguenti sono della persona / società a cui viene intestato il dominio, a cui facciamo riferimento per l´ordine e per le varie comunicazioni.

Chi è il proprietario del sito internet e intestatario del dominio?

Attenzione, inserisci un indirizzo email valido. Le email di attivazione e tutte le comunicazioni successive sono inoltrate presso l'indirizzo email che è specificato.

Dati di fatturazione
ATTENZIONE: i dati seguenti sono utilizzati per effettuare la fatturazione.

I dati di fatturazione sono gli stessi indicati al passo precedente?

A chi deve essere intestata la fattura?

Il tuo commerciale di riferimento è Marco Angiolini

inserire solamente se si è in possesso di un codice promozionale. DATO NON OBBLIGATORIO

ATTENZIONE, le seguenti accettazioni sono obbligatorie secondo la legge italiana per procedere all'acquisto del sito e del relativo dominio.

Sez. 5 - Consenso al trattamento dei dati personali a fini di registrazione

L'interessato, letta l'informativa di cui sopra, presta il consenso al trattamento delle informazioni obbligatorie ai fini di registrazione, come definite nell'informativa di cui sopra.

Il conferimento dei dati è facoltativo, ma in caso di mancato consenso non sarà possibile giungere alla registrazione, assegnazione e gestione del nome a dominio.

Sez. 6 - Consenso al trattamento dei dati personali per la diffusione ed accessibilità via Internet

L'interessato, letta l'informativa di cui sopra, presta il consenso alla diffusione e accessibilità via Internet, come definite nell'informativa di cui sopra.

Il conferimento è facoltativo e il mancato consenso non permette la diffusione e accessibilità via Internet dei dati relativi.

Sez. 7 - Consenso al trattamento dei dati personali per il trasferimento dei dati ad un paese terzo o organizzazioni internazionali

L'interessato, letta l'informativa di cui sopra, presta il consenso al trattamento delle informazioni obbligatorie al fine del trasferimento dei dati ad un paese terzo o organizzazioni internazionali.

Il conferimento dei dati è facoltativo, ma in caso di mancato consenso non sarà possibile giungere alla registrazione, assegnazione e gestione del nome a dominio.

Sez. 8 - Accettazione esplicita dei seguenti punti

Per accettazione esplicita dei seguenti punti:
  • a) di essere a conoscenza e di accettare che la registrazione e gestione di un nome a dominio sono soggette al "Regolamento di assegnazione e gestione dei nomi a dominio nel ccTLD .it" e al "Regolamento per la risoluzione delle dispute nel ccTLD .it" e loro successive modifiche;
  • b) di essere a conoscenza e di accettare che in caso di erronea o falsa dichiarazione nella presente richiesta, il Registro provvederà all'immediata revoca del nome a dominio, salvo ogni più ampia azione legale. In tal caso la revoca non potrà in alcun modo dare luogo a richieste di risarcimento nei confronti del Registro;
  • c) di sollevare il Registro da qualsiasi responsabilità derivante dalla assegnazione e dall'utilizzo del nome a dominio da parte della persona fisica richiedente;
  • d) di accettare la giurisdizione italiana e le leggi dell'Ordinamento Statale Italiano.


WHEREAS, Tucows.com Co., a Nova Scotia Corporation with its principal place of business in Toronto, Ontario, Canada (hereafter "Tucows"), provides certain services defined below as the "Tucows Services;" and

WHEREAS, Customer, the person or entity defined below, wishes to use, resell and/or provision the Tucows Services for itself and the benefit its own Users,

NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises described in this Agreement, the parties agree to legally bind themselves as follows:


1.1."Aftermarket Premium Domain Names" refers to domains that are presently registered by a third party and that are available for purchase through a third-party service.

1.2."Agreement" means this document and all its schedules and other documents incorporated by reference.

1.3."API" is an acronym that stands for "Application Program Interface." As used in this Agreement, "API" means the set of technical specifications and routines that allow Customer's computer systems to access and carry out certain operations on Tucows' computer systems.

1.4."Commission" refers to the amount earned by a Customer on the sale of OpenSRS services via Storefront.

1.5."Communications" means all written communications with Users, including registration applications, confirmations, modifications, terminations, invoices, credits, or other correspondence related to the use or provisioning of the Tucows Services.

1.6."Confidential Information" means all information disclosed by a party, including technical information, software, financial data, and business and marketing plans. Confidential Information shall not include information which

i.is publicly available at the time of its disclosure or becomes publicly available though no fault of the receiving party;

ii.is lawfully obtained by the receiving party from a third party without restriction; or

iii.is known by the receiving party prior to the date of disclosure as demonstrated by the receiving party's records kept in the ordinary course of business.

1.7."Consent" means any freely given, specific, informed, and unambiguous indication of a data subject's wishes by which he or she, by a statement or by a clear affirmative action, signifies agreement to the Processing of Personal Data relating to him or her.

1.8."Contact(s)" are persons or entities associated with domain name records. "Contacts" include the registrant, billing contact, technical contact, administrative contact, or any other contact mandated by the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers ("ICANN") or any Registry, now or in the future.

OpenSRS Master Services Agreement


1.9."Contact Data" includes the true, accurate, and current name, address, telephone number, and email address of a Contact.

1.10."Customer" means the person or entity entering this Agreement with Tucows.

1.11."Data Protection Authority" means an administrative, supervisory, or law enforcement authority or other governmental body with responsibility for the enforcement of Data Protection Laws.

1.12."Data Protection Laws" means any applicable law or regulation concerning data protection and information security that governs the processing of Personal Data under ths Agreement, including the European Union's Regulation 2016/679 ("General Data Protection Regulation" or "GDPR").

1.13."DNS" is an acronym that refers to the Internet's "Domain Name System."

1.14."Effective Date" means the later of the two dates on the signature page below or, if the Agreement is executed by electronic means, the first date on which Customer agreed to these terms or began using the Tucows Services.

1.15."OpenSRS" means the Open Shared Registration System developed and managed by Tucows. OpenSRS is a system for the registration of Internet domain names in Supported TLDs, for which Tucows is the Registrar.

1.16."Personal Data" means any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person (‘data subject'); an identifiable natural person is one who can be identified, directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an identifier such as a name, an identification number, location data, an online identifier, or to one or more factors specific to the physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural, or social identity of that natural person.

1.17."Premium Domain Names" refer to both Registry Premium Domain Names and Aftermarket Premium Domain Names.

1.18."Processing", "Processed" or "Process", when capitalized herein, means any operation or set of operations which is performed on Personal Data or on sets of Personal Data, whether or not by automated means, such as collection, recording, organization, structuring, storage, adaptation or alteration, retrieval, consultation, use, disclosure by transmission, dissemination or otherwise making available, alignment or combination, restriction, erasure or destruction.

1.19."Registrant" or "Registered Name Holder" means the person or organization that has registered a domain name and has the right to use the domain name for a specified period of time on the terms and conditions specified by Tucows and Customer.

1.20."Registrar" means a person or entity accredited by ICANN and/or Registry to facilitate the registration of domain names.

1.21."Registry" means a person or entity that (i) maintains and serves the zone file for a Supported TLD or (ii) maintains and serves digital certification identifiers.

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1.22."Registry Premium Domain Names" refers to previously unregistered domains available for purchase at a non-standard price. Registry Premium Domain Names are being purchased directly from the registry.

1.23."Registration Agreement" means the agreement entered into by and between Tucows and each Registrant, in substantially the form attached as Appendix B.

1.24."Shopco.com" refers to the secure e-commerce shopping cart and payment gateway used by Customers using the Storefront service to settle User payment of services provisioned through the Storefront. The charge on the Users credit card statement will appear as "Shopco.com".

1.25."Storefront" refers to Tucows' fully hosted e-commerce site for selling and provisioning OpenSRS domains and related services (including, e.g., registration of domain names, Premium Domain Names, Whois Privacy Services, Managed DNS, URL and Email Forwarding). "Storefront" also handles User billing through a secure payment gateway.

1.26."Sub-reseller" means resellers within the Customer's OpenSRS account which sell OpenSRS products on behalf of the Customer.

1.27."Supported TLDs" means those top-level domains offered by Tucows and which are specified on the Fee Schedule to this Agreement, at Appendix A.

1.28."Supported Certificate Services" means those digital certificate services offered by Tucows for which Customer hereby contracts to sell and which are specified on the Fee Schedule to this Agreement, at Appendix A.

1.29."Term" has the meaning outlined in Section 17 of this Agreement.

1.30."Tucows Services" means the services offered by Tucows in this Agreement and more fully described in Sections 2-15 below.

1.31."User" means a person or entity registering, transferring, renewing, or managing a domain name or digital certificate or otherwise using any of the Tucows Services through Customer.

1.32."Whois Information" means the Contact Data required by each Registrant for each domain name registration.

1.33."Whois Registry" means the publicly accessible directory of Contact Data for domain names, IP addresses, or digital certificates.


2.1.Throughout the Term of this Agreement, Tucows shall provide Customer with access to OpenSRS to enable Customer to transmit both

a)domain name registration information for the Supported TLDs; and

b)digital certificate registration information for the Supported Certificate Services.

OpenSRS Master Services Agreement


2.2.In addition to providing customer with access to OpenSRS as specified above, Tucows also shall provide Customer with the ability to provision a Storefront to facilitate the sale and management of OpenSRS domain services to/for their Users.

2.3.Tucows shall provide Customer with the API which will enable Customer to develop its own systems to register those domain names and digital certificates supported by Tucows.

2.4.Customer shall submit all data elements as specified in the API to OpenSRS using the appropriate Tucows protocols.

2.5.Customer shall use the API, and each of the Tucows Services, in the manner intended, as specified by Tucows from time to time.

2.6.Tucows and Customer shall each meet the Processing and security requirements of the Data Processing Addendum, attached as Appendix C.

2.7.Customer shall comply with all terms or conditions established by Tucows from time to time to assure the sound operation of OpenSRS.

2.8.Customer shall develop and employ all necessary technology to ensure that its connection to OpenSRS and all transmissions between Customer, Users, sub-resellers (if applicable), and OpenSRS that are initiated for the purpose of creating, deleting, or modifying data within the Tucows database or a Registry database are secure. All transmissions shall be authenticated and encrypted using protocol prescribed by Tucows. Customer shall authenticate every connection with OpenSRS using its password and shall notify Tucows within four (4) hours of learning that its password, or the password(s) of any of its sub-resellers, have been compromised in any way. Customer shall inform Tucows by means of written notice as promptly as commercially reasonable upon becoming aware of a security breach which accidentally or unlawfully leads to the destruction, loss, modification, unauthorized disclosure, or access to the Personal Data processed by Tucows.

2.9.Customer shall respond to and fix any and all technical problems, if any, in its use of OpenSRS as they arise.

2.10.Customer agrees that Tucows, in its sole discretion, may temporarily suspend access to OpenSRS as necessary or appropriate.

2.11.Contacting Support: When the customer calls OpenSRS support, Tucows will likely record and archive the conversation. If customer does not agree to this, contact OpenSRS support through online chat, email, or other means as may be available at https://help.opensrs.com.


3.1.Customer may choose to offer its Users Domain Name Registrations, as described in this, Section 3.

3.2.Customer shall use the domain name lookup capability mandated by Tucows in the API or Storefront to determine if a requested domain name is available for registration.

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3.3.Customer agrees that each User must agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of the Tucows User Registration Agreement for each Selected TLD in the form outlined in the Appendix B to this Agreement, and/or such other agreements as Tucows shall post on its website from time to time. Customer may require that its Users agree to additional terms and conditions, provided such terms and conditions do not conflict in any manner with the policies of Tucows, ICANN, a Registry, or any other governing body with appropriate authority over the Supported TLDs.

3.4.Customer agrees to implement, and use for each domain name registration, the Consent protocols and procedures mandated by Tucows in the API or Storefront.

3.5.If Customer collects Personal Data directly from individuals related to the services provided under this Agreement, it will provide a clear and conspicuous privacy notice to such individuals that accurately describes that Customer collects, accesses and protects such Personal Data in compliance with applicable laws.

3.6.Customer agrees that it will contractually require any third-party provider it uses to support the services under this Agreement to protect the privacy, confidentiality, and security of Personal Data using at least the same level of protection and confidentiality that applies to Customer under this Agreement. Customer agrees that if it elects to register domain names under this, Section 3, for its own account, in which it will be both "Customer" and "User" under the terms of this Agreement, that for each such domain name registration, it will be bound by the terms and conditions of the Tucows User Registration Agreement for each Selected TLD in the form outlined in Appendix B to this Agreement, and/or such other agreements as Tucows shall post on its website from time to time. The act of registering a domain name is assent to such Tucows User Registration Agreement(s).

3.7.If Customer is not an ICANN-accredited registrar, Customer shall not display the ICANN or ICANN- Accredited Registrar logo, and shall not otherwise represent itself as accredited by ICANN.

3.8.Customer shall identify Tucows as the sponsoring registrar upon inquiry from a User.

3.9.Customer understands that the registration and use of domain names is governed, in part, by rules and contracts issued by the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers ("ICANN"). These rules include requirements that registrars maintain certain registration and transaction information during the lifecycle of a domain name and for a period of three years after a domain name has expired and that such information be provided to ICANN upon request in conjunction with any ICANN-initiated audit. To fulfill these ICANN requirements, Customer agrees that it will maintain:

a)in electronic, paper, or microfilm form, all written communications constituting registration applications, confirmations, modifications, or terminations and related correspondence with Users, including registration contracts, registration IP addresses and registration timestamps; and

b)in electronic form, records of the accounts of all Users, including dates and amounts of all payments and refunds in conjunction with domain name registrations. Upon request by Tucows, Customer will provide any information identified in this, Section 3.7, to Tucows within two (2) business days and otherwise cooperate with Tucows in any compliance, regulatory or legal issue arising out of the registration of domain names.

3.10.Customer agrees not to register names using any proxy contact information or privacy services unless customer uses Tucows' WHOIS Privacy service OR customer displays a conspicuous notice to registrants at the time an election is made to use such privacy or proxy service that their data is not being escrowed. Customer agrees to, at its own expense, indemnify, defend and hold harmless Tucows and its employees,

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directors, officers, representatives, agents, affiliates and third party beneficiaries (including Tucows' suppliers), against any claim, suit, action, or other proceeding brought against Tucows based on or arising from the customer using their own proxy contact information or privacy service.

3.11.Any registration agreement used by Customer shall include all registrant registration agreement provisions and notices required by Tucows' "Exhibit A" agreement, located at http://www.opensrs.com/docs/contracts/exhibita.htm, and shall identify the sponsoring registrar or provide a means for identifying the sponsoring registrar, such as a link to the InterNIC Whois lookup service.

3.12.Customer shall include a link to ICANN's Registrants Education Materials at http://www.icann.org/en/registrars/registrant-rights-responsibilities-en.htm, and to ICANN's Registrant Rights and Benefits page at http://www.icann.org/en/resources/registrars/registrant-rights/benefits. Customer agrees both links will be located in a conspicuous place on their website.

3.13.Customer shall assist in the facilitation of transfers of domain name registrations from another registrar to Tucows, and vice versa, according to the policies of ICANN and/or any applicable Registry. Customer shall not interfere in any manner with any transfers.

3.14.Customer acknowledges that in the event of a dispute concerning the time of entry of a domain name registration into a Registry's database, the time shown in that Registry's records shall prevail.

3.15.In the event of any dispute involving a domain name registration, Customer shall provide all reasonable assistance to Tucows, the Registry and/or any court or arbitrator considering the dispute. At Tucows request, Customer shall forward copies of all Communications to Tucows.

3.16.Tucows shall provide Customer with access to each of Customer's Users in order that Customer can make changes to domain name information on behalf of the User. Customer expressly acknowledges and agrees that it shall modify User account information in accordance with the instructions of the User and the policies of Tucows. In the event that a dispute arises between Customer and a User as a result of any modification to a User's account, Customer shall fully defend and indemnify Tucows from any and all liability arising out of the dispute, including as provided in the Agreements. In the event Customer declines or is unable to meet its defense and indemnification obligations under this Paragraph, Tucows shall have the right, in its sole discretion, to resolve the dispute in the manner it deems most expeditious. Tucows reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to revoke Customer's access to modify User domain names at any time.

3.17.In the event Customer decides to offer any domain name or other service under this Agreement that requires the collection, processing or transfer of Personal Data that is subject to Data Protection Laws, the parties will comply with the additional obligations and warranties set out in the Data Processing Addendum incorporated into this Agreement as Appendix C. If, at any time, the Data Protection Laws require any further steps to be taken in order to permit the collection, processing or transfer Personal Data as envisaged under this Agreement, then the Customer will take all steps reasonably required by Tucows (including, when necessary, entering into contractual clauses with Tucows) to ensure that the transfer of the Personal Data meets the requirements of Data Protection Laws.

3.18.In the event Customer decides to offer any of ".com.au", ".net.au", ".org.au", ".asn.au" or ‘.id.au" registrations, Customer acknowledges and understands that by accepting the terms and conditions of this agreement you shall be bound by Registry policies and any pertinent rules or policies that exist now or

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in the future and which are posted on the Registry website at http://www.auda.org.au/policy/current- policies/.

Customer is responsible for monitoring the Registry's site on a regular basis.

Customer understands and agrees to identify themselves as a reseller of Tucows Services on their website. Customer understands and acknowledges that Tucows may, from time to time, be required by the registry operator to inform registrants directly by email of new or changed published policies or codes of practice.

3.19.In the event Customer decides to offer any of ".ca" registrations, customer acknowledges and understands that by accepting the terms and conditions of this agreement you shall agree to display the CIRA Registrant Agreement, accessible at http://www.cira.ca/policies/, in full to the registrant prior to accepting an order for a .CA domain name. You also agree to ensure the registrant fully agrees to the Agreement prior to accepting an order for a .CA domain name.

3.20.Customer is required to publish fees for domain renewals, including post-expiration renewal fees (if different) and also redemption/restore fees on their website. Additionally, those fees must be included in registration agreements.

At a minimum, these fees must be clearly displayed on their website and a link to these fees must be included in customer registration agreements. Customers who do not offer or provide registrar services through a website must at least include the fees in their registration agreements.

3.21.Customers must describe on their websites (if used) the methods used to deliver pre- and post-expiration notifications. At a minimum, resellers must list the fact that the day 30, day 5 and day -3 notices are sent via email. This notice must also be included in the customer's terms of service.


4.1.Customer may choose to allow its own Users ("sub-resellers") to offer services using Tucows' domain name registration and Personal Names services. Customer acknowledges sub-resellers are not in turn able to offer sub-reseller services using OpenSRS.

4.2.Customer accepts responsibility for the actions of its sub-resellers, and agrees to adhere its sub-resellers to all the conditions set forth both in this agreement and Appendix B.

4.3.Customer agrees to provide all necessary sales and technical support to its sub-resellers and related customers.

4.4.Customer acknowledges Tucows is not responsible for providing support to its sub-resellers, or customers of its sub-resellers, but may choose to provide support to them at its discretion.

4.5.When funding a sub-reseller's balance, Customer agrees and acknowledges that Customer is financially responsible to Tucows for any of the Tucows services consumed or used by sub-resellers. In all other cases, Customer agrees and acknowledges that Customer's sub-resellers are financially responsible to Tucows for any of the Tucows services consumed or used by sub-resellers.

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5.1.Customer may choose to offer its Users Trust Services (SSL Certificates, Website Security and Privacy), as described in this, Section 5.

5.2.Customer agrees that each User must agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of the registration agreements in the forms specified by each Trust Service registry as found that following URLs:

a)GeoTrust brands Subscriber Agreements: http://www.geotrust.com/resources/repository/legal/

b)Thawte brands Subscriber Agreements: http://www.thawte.com/repository/index.html

c)VeriSign brands Subscriber Agreements: http://www.verisign.com/repository/subscriber/index.html

d)Trustwave brands Subscriber Agreements: https://ssl.trustwave.com/CA/

e)Comodo brands Subscriber Agreements: http://www.comodo.com/about/comodo-agreements.php

f)SiteLock Policies and Customer Agreements: http://www.sitelock.com/terms.php

Customer may require that its Users agree to additional terms and conditions, provided such terms and conditions do not conflict in any manner with the policies of Tucows or any entity.


6.1.Customer may choose to offer its Users Managed DNS Services, as described in this, Section 6.

6.2."Managed DNS Services" includes

a)zone record management, to add, delete or modify DNS records such as A, CNAME, and MX records;

b)domain forwarding, to forward one domain name to another;

c)sub-domain forwarding, to forward a subdomain to another domain;

d)URL framing, to forward a domain to another domain while keeping the URL static;

e)domain templates, to point a domain name to parked, "for sale," "coming soon," or similar standard web pages;

f)subdomain delegation, to delegate authority of a subdomain to another user; and

g)secondary DNS, to allow Customer and Users to create a back up zones for their primary DNS Service using Tucows nameservers.


7.1.Customer may choose to offer its Users a Whois Privacy Service, as described in this, Section 7. For purposes of this Agreement, any User who opts to use this Whois Privacy Service is a "Privacy Registrant."

7.2.Each Privacy Registrant must provide true, accurate and current Contact Data to Customer and Tucows. Tucows will keep the Privacy Registrant's Contact Data on file in accordance with the Tucows User Registration Agreement but will include the following information in the publicly available Whois Registry:

a)"contactprivacy.com" shall appear as the Registrant and Contact(s);

b)Tucows postal address and a Tucows assigned email address and telephone number shall appear on behalf of the Registrant and the Contact(s);

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c)the primary and secondary name servers shall be those designated by the Registrant;

d)the original date of registration and the expiration of each domain name; and

e)Tucows will be identified as the registrar of record.

7.3.Each Privacy Registrant will retain complete control over the domain name and its registrations records and may suspend and reinstate the Whois Privacy Service as desired.

7.4.The Whois Privacy Service may be purchased for both new and existing domain name registrations. Existing policies regarding refunds for new domain name registrations will also apply to the Whois Privacy Service.

7.5.The Whois Privacy Service may be applied to transfers to Tucows but will only commence when the transfer of the domain name has been completed and the registration is in the Tucows database. The Whois Privacy Service must be disabled in order to transfer a domain name registration away from Tucows. Registrations will leave the Tucows database with the Registrant's Contact Data and not the Privacy Registrant data elements specified in Section 7.2 above.

7.6.The Whois Privacy Service will be provided until it is cancelled by Customer or the Privacy Registrant.

7.7.Communications received by Tucows with respect to a particular domain name registered to a Privacy Registrant will be handled as follows:

a)Tucows will forward to the Registrant all correspondence received by registered mail or traceable courier. This information may be opened, scanned and emailed to the Registrant. Regular postal mail will be discarded or returned to sender at Tucows discretion;

b)Email correspondence will be forwarded according to the instructions of the Registrant as they appear in Tucows records;

c)A voice mail message will advise all callers that inbound messages will not be accepted; calls will be directed to the contactprivacy.com web site where written messages will be forwarded according to the Privacy Registrant's instructions.

7.8.Tucows shall have the right, at its sole discretion and without liability to Customer or the Privacy Registrant, to reveal Registrant and Contact Whois Information under the following circumstances:

a)when required by law;

b)in the good faith belief that disclosure is necessary to further determination of an alleged breach of a law;

c)to comply with a legal process served upon Tucows;

d)to resolve any and all third party claims including but not limited to ICANN's or a Registry's dispute resolution policy; or

e)to avoid financial loss or legal liability or if Tucows believes that the Registrant is using the Whois Privacy Service to conceal its involvement with illegal, illicit, objectionable or harmful activities or to transmit spam, viruses, worms or other harmful computer programs.

7.9.In the event that Tucows receives a formal complaint, notice of claim or UDRP, Tucows will have the right to disable the Whois Privacy Service pending final disposition of the matter.


8.1.Customer may choose to offer its Users Parked Pages, as described in this, Section 8.

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8.2.New domain name registrations that have not yet propagated through the Internet and domain name registrations that have expired but have not yet been deleted from the registry may be redirected to a stagnant default or parked page.

8.3.Participating Customers may elect to customize parked pages to reflect their branding. Tucows shall maintain the content of each parked page and may post pay per click advertisements at its discretion.

8.4.Net revenue generated from advertisements from Parked Pages provisioned through the Tucows API shall be distributed between Tucows and Customer in accordance with the Fee Schedule attached as Appendix A and shall be deposited in Customers account on a monthly basis. Customers using Storefront will not be eligible to participate in the revenue sharing described in this Section.

8.5.Customers may opt out of the Parked Pages program generally or on a domain-by-domain basis.


9.1.Every Registrant who registers a domain name with or through the Customer has the right to use the domain name only for the time period of the registration agreement, as set out in this Agreement and its Appendices, and as paid by Customer and/or its Users and Registrants. After a domain name registration expires, Tucows reserves the exclusive right to offer the registration to other Users and Registrants through the use of Tucows Auction Services, as described in this, Section 9.

9.2.For its Auction Service, Tucows will make available for auction to the general public on Tucows' auction partner(s) website(s) a list of certain domain names in the Supported TLDs, selected by Tucows, which are scheduled for deletion. All existing grace and redemption periods will continue to apply, notwithstanding the fact that a name has been posted for auction, except for domain names that are considered sold at auction. If the name is sold at auction, it will be acquired by a third party and will not remain available for re-registration after our stated grace period.


10.1.Customer may choose to offer its Users Premium Domain Names, as described in this, Section 10.

10.2.Tucows' Aftermarket Premium Domain Names Service aggregates domain names currently registered to third-parties, but available for purchase through a variety of market channels, into a single channel accessible by Customer delivered through a data feed and/or API. The Aftermarket Premium Domain Names Service presents domain names to Customer and/or its Users for sale at a fee set by the current domain name registrant and/or its agent. If the Customer and/or its User agrees to pay the fee set by the current registrant of an Aftermarket Premium Domain Name, Tucows will facilitate a sales transaction that, if successful, will result in the transfer of the domain name from the current registrant to Customer and/or Customer's User.

10.3.For any Aftermarket Premium Domain Name sold under this Agreement, Customer agrees to charge its Users an amount equal to, or less than, the price set by the current domain name registrant, and presented to Customer by Tucows' Aftermarket Premium Domain Names Service.

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10.4.If, at any time within 180 days after sale of an Aftermarket Premium Name, Customer determines that payment for a Aftermarket Premium Name has been subject to a chargeback, then, upon notification and condition that the Aftermarket Premium Name in question has been returned to Tucows' control, Tucows shall issue a credit to Customer for the amount paid for such Aftermarket Premium Name.

10.5.Tucows' Registry Premium Domain Names Service provides Customer and/or its Users access, through a data feed and/or API, to an inventory of currently unregistered Registry Premium Domain Names available for registration directly from registries at a price that differs from the price applicable to non- premium registrations in the respective top-level domain.

10.6.Customer may elect to offer Registry Premium Domain Names through Tucows in one or more of the Registry Premium Domain Name categories listed in Appendix A by enabling their account for such categories. Customer acknowledges that enabling their account for any of the Registry Premium Domain Name categories will result in domain availability searches returning non-registered Registry Premium Domain Names as available. Customer is responsible for ensuring that their systems and interfaces are ready to support Registry Premium Domain Names, and in particular, are able to recognize and confirm to Tucows at the time of transaction, the non-standard fees for Registry Premium Domain Name registrations, renewals and/or transfers. Tucows will not issue any partial or full refund for a Registry Premium Domain Name registration, renewal or transfer transaction.

10.7.For any registered Registry Premium Domain Name pertaining to category 10.6 b) or 10.6 c), Tucows will not offer an auto-renewal option to Customer, and all such names will be set to expire at the end of their respective registration period. In the event that Customer intends to extend the registration period of such Registry Premium Domain Name, Customer is required to submit an explicit renewal request to Tucows.

10.8.Customer shall not condition a User's purchase of a Premium Domain Name on the purchase of any other good or service from Customer. Nothing in this Agreement, however, shall restrict Customer's ability to provide its users with additional value or present additional services or goods to its Users for sale as an additional purchase option.

10.9.Customer shall present the Premium Domain Names Services Data to its Users as provided to it by Tucows without alteration or editing, except for the addition of branding, logos or other identification information for Customer. Customer shall use only the current Premium Domain Name Sales Services Data, as provided by Tucows through the live Tucows API, and shall not copy, store, archive, warehouse or repurpose the Premium Domain Name Sales Services Data. Customer shall not give, sell, lease, license or rent the Premium Domain Name Sales Services Data, live or historic, to any third party.


11.1.Customer may choose to offer its Users Personal Names, as described in this, Section 11.

11.2.Tucows' Personal Names Service allows Customer to offer Users either or both

a)email service; and/or

b)website service through the shared use of Tucows' Personal Domain Names. Personal Domain Names correspond to a users' last name or affiliation, such as "SMITH.NET." An email address provisioned under the Personal Name Service would be of the type <USER>@smith.net, and a provisioned website would be named <USER>.smith.net.

OpenSRS Master Services Agreement


11.3.For each Personal Name provisioned under this service, User shall be entitled to one (1) email box and one (1) third-level website. For each Personal Name provisioned, the User's name in the email address and the User's selected name in the third-level website must match and be identical.

11.4.For all email services provisioned under the Personal Names Service, Customer shall require User to abide by the terms and conditions, including the Acceptable Use policies, of Tucows' Email Services Contract, as it may be updated from to time to time (https://opensrs.com/wp- content/uploads/2014/09/Email_Services_Agreement_4.2.pdf).


12.1.Customers shall pay to Tucows the non-refundable amounts set forth on the Fee Schedule attached as Appendix A with respect to each Tucows Service used by Customer. Tucows reserves the right to adjust the Fee Schedule from time to time upon notice to Customer.

12.2.Tucows will bill Storefront Customer's Users directly for domain services provisioned through Customer's Storefront. Payment will be processed through the Shopco.com payment gateway and appear on the Users credit card statement as "Shopco.com" a transaction. The Storefront Customer sets the retail selling price that their User pays.

12.3.Storefront Customers will earn a commission on every transaction originating from their Storefront and successfully processed via Shopco.com payment gateway.

12.4.All Storefront transactions processed through the Shopco.com payment gateway are subject to both (a) a nine percent (9%) payment processing fee and (b) if applicable, a thirty-five dollar ($35) transaction fee on any credit card transaction for which the credit card holder issues a chargeback and Tucows loses the chargeback appeal. All processing and transaction fees shall be paid, in the first instance, from Customer's (or sub-reseller's, where applicable) funds on account with Tucows.

12.5.Tucows will deduct the amounts set forth on the Fee Schedule attached as Appendix A in payment of the OpenSRS domain services sold via Storefront.

Storefront Customers shall earn commission on the sale of OpenSRS domain services sold via Storefront. By way of illustration, the Customer's Commission is calculated as follows:


Retail Price of a One-Year .com


Domain Name (pricing is set by


Storefront Reseller)




LESS nine percent (9%) Shopco.com


Payment Processing Fee







OpenSRS Master Services Agreement



LESS cost of a One-Year .com


Domain Name (as outlined in


Appendix A)




EQUALS Commission Earned On


the Sale of a One-Year .com


Domain Name via Storefront



12.6.ICANN and registry fees charged to Tucows change from time to time. Tucows reserves the right to adjust relevant prices charged to Customer should ICANN or a registry/registries adjust their fees.

12.7.Prior to using or provisioning any of the Tucows Services, API Customers shall forward a sum agreed by the parties to Tucows to be held on account. As Tucows Services are used by Customer, Customer's account balance shall be reduced. Tucows shall maintain a record of Customer's account balance which shall be accessible by Customer. If Customer's account balance is fully depleted at any time, Customer shall not be permitted to use or provision any additional Tucows Services until such time as Customer's account balance is restored.

12.8.Tucows reserves the right to require minimum order levels and to modify those minimums from time to time.

12.9.OpenSRS accepts pre-payment by wire transfer, check, international money order, credit card, and Automated Check Handling (direct withdrawal). We do not accept payments remitted in currencies other than U.S. Dollars (USD). Funds deposited into your Reseller account by credit card are subject to a 3% processing fee. Funds deposited into your reseller account via any other payment method may be subject to a fee from your local bank (OpenSRS does not charge a fee). This fee is charged on your deposit (pre-tax), with the remainder being placed in your account.

12.10.Payments may be submitted by Customer to Tucows in the following manners:


BMO Harris Bank, Chicago, IL SWIFT: HATRUS44

Name: Tucows.com Co

Account #: 4302618

Alternatively, U.S. dollar wire transfers can also be submitted to:


Wells Fargo NA


ABA: 026005092


Bank of Montreal

Toronto Branch

100 King Street West

OpenSRS Master Services Agreement


Toronto, Ontario



Tucows.com Co


Account #:


Customer agrees that all wire transfer charges will be the responsibility of the remitter.

Via cheque made payable to Tucows.com Co. and delivered to:

Tucows.com Co.

96 Mowat Avenue

Toronto, Ontario M6K 3M1


Via credit card by submitting payment through the RWI / Profile Management / Online Credit Card Payment.

12.11.Storefront commissions are paid monthly. Checks are mailed to the Customer on or around the last day of each month and are paid in arrears. (For example, October's commissions are cut and mailed on or around November 30.) Commission checks are only generated when the Customer has earned at least $100.00 in commissions. If the minimum $100.00 commission has not been earned in a particular month, monies earned are not lost, but are carried over to the next month. A Customer who has not generated a referral fee within a twelve month period shall forfeit any earned, but unpaid commissions.


13.1.Customer may choose to offer its Users goMobi, as described in this, Section 13.

13.2.goMobi allows Customer to offer Users the ability to publish a mobile website.

13.3.Customer agrees to ensure each user of goMobi agrees to the goMobi end user agreement, located at http://www.opensrs.com/resources/contracts-payments/contracts.


14.1.Customer may choose to offer its Users access to the Trademark Clearinghouse as described in section 14.

14.2.Trademark Clearinghouse allows Customer to offer Users the ability to register trademarks in a central database in order to participate in the sunrise phase for new gTLDs.

14.3.Customer agrees to ensure each user of the Trademark Clearinghouse agrees to the Tucows and

Trademark Clearinghouse end user agreement, located at http://www.opensrs.com/site/resources/agreements

OpenSRS Master Services Agreement



15.1.Customer may choose to offer its Users Registry Lock service, as described in Section 15.

15.2.The Registry Lock service allows Customer to offer Users the ability to add additional security to their domain name(s) to prevent unauthorized modifications or transfers.

15.3.1.In the case a Registry Lock service is purchased for a .com or .net domain name, Customer agrees to the terms of service listed on Verisign's website, and requires the User to accept the terms and services.

15.3.2.In case a Registry Lock service is purchased for a .ca domain name, Customer agrees to the terms of service listed on CIRA's website, and requires the User to accept the terms and services.

15.4.The Registry Lock service is billed annually, with the limit of 5 annual changes per domain. Any additional changes are subject to a fee.

15.5.The Registry Lock service is automatically set to auto-renewal, and Customer must submit a request 30 days before the auto-renewal date to cancel the service.

15.6.Customer will facilitate the initial request from their User and handle all billing between Customer and User.

15.7.Upon service initiation, Tucows will reach out to User to finalize setup of Registry Lock service.

15.8.Customer agrees that Tucows has permission to speak with User on any matters related to Registry Lock, including handling modifications to domain names using the Registry Lock service. Tucows will also set up authorized personnel and passphrase directly with User.

15.9.Registry lock is not available for all TLDs, please visit our website for list of supported TLDs.


16.1.Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, Tucows hereby grants Customer and Customer accepts a non-exclusive, non-transferable, limited license to use the API and the Storefront. The API and the Storefront will enable Customer to use OpenSRS to facilitate the registration of domain names by Tucows on behalf of its Users.

16.2.The use of OpenSRS software, which comprises the API, shall be governed by the GNU General Public License, which should be accessed and reviewed on http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt. The use of the Storefront software shall be governed by the Tucows Software License, which should be access and reviewed at https://opensrs.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/Storefront-License.doc

16.3.Tucows may from time to time make modifications to the Software and the API licensed hereunder that will enhance functionality or otherwise improve OpenSRS and Storefront.


OpenSRS Master Services Agreement


17.1.This Agreement shall commence on the Effective Date and continue until the earlier of the following:

a)termination by either party upon thirty (30) days written notice,

b)termination for cause, as defined more fully in this, Section 17; or

c)Tucows' election to terminate any or all of its service offering in which case Tucows shall provide Customer with all reasonable notice of termination as is practicable.

17.2.If: either Party (or, in the case of Customer, an agent or User of Customer) materially breaches any term of this Agreement, and such breach is not cured within fourteen (14) calendar days after written notice thereof is given by the other Party, then the non-breaching Party may, by giving written notice thereof to the other Party, terminate this Agreement as of the date specified in such notice of termination.

17.3.In addition to the foregoing termination rights, if Tucows, in its reasonable discretion, determines that Customer has breached any provision of this Agreement, is in violation of any Tucows, ICANN or Registry policy or regulation as amended from time to time, has failed to provide adequate support to Users, or is engaging in conduct that breaches or may put Tucows in breach of any law or regulation, Tucows may suspend Customer's or Customer's Users' access to any or all of the services described in this Agreement, pending the cure of such breach or violation, or change of such conduct, to Tucows' satisfaction acting reasonably. Tucows may require Customer to terminate any User in breach of its EULA or Tucows' policies.

17.4.Upon termination, Customer's access to the services described in this Agreement shall cease.


18.1.Tucows shall provide telephone, website, and email support for the services described in this Agreement for Customer only.

18.2.Customer shall bear sole responsibility for providing support to Users with respect to any and all services described in this Agreement, including but not limited to all billing and technical support.


19.1.Customer shall employ all necessary employees, contractors, or agents with sufficient technical training and experience to respond to and fix all technical problems concerning the use of the API in conjunction with Customer's systems. Tucows may from time to time perform maintenance on or otherwise suspend and temporarily shut down the Tucows Services. Tucows will make commercially reasonable efforts to minimize any disruption of the Tucows Services.

19.2.Notwithstanding the foregoing, Tucows may, in its unilateral discretion, immediately suspend any or all of the Tucows Services if Tucows deems it necessary for the security and stability of its systems or those of its customers.

19.3.Customers using Storefront are subject to suspension if one or more the following conditions exist:

a)Customer's Storefront account is inactive for a period of 12 months (as demonstrated by, for example, fact that Customer has not logged into its control panel for a substantial period of time, Customer's

OpenSRS Master Services Agreement


account information is out of date or Customer has not responded to Tucows' status or other inquiries).

b)Customer's Users contact Tucows to report unresponsive or poor customer service.

c)US Customers do not provide Tucows with proper Tax ID number for Form 1099 Reports.

d)Customer's transactions are subject to an unacceptable level of fraud, as determined by Tucows in its sole discretion.


20.1.Although information transmitted to Tucows is stored in operating environments which Tucows believe are within industry standards for security, Customer agrees, and shall ensure that its Users are advised and agree, that no data transmission over the Internet can be guaranteed 100% secure. Tucows is not responsible for any interception or interruption of any communications through the Internet.

20.2.Customer agrees that it and its Users are responsible for maintaining the security of access codes, authorization codes, and passwords and will ensure its Users are so advised and agree.


21.1.Each signatory below represents and warrants it has the authority to bind itself, its company or whatever other form of legal organization it represents in signing this Agreement.

21.2.Customer acknowledges and agrees that Tucows does not guarantee that the API or any of the Tucows Services will meet the requirements of Customer or its Users. The API and the Tucows Services are provided "as is" without any warranty of any kind.

21.3.Independent third parties may supply some or all of components of the API or the Tucows Services. While Tucows makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of all information presented to its customers, Tucows makes no warranty as to the accuracy of any such information.



OpenSRS Master Services Agreement





22.1.Customer, at its own expense, will indemnify, defend and hold harmless Tucows and its employees, directors, officers, representatives, agents, affiliates and third party beneficiaries (including Tucows' suppliers), against any claim, suit, action, or other proceeding brought against Tucows based on or arising from any claim or alleged claim

a)relating to any product or service of Customer or its sub-resellers, including, but not limited to, Customer's advertising, systems and other processes, fees charged, billing, trade, and competition practices and customer service; or

b)relating to any agreement with any User of Customer; or

c)arising out of any trademark or copyright claim involving a domain name registered through Customer. Customer or its sub-resellers will not enter into any settlement or compromise of any such indemnified claim without Tucows' prior written consent, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld. Customer will pay any and all costs, damages, and expenses, including, but not limited to, reasonable attorneys' fees and costs awarded against or otherwise incurred by Tucows in connection with or arising from any such indemnified claim, suit, action or proceeding.

22.2.If Tucows is threatened with suit by a third party, it may seek written reiteration of Customer's indemnification obligations; any failure by Customer to provide said written assurance may result in suspension or termination of its account.


23.1.This Agreement shall be governed and construed under the laws of Ontario and Canada, including their choice of law provisions, and the exclusive venue shall be in Toronto, Ontario.

23.2.This Agreement may be executed in two or more counterparts, each deemed an original, and all of which together shall constitute one and the same contract.

23.3.This Agreement may be modified by Tucows without the written consent of Customer, so long as the amendment or modification is generally applicable to all Customers and Tucows provides reasonable notice of the changes to Customer.

OpenSRS Master Services Agreement


23.4.This Agreement binds and benefits only the parties and their respective successors and permitted assigns. Customer shall not assign this Agreement without the prior written consent of Tucows, such consent not to be unreasonably withheld.

23.5.Each Party agrees it has had the opportunity to obtain independent legal advice for the review and negotiation of this Agreement, and no ambiguity will be presumptively construed against Tucows.

23.6.Each party agrees that all restrictions in this Agreement are reasonable and valid and waives all defenses to strict enforcement of this Agreement to the fullest extent permitted by law.

23.7.Each party agrees that a violation of any intellectual property usage, confidentiality, non-solicit or policy related provisions of this Agreement will result in immediate and irreparable damage to the other party which shall then, in addition to any other rights to relief, be entitled to temporary and permanent injunctions and such other relief as any court of competent jurisdiction may deem just and proper, without posting of any security or proof of actual damage.

23.8.Each party agrees that neither shall be liable for any delay or failure to perform if such delay or failure is due to any contingency beyond its reasonable control including acts of God, war, explosion, fire, flood or civil disturbance, or failure of a supplier to fulfill its obligations.

23.9.Each party agrees that expiration or termination will not relieve either party from its obligations arising hereunder prior to such expiration or termination. Rights and obligations which by their nature would ordinarily be expected to survive expiration or termination will remain in effect.


a.Each party agrees to execute such further documents reasonably requested by the other party to achieve the intent of this Agreement.

b.This Agreement is the entire agreement between the parties, superseding all prior understandings, oral or written, relating to the subject matter of this Agreement.

c.Nothing in this Agreement creates an agency, partnership, joint venture, employment, franchise, distributorship, dealership or other similar or special relationship between the parties, who only intend to establish the relationship of independent contractors.

d.No provision hereof shall be deemed waived by any act, delay, omission or acquiescence on the part of either party or their respective employees or agents, nor shall any waiver by either party of a breach or default of a provision by the other, constitute a change in the terms hereof or waive any subsequent breach.

e.All notices shall be in writing and either sent via facsimile, registered mail, courier, or by electronic mail. Notices shall be deemed received: upon actual receipt, if by courier; on the date indicated in the return receipt, if sent by registered mail; upon confirmation, as evidenced by a fax transmittal sheet; or upon confirmation, as evidenced by a delivery receipt, if sent electronically. All notices should be sent to the attention of the General Counsel, if to Tucows, and to the attention of the President, if to Customer, at the address set forth below.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this instrument to be duly executed as of the Effective Date.

for Customer by:

OpenSRS Master Services Agreement


Dated: ______________

Name of Company (Please Print)


for Tucows.com Co. by:

Dated: ______________


OpenSRS Master Services Agreement





Unless otherwise noted, all fees listed below are in United States Dollars for (a) each one year registration, or any portion of a year if registered for less than a year; (b) each one year renewal, or any portion of a year, if applicable; and, (c) each one year transfer or any portion of a year, if transferred to Tucows for less than a one year period.

For up to date pricing for all top-level domains, please visit https://opensrs.com/services/domains/domain- pricing/.

* * * * *


Unless otherwise noted, all fees listed below are in United States Dollars for each product.

For up to date pricing for SSL Certificates, please visit https://opensrs.com/services/ssl/.

* * * * *


Managed DNS Service is FREE EXCEPT if the ratio of domains for which Tucows provides Managed DNS Service to the number of domains registered with or through Tucows exceeds 5:1, Tucows reserves the right to charge Customer $0.25 (twenty-five U.S. cents) per record per month for the service.

* * * * *


Whois Privacy Service is $3/year per domain.

* * * * *


API Customers shall receive fifty (50) per cent of the actual revenue received by Tucows in association with each domain name registration participating in the parked pages program.

OpenSRS Master Services Agreement Appendix A: Master Fee Schedule


* * * * *


API Customers shall pay to Tucows an amount equal to the agreed price of the domain name at the time an offer to sell a name is accepted by Customer on behalf of itself or a User. Tucows shall withdraw such sums from Customer's funds on account.

In consideration for the sale of an Aftermarket Premium Domain Name through Tucows' Premium Sales Services, and in the event that Tucows receives a commission from the current registrant or its agent, Tucows may, in its sole discretion, pay a share of such commission of up to ten percent (10%) of the price of the Aftermarket Premium Domain Name at the time of Acceptance to API Customer. Such fees shall be paid to API Customer by Tucows in U.S. Dollars within two (2) business days after Closing.

Storefront Customer's Users credit cards will be billed the amount equal to the agreed price of the domain name at the time an offer to sell a name is accepted by Storefront on behalf of a User via the Shopco.com Payment Gateway.

Tucows shall withdraw nine percent (9%) payment processing fee from the agreed price of the domain name in payment of the Storefront Shopco.com Payment Processing Fee.

In consideration for the sale of an Aftermarket Premium Domain Name through Storefront, and in the event that Tucows receives a commission from the current registrant or its agent, Tucows may, in its sole discretion, pay a share of such commission of up to four percent (4%) of the price of the Aftermarket Premium Domain Name at the time of Acceptance to Storefront Customer. Such fees shall be credited to the Storefront Customer's account by Tucows in U.S. Dollars within two (2) business days after Closing and paid out as per the commission payment schedule.

* * * * *


Customer shall pay to Tucows an amount equal to the price of the specific domain name at the time an order to register, renew or transfer a Registry Premium Domain Name is submitted to Tucows. Tucows will quote to Customer the price of a specific Registry Premium Domain Name, and Customer needs to acknowledge this price by including it in any registration, renewal or transfer request for a Registry Premium Domain Name submitted to Tucows.

Tucows offers Registry Premium Domain Names in the following three categories based on specific pricing characteristics established by the applicable top-level domain registries:

a)Group 1: Premium (non-standard) pricing applies only to the initial registration of a Registry Premium Domain Name. Standard pricing will apply for renewal and transfer transactions of domain names in this category.

OpenSRS Master Services Agreement Appendix A: Master Fee Schedule


b)Group 2: Premium (non-standard) pricing applies to registration, renewal and transfer of a Registry Premium Domain Name, while the non-standard fee may or may not vary among those transactions.

c)Group 3: Premium (non-standard) pricing applies to registration, renewal and transfer of a Registry Premium Domain Name, where Registry offers the Registry Premium Domain Name to Tucows in a source currency other than U.S. Dollars, and where at the time of renewal, Tucows, due to currency exchange rate fluctuations, may charge a non-standard renewal fee that is different from the non-standard renewal fee quoted to Customer at the time of registration.

Tucows, in its sole discretion, reserves the right to a) add or remove top-level domains under which Registry Premium Domain Names are being offered to or from those categories, and b) change the non-standard fee for non-registered and registered Registry Premium Domain Names without notice to the Customer and/or User.

Tucows will present Customer with a wholesale fee for a registration, renewal and/or transfer of a Registry Premium Domain Name, and shall not pay any commission to Customer related to a Registry Premium Domain Name transaction. Customer will in its own discretion determine the fee to charge to its User for a Registry Premium Domain Name transaction.

* * * * *


Customer shall pay to Tucows $0.75 (seventy-five U.S. cents) each month, or any portion of a month if registered for less than one month, for each Personal Name provisioned under Section 10.

* * * * *


Customer shall pay to Tucows $2.50 each month, or any portion of a month if registered for less than one month, for each goMobi account provisioned.

* * * * *


OpenSRS Master Services Agreement Appendix A: Master Fee Schedule




THIS REGISTRATION AGREEMENT ("Agreement"), is between Tucows Domains Inc. ("Tucows") and you, on behalf of yourself or the entity you represent ("Registrant"), as offered through __________________

___________________________, the Reseller participating in Tucows' distribution channel for domain name registrations. Any reference to "Registry" or "Registry Operator" shall refer to the registry administrator of the applicable top-level domain ("TLD"). This Agreement explains Tucows' obligations to Registrant, and Registrant's obligations to Tucows, for the domain registration services. By agreeing to the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement, Registrant agrees to be bound by the rules and regulations set forth in this Agreement, and by a registry for that particular TLD.

DOMAIN NAME REGISTRATION. Domain name registrations are for a limited term, which ends on the expiration date communicated to the Registrant. A domain name submitted through Tucows will be deemed active when the relevant registry accepts the Registrant's application and activates Registrant's domain name registration or renewal. Tucows cannot guarantee that Registrant will obtain a desired domain name, even if an inquiry indicates that a domain name is available at the time of application. Tucows is not responsible for any inaccuracies or errors in the domain name registration or renewal process.

FEES. Registrant agrees to pay Reseller the applicable service fees prior to the registration or renewal of a domain. All fees payable here under are non-refundable even if Registrant's domain name registration is suspended, cancelled or transferred prior to the end of your current registration term.

TERM. This Agreement will remain in effect during the term of the domain name registration as selected, recorded and paid for at the time of registration or renewal. Should the domain name be transferred to another registrar, the terms and conditions of this Agreement shall cease.

EXPIRATION, RENEWAL AND FORFEITURE. The registered domain name will expire on the expiration date specified in the registration term, and as communicated to the Registrant. Registrant will receive reminders immediately prior to the expiration inviting Registrant to renew the domain name. In the event that Registrant fails to renew the domain name in a timely fashion, the registration will expire and Tucows may, at its discretion, elect to assume the registration and may hold it in its own account, delete it, or sell it to a third party. During the period following the expiration of a domain name, the domain name will cease to resolve, the Whois registration records may be revised to include that of Tucows or its reseller, and visitors to Registrant's website may be directed to a default web page. This default web page may feature advertisements posted by Tucows for its own account. Registrant acknowledges and agrees that Registrant's right and interest in a domain name ceases upon its expiration. Registrant is solely responsible for informing itself of the date of expiration and renewing its registration in a timely manner. If Tucows, in its sole discretion, elects to renew the registration, Registrant will be entitled to a grace period of forty (40) days during which Registrant may re-register the domain name. Additional costs for the redemption and re-registration will apply.

EXPIRED REGISTRATION RECOVERY POLICY. Domain expiration notices will be sent via email thirty (30) days and five (5) days prior to a domain expiration date and three (3) days after a domain expires. Renewal, post- expiration renewal and redemptions fees are published at https://opensrs.com/services/domains/domain-pricing/. Reseller's fees may differ.

REGISTRANT INFORMATION AND DATA SHARING. Data required for the registration of a domain name varies by top-level domain. The required data for a domain name registration ("Minimum Data") will be presented at the time of registration or renewal and may include up to:

OpenSRS Master Services Agreement Appendix B: Master Domain Registration Agreement


Name and postal address of the Registered Name Holder;

Registered name;

Names of the primary nameserver and secondary nameserver(s) for the Registered Name;

Name, postal address, e-mail address, and voice and fax (if available) telephone numbers of the administrative contact for the domain name;

Name, postal address, e-mail address, and voice and fax (if available) telephone numbers of the billing contact for the domain name; and

Name, postal address, e-mail address, and voice and fax (if available) telephone numbers of the technical

contact for the domain name.

The Minimum Data will be shared with Tucows and may be shared with the relevant authoritative registry services provider for your top-level domain. The identity of the authoritative registry services provider can be found at https://www.iana.org/whois. The Minimum Data for domains in any TLD you have registered can be found in the Data Use Information Page.

ACCURATE INFORMATION. Registrant represents and warrants that:

The statements that Registrant makes in connection with the domain name registration, maintenance, or renewal are complete and accurate;

Registrant information will be kept current;

Registrant will not and will not permit others to use the domain name in violation of any ICANN or registry policies, applicable laws or regulations, or legal rights of others;

Registrant will respond to inquiries from Tucows addressed to the email address of the Registrant, the

administrative, billing or technical contact with respect to a domain name concerning the accuracy of contact details.

Registrant acknowledges that a breach of this Section 8 will constitute a material breach of the Agreement, which will entitle either Tucows or a registry to terminate this Agreement immediately upon such breach without any refund and without notice to Registrant.

ACCOUNT REVIEW, DATA MODIFICATION OR DELETION. To access, view, update, delete or download data associated with your domain name registration, you must be signed into your account. If you make a request to delete your personal data and that data is necessary for the products or services you have purchased, the request will be honored only to the extent it is no longer necessary for any services purchased or required for our legitimate business purposes or legal or contractual record keeping requirements. In some cases, when data is necessary for the provisioning of service, deletion of data may cancel or suspend the services you have purchased. If you have difficulty accessing your data, modifying it, or deleting it, you may request assistance by sending email to DPO @ Tucows.com or using the contact information at https://opensrs.com/privacy-policy/.

ICANN-REQUIRED DISCLOSURES. Domain name registration requires sharing the Registrant's information, in whole or in part, with the applicable Registry Operator and with ICANN. Both Tucows and the Registry Operator may be required to archive this information with a third-party escrow service. Further, Registrant represents and warrants that, if Registrant is providing information about a third party, Registrant has notified the third party of the required disclosures and the purpose for the disclosures and Registrant has obtained the third party's consent to such disclosure. ICANN may establish or modify the guidelines, limits or requirements that relate to the amount and type of information that Tucows may or must make available to the public or to private entities, and the manner in which such information is made available.

SUSPENSION AND CANCELLATION. Tucows may in its sole discretion, suspend or cancel Registrant's domain name registration:

if Registrant breaches this Agreement;

if Registrant fails to provide payment or accurate contact or billing information;

OpenSRS Master Services Agreement Appendix B: Master Domain Registration Agreement


in the event there was an error in the registration process for such domain name;

as required by ICANN or a Registry Operator;

to protect the integrity and stability of Tucows and any applicable registry;

to comply with any applicable laws, government rules, requests of law enforcement and court orders;

in compliance with any dispute resolution process; or

to avoid any liability, civil or criminal.

DISPUTE RESOLUTION. Registrant is bound by all ICANN consensus policies and all policies of any relevant Registry Operator, including the Uniform Rapid Suspension Procedure, the Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution policy (UDRP), along with the UDRP rules and all supplemental rules of any UDRP provider. ICANN may change the UDRP at any time. If a third party challenges the registration or reservation of the Registrant's domain name, Registrant will be subject to the provisions specified in the dispute policy adopted by the applicable registry. In the event a domain name dispute arises, Registrant will indemnify and hold Tucows harmless pursuant to the terms and conditions contained in the applicable policy. If Tucows is notified that a complaint has been filed with a judicial or administrative body regarding a domain name, Tucows may, at its sole discretion, suspend use of the domain name and the ability to make modifications to the registration records until:

Tucows is directed to do so by the judicial or administrative body, or

Tucows receives notification from both parties that the dispute has been settled.

If Registrant or Registrant's domain name becomes the subject of litigation, Tucows may deposit control of Registrant's domain name record into the registry of the judicial body by supplying a party with a registrar certificate.

WHOIS PRIVACY SERVICE. If Registrant elects to use the Whois privacy registration service, the following terms and conditions will apply:

The publicly available Registrant contact information will list Contact Privacy Inc. Customer ####

(where #### is a unique customer identification number) as the Registrant and contact name, and Tucows' postal address, assigned email address and telephone number as contact information.

Tucows will keep the Registrant and Contact Information provided by Registrant on file. Both Tucows and the Registry may be required to archive this information with a third-party escrow service, as per ICANN policy.

Registrant will retain complete control over the domain name and its registration records and may suspend and reinstate the Whois Privacy Service at its discretion.

With respect to a domain name that has been transferred to Tucows, the Whois Privacy Service will only commence after the transfer has been completed. If Registrant elects to transfer a domain name to a different registrar, the Whois Privacy Service must be disabled in order to initiate the transfer.

Tucows will send all obligatory renewal and transfer related messages to the contacts that Registrant has designated.

Pricing for the Whois privacy registration service will be set by the Reseller, and Registrant will pay Reseller for this service.

Communications received with respect to a domain name registration will be handled as follows:

o Tucows will forward to Registrant all correspondence received by registered mail or traceable courier. This information may be opened, scanned and emailed to Registrant. Regular postal mail will be discarded or returned to sender at Tucows' discretion.

o Email correspondence will be forwarded, only if submitted via the contactprivacy.com website.

o A voice mail message will advise all callers that inbound messages will not be accepted; calls will be directed to the contactprivacy.com website.

o The point of contact for third parties wishing to report abuse or infringement of trademarks (or other rights) is legal@tucows.com.

The business contact information for the Whois privacy registration service is:

OpenSRS Master Services Agreement Appendix B: Master Domain Registration Agreement


Contact Privacy Inc.

96 Mowat Ave

Toronto (ON) M6K 3M1


Tucows shall have the right, at its sole discretion and without liability to Registrant, to suspend or cancel the Whois Privacy Service and to reveal Registrant and Contact Whois Information in certain circumstances, including but not limited to the following:

o when required by law;

o in the good faith belief that disclosure is necessary to further determination of an alleged breach of a law;

o to comply with a legal process served upon Tucows;

o to resolve any and all third party claims including but not limited to ICANN's or a Registry's dispute resolution policy;

o to avoid financial loss or legal liability;

o if Tucows believes that Registrant or one of Registrant's contacts is using the Whois Privacy Service to conceal involvement with illegal, illicit, objectionable or harmful activities; or to transmit SPAM, viruses, worms or other harmful computer programs.

POLICY. Registrant agrees that its registration of the domain name shall be subject to suspension, cancellation, or transfer pursuant to a Tucows, registry, ICANN or government-adopted policy, or pursuant to any registrar or registry procedure not inconsistent with a Tucows, registry, ICANN or government-adopted policy,

to correct mistakes by Tucows or a registry in registering the name or

for the resolution of disputes concerning the domain name.

TRADEMARK CLEARINGHOUSE (TMCH). Registrant agrees to abide by the terms and conditions set forth by

Tucows and the Trademark Clearinghouse Agreement available at http://opensrs.com/site/resources/agreements#contracts.

NO GUARANTEE. Registrant acknowledges that registration of a chosen domain name does not confer immunity from objection to the registration, reservation or use of the domain name.

AGENCY. If Registrant intends to license use of a domain name to a third party, Registrant is deemed the domain name holder of record and is responsible for providing Registrant's own full contact information adequate to facilitate timely resolution of any problems that arise in connection with the domain name. Registrant shall accept liability for harm caused by wrongful use of the domain name, unless it promptly discloses the licensee's identity and current contact information (as provided by the licensee) to a party providing the Registered Name Holder reasonable evidence of actionable harm. Registrant represents that it will secure the agreement of any third party to the terms and conditions in this Agreement.

MODIFICATIONS TO AGREEMENT. Tucows may modify this Agreement, or any other related and/or applicable agreement, as is necessary to comply with its agreements with ICANN, a registry or any other entity or individual, as well as to adjust to changing circumstances. All amendments to this Agreement will be posted on our website at http://www.opensrs.com/docs/contracts/exhibita.htm. Your continued use of the registered domain name will constitute your acceptance of this Agreement with any revisions. If you do not agree to any change, you may request that your domain name be cancelled or transferred to a different accredited registrar, and agree that such cancellation or transfer will be your exclusive remedy if you do not wish to abide by any change to this Agreement, or any other related and/or applicable agreement.

OpenSRS Master Services Agreement Appendix B: Master Domain Registration Agreement


ANNOUNCEMENTS. Tucows reserves the right to distribute information to Registrant that is required by ICANN or Registry policy.

LIMITATION OF LIABILITY. Registrant agrees that Tucows' entire liability, and Registrant's exclusive remedy, with respect to the domain registration service provided under this Agreement and any breach of this Agreement is solely limited to the amount Registrant paid for the initial registration of the domain name. Tucows, ICANN and the applicable registries shall not be liable for any lost profits, revenues, or data, financial losses or indirect, special, consequential, exemplary, or punitive damages. Because some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of liability for consequential or incidental damages, in such states, liability is limited to the extent permitted by law.

INDEMNITY. Registrant will defend, indemnify, and hold harmless Tucows, ICANN, the applicable registries, and their respective directors, officers, employees, agents, affiliates, and contractors, from all liabilities, claims and expenses, including attorney's fees, arising out of or relating to

Registrant's registration and use of the domain name registered;

use of the domain name in violation of this Agreement; or

Registrant's violation of any third party right, including Intellectual Property Rights. This indemnification obligation will survive the termination or expiration of this Agreement.

TRANSFER OF OWNERSHIP. The person named as Registrant on record with Tucows shall be the "Registered Name Holder." If designated, the person named as administrative contact at the time the controlling account was secured shall be deemed the designate of the Registrant with the authority to manage the domain name. Registrant agrees that prior to transferring ownership of the domain name to another person (the "Transferee") Registrant shall require the Transferee to agree, in writing to be bound by all the terms and conditions of this Agreement. If the Transferee fails to be bound in a reasonable fashion (as determine by Tucows in its sole discretion) to the terms and conditions in this Agreement, any such transfer will be null and void. Registrant explicitly authorizes Tucows to act as their Designated Agent, as stipulated by the ICANN Transfer Policy, to approve a Change of Registrant on their behalf.

BREACH. Registrant agrees that failure to abide by any provision of this Agreement, any ICANN, Registry, URDP or Dispute operating rule or policy, may be considered by Tucows to be a material breach, and that Tucows may provide written notice, describing the breach, to Registrant. If within fifteen (15) calendar days of the date of such notice, Registrant fails to provide evidence, which is reasonably satisfactory to Tucows, that Registrant has not breached its obligations under the Agreement, then Tucows may delete the registration the domain name. Any such breach by Registrant shall not be deemed to be excused simply because Tucows did not act earlier in response to that, or any other, breach by Registrant.

DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES. Except for the express warranties in this Agreement, Tucows does not make any other warranty of any kind, whether express, implied, statutory or otherwise, including warranties or merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, and non-infringement. Tucows is not responsible or liable for the deletion or of failure to store any content and other communications maintained or transmitted through the use of the domain name registration service. Tucows does not warrant that the domain name registrations service will be error free or uninterrupted. The domain name registration service is not intended for high risk activities.

INCONSISTENCIES WITH REGISTRY POLICIES. In the event that this Agreement may be inconsistent with any term, condition, policy or procedure of an applicable Registry, the term, condition, policy or procedure of the applicable Registry shall prevail.

OpenSRS Master Services Agreement Appendix B: Master Domain Registration Agreement


NON-WAIVER. Tucows failure to require performance by Registrant of any provision hereof shall not affect the full right to require such performance at any time thereafter; nor shall the waiver by Tucows of a breach of any provision hereof be taken or held to be a waiver of the provision itself.

NOTICES. Any notice, direction or other communication given under this Agreement shall be in writing and given by sending it via e-mail or via regular mail. In the case of e-mail, valid notice shall only have been deemed to be given when an electronic confirmation of delivery has been obtained by the sender. E-mail notification to Tucows must be sent to domains@tucows.com. Any notice to Registrant will be sent to the e-mail address provided by Registrant in the Whois record. Any e-mail communication shall be deemed to have been validly and effectively given on the date of such communication, if such date is a business day and such delivery was made prior to 4:00 p.m. EST, otherwise it will be deemed to have been delivered on the next business day. In the case of regular mail notice, valid notice shall be deemed to have been validly and effectively given five (5) business days after the date of mailing Postal notices to Tucows shall be sent to:

Tucows Domains Inc.

96 Mowat Avenue Toronto, Ontario M6K 3M1


Attention: Compliance

and, in the case of notification to you, shall be sent to the address specified by you in your registration of your domain name with Tucows.

ENTIRETY. Registrant agrees that this Agreement, the applicable dispute policy and the rules and policies published by Tucows and any applicable Registry or other governing authority, are the complete and exclusive Agreement between Tucows and Registrant regarding the domain registration service.

NO THIRD-PARTY BENEFICIARIES. This Agreement shall not be construed to create any obligation by either Tucows or Registrant to any non-party to this Agreement. Enforcement of this Agreement, including any provisions incorporated by reference, is a matter solely for the parties to this Agreement.


INFANCY. You attest that you are of legal age to enter into this Agreement.

FORCE MAJEURE. Registrant acknowledges and agrees that neither Tucows nor the applicable Registry shall be responsible for any failures or delays in performing the respective obligations hereunder arising from any cause beyond its reasonable control, including but not limited to, acts of God, acts of civil or military authority, fires, wars, riots, earthquakes, storms, typhoons and floods.

PRIVACY. Information collected about Registrant is subject to the terms of Tucows' privacy policy, the terms of which are hereby incorporated by reference. Tucows' privacy policy can be found at: https://opensrs.com/privacy-policy/

CONTROLLING LANGUAGE. In the event that Registrant is reading this Agreement in a language other than the English language, Registrant acknowledges and agrees that the English language version hereof shall prevail in case of inconsistency or contradiction in interpretation or translation.

OpenSRS Master Services Agreement Appendix B: Master Domain Registration Agreement


TLDs. The following additional provisions apply to any domain names that you register through Tucows with the various registries:

a. .com and .net Domains: In the case of a ".com" or ".net" registration, the following terms and conditions will apply:

i.Submission to UDRP. Registrant agrees to submit to proceedings under ICANN's

Uniform Domain Dispute Policy ("UDRP") (http://www.icann.org/dndr/udrp/policy.htm) and comply with the requirements set forth by the Registry; these policies are subject to modification;

ii.For the adjudication of disputes concerning or arising from use of the domain name, the Registrant shall submit, without prejudice to other potentially applicable jurisdictions, to the jurisdiction of the courts (1) of the Registrant's domicile, and (2) where Tucows is located, presently Toronto, Ontario.

b. .org Domains: In the case of a ".org" registration, the following terms and conditions will apply:

i.Submission to UDRP. Registrant agrees to submit to proceedings under ICANN's

Uniform Domain Dispute Policy ("UDRP") (http://www.icann.org/dndr/udrp/policy.htm) and comply with the requirements set forth by the Registry. These policies are subject to modification;

ii.For the adjudication of disputes concerning or arising from use of the domain name, the Registrant shall submit, without prejudice to other potentially applicable jurisdictions, to the jurisdiction of the courts (1) of the Registrant's domicile, and (2)

where Tucows is located, presently Toronto, Ontario.

c. .info Domains: In the case of a ".info" registration, the following terms and conditions will apply:

i.Registrant's Personal Data. You consent to the use, copying, distribution, publication, modification, and other processing of Registrant's personal data by Afilias, the .INFO registry, and its designees and agents, in a manner consistent with the purposes specified pursuant to its contract;

ii.You agree to the Afilias Inc. Acceptable Use and Anti-Abuse Policy, located at https://www.afilias.info/policies

iii.Submission to UDRP. Registrant agrees to submit to proceedings under ICANN's

Uniform Domain Dispute Policy ("UDRP") (http://www.icann.org/dndr/udrp/policy.htm) and comply with the requirements set forth by the Registry. These policies are subject to modification;

iv.For the adjudication of disputes concerning or arising from use of the domain name, the Registrant shall submit, without prejudice to other potentially applicable jurisdictions, to the jurisdiction of the courts (1) of the Registrant's domicile, and (2) where Tucows is located, presently Toronto, Ontario;

v.Reservation of Rights. Tucows and Afilias expressly reserve the right to deny, cancel, transfer, or modify any registration that either registrar or Afilias deems necessary, at its discretion, to protect the integrity and stability of the registry, to comply with any applicable law, any government rule or requirement, any request of law enforcement, any dispute resolution process, or to avoid any liability, civil or criminal, on the part of the registrar and/or Afilias, as well as their affiliates, subsidiaries, executives, directors, officers, managers, employees, consultants, and agents. The registrar and Afilias also reserve the right to suspend a domain name or its registration data during resolution of a dispute.

d. .biz Domains: In the case of a ".biz" registration, the following terms and conditions will apply: i. .biz Restrictions. Registrations in the .biz top-level domain must be used or intended

to be used primarily for bona fide business or commercial purposes. For the purposes

OpenSRS Master Services Agreement Appendix B: Master Domain Registration Agreement


of the .biz registration restrictions, "bona fide business or commercial use" shall mean the bona fide use or bona fide intent to use the domain name or any content, software, materials, graphics or other information thereon, to permit Internet users to access one or more host computers through the DNS: (A) to exchange goods, services, or property of any kind; (B) in the ordinary course of business; or (C) to facilitate (i) the exchange of goods, services, information or property of any kind; or (ii) the ordinary course of trade or business. For more information on the .biz restrictions, which are incorporated herein by reference, please see: http://www.icann.org/tlds/agreements/biz/registry- agmt-appl-18apr01.htm.

ii.Selection of a Domain Name. You represent that: (A) the data provided in the domain name registration application is true, correct, up to date and complete, and that you will continue to keep all of the information provided correct, up-to-date and complete;

(B) to the best of the your knowledge and belief, neither this registration of a domain name nor the manner in which it is directly or indirectly to be used infringes upon the legal rights of a third party; (C) that the domain name is not being registered for nor shall it at any time whatsoever be used for any unlawful purpose whatsoever; (D) the registered domain name will be used primarily for bona fide business or commercial purposes and not (a) exclusively for personal use, or (b) solely for the purposes of (1) selling, trading or leasing the domain name for compensation, or (2) the unsolicited offering to sell, trade or lease the domain name for compensation; (E) you have the authority to enter into this Registration Agreement; and (F) the registered domain name is reasonably related to your business or intended commercial purpose at the time of registration.

iii.Provision of Registration Data. As part of the registration process, you are required to provide us with certain information and to keep the information true, current, complete, and accurate at all times. The information includes the following: (A) your full name; (B) your postal address; (C) your e-mail address; (D) your voice telephone number; (E) your fax number (if applicable); (F) the name of an authorized person for contact purposes in the case of a registrant that is an organization, association, or corporation; (G) the IP addresses of the primary nameserver and any secondary nameserver for the domain name; (H) the corresponding names of the primary and secondary nameservers; (I) the full name, postal address, e-mail address, voice telephone number, and, when available, fax number of the administrative, technical, and billing contacts, and the name holder for the domain name; and (J) any remark concerning the domain name that should appear in the Whois directory. (K) You agree and understand that the foregoing registration data will be publicly available and accessible on the Whois directory as required by ICANN and/or registry policies, and may be sold in bulk in accordance with the ICANN agreement.

iv.Domain Name Disputes. You acknowledge having read and understood and agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of the following documents, as they may be amended from time to time, which are hereby incorporated and made an integral part of this Agreement: (A) The Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy ("Dispute Policy), available at: http://www.icann.org/dndr/udrp/policy.htm; (B) The Restrictions Dispute Resolution Criteria and Rules ("RDRP"), available at:

http://www.icann.org/tlds /agreements/biz/registry-agmt-appm-27apr01.htm; (collectively, the "Dispute Policies").

v.The Dispute Policy sets forth the terms and conditions in connection with a dispute between a Registrant and any party other than the Registry or Registrar over the registration and use of an Internet domain name registered by Registrant.

OpenSRS Master Services Agreement Appendix B: Master Domain Registration Agreement


vi.The RDRP sets forth the terms under which any allegation that a domain name is not used primarily for business or commercial purposes shall be endorsed on a case-by-case, fact specific basis by an independent ICANN-accredited dispute provider.

vii.For the adjudication of disputes concerning or arising from use of the domain name, the Registrant shall submit, without prejudice to other potentially applicable jurisdictions, to the jurisdiction of the courts (1) of the Registrant's domicile, and (2) where Tucows is located, presently Toronto, Ontario.

e. .name Domains: In the case of a ".name" registration, the following terms and conditions will apply: i. .name Restrictions. Registrations in the .name top-level domain must constitute an

individual's "Personal Name". For purposes of the .name restrictions (the "Restrictions"), a "Personal Name" is a person's legal name, or a name by which the person is commonly known. A "name by which a person is commonly known" includes, without limitation, a pseudonym used by an author or painter, or a stage name used by a singer or actor.

ii. .name Representations. As a .name domain name registrant, you hereby represent that:

(A)the registered domain name or second level domain ("SLD") e-mail address is your Personal Name. (B) the data provided in the domain name registration application is true, correct, up to date and complete and that you will continue to keep all of the information provided correct, current and complete, (C) to the best of the your knowledge and belief, neither this registration of a domain name nor the manner in which it is directly or indirectly to be used infringes upon the legal rights of a third party; (D) that the domain name is not being registered for nor shall it at any time whatsoever be used for any unlawful purpose whatsoever; (E) the registration satisfies

theEligibilityRequirementsfoundat: http://www.icann.org/en/about/agreements/registries/name/appendix-11-25mar11- en.htm; and (F) you have the authority to enter into this Registration Agreement.

iii.E-mail Forwarding Services. The Services for which you have registered may, at your option, include e-mail forwarding. To the extent you opt to use e-mail forwarding, you are obliged to do so in accordance with all applicable legislation and are responsible for all use of e-mail forwarding, including the content of messages sent through email forwarding.

iv.You undertake to familiarize yourself with the content of and to comply with the generally accepted rules for Internet and e-mail usage. Without prejudice to the foregoing, you undertake not to use e-mail forwarding: (A) to encourage, allow or participate in any form of illegal or unsuitable activity, including but not restricted to the exchange of threatening, obscene or offensive messages, spreading computer viruses, breach of copyright and/or proprietary rights or publishing defamatory material; (B) to gain illegal access to systems or networks by unauthorized access to or use of the data in systems or networks, including all attempts at guessing passwords, checking or testing the vulnerability of a system or network or breaching the security or access control without the sufficient approval of the owner of the system or network;

(C)to interrupt data traffic to other users, servers or networks, including, but not restricted to, mail bombing, flooding, Denial of Service (DoS) attacks, wilful attempts to overload another system or other forms of harassment; or (D) for spamming, which includes, but is not restricted to, the mass mailing of unsolicited e-mail, junk mail, the use of distribution lists (mailing lists) which include persons who have not specifically given their consent to be placed on such distribution list. Users are not permitted to provide false names or in any other way to pose as somebody else when using e-mail forwarding.

OpenSRS Master Services Agreement Appendix B: Master Domain Registration Agreement


v.Registry reserves the right to implement additional anti-spam measures, to block spam or mail from systems with a history of abuse from entering Registry's e-mail forwarding. However, due to the nature of such systems, which actively block messages, Registry shall make public any decision to implement such systems a reasonable time in advance, so as to allow you or us to give feedback on the decision.

vi.You understand and agree that Registry may delete material that does not conform to clause (c) above or that in some other way constitutes a misuse of e-mail forwarding. You further understand and agree that Registry is at liberty to block your access to e- mail forwarding if you use e-mail forwarding in a way that contravenes this Agreement. You will be given prior warning of discontinuation of the e-mail forwarding unless it would damage the reputation of Registry or jeopardize the security of Registry or others to do so. Registry reserves the right to immediately discontinue e-mail forwarding without notice if the technical stability of e-mail forwarding is threatened in any way, or if you are in breach of this Agreement. On discontinuing e-mail forwarding, Registry is not obliged to store any contents or to forward unsent e-mail to you or a third party.

vii.You understand and agree that to the extent either we and/or Registry is required by law to disclose certain information or material in connection with your e-mail forwarding, either we and/or Registry will do so in accordance with such requirement and without notice to you.

viii.Domain Name Dispute Policy. If you reserved or registered a domain name through us, or transferred a domain name to us from another registrar, you agree to be bound by the dispute policy that is incorporated herein and made a part of this Agreement by reference. You hereby acknowledge that you have read and understood and agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of the following documents, as they may be amended from time to time, which are hereby incorporated and made an integral part of this Agreement. (A) the Eligibility Requirements (the "Eligibility Requirements"),

available at: http://www.icann.org/tlds/agreements/name/registry-agmt-appl- 8aug03.htm; (B) the Eligibility Requirements Dispute Resolution Policy (the "ERDRP"), available at: http://www.icann.org/tlds/agreements/name/registry-agmt-appm- 8aug03.htm; and (C) the Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy (the "UDRP"), available at: http://www.icann.org/dndr/udrp/policy.htm

ix.The Eligibility Requirements dictate that Personal Name domain names and Personal Name SLD e-mail addresses will be granted on a first-come, first-served basis. The following categories of Personal Name Registrations may be registered: (i) the Personal Name of an individual; (ii) the Personal Name of a fictional character, if you have trademark or service make rights in that character's Personal Name; (iii) in addition to a Personal Name registration, you may add numeric characters to the beginning or the end of the Personal Name so as to differentiate it from other Personal Names.

x.The ERDRP applies to challenges to (i) registered domain names and SLD e-mail address registrations within .name on the grounds that a Registrant does not meet the Eligibility Requirements, and (ii) to Defensive Registrations (as defined by the Registry) within .name.

xi.The UDRP sets forth the terms and conditions in connection with a dispute between a Registrant and party other than the Registry or Tucows over the registration and use of an Internet domain name registered by a Registrant.

xii.For the adjudication of disputes concerning or arising from use of the domain name, the Registrant shall submit, without prejudice to other potentially applicable jurisdictions, to the jurisdiction of the courts (1) of the Registrant's domicile, and (2) where Tucows is located, presently Toronto, Ontario.

OpenSRS Master Services Agreement Appendix B: Master Domain Registration Agreement


f. .at Domains: In the case of a ".at" registration, the following terms and conditions will apply:

i.Registry Policy. You acknowledge and understand that by accepting the terms and conditions of this agreement you shall be bound by Registry policies and any pertinent rules or policies that exist now or in the future and which are posted on the Registry website at https://www.nic.at/en/service/legal-information/terms-conditions/.

You are responsible for monitoring the Registry's site on a regular basis. In the event that you do not wish to be bound by a revision or modification to any Registry policy, your sole remedy is to cancel your domain name registration by following the

appropriate Registry policy regarding such cancellation.

g. .be Domains: In the case of a ".be" registration, the following terms and conditions will apply:

i.Registry Policy. You acknowledge and understand that by accepting the terms and conditions of this agreement you shall be bound by Registry policies and any pertinent rules or policies that exist now or in the future and which are posted on the Registry website at http://www.dns.be/en/legal/domain_name_disputes/general_principle.

ii.You are responsible for monitoring the Registry's site on a regular basis. In the event that you do not wish to be bound by a revision or modification to any Registry policy, your sole remedy is to cancel your domain name registration by following the appropriate Registry policy regarding such cancellation.

iii.Domain Name Dispute Policy. If you reserved or registered a domain name through us, or transferred a domain name to us from another registrar, you agree to be bound by the .be Dispute Policy that is incorporated herein and made a part of this Agreement

by reference. The current version of the Dispute Policy may be found at http://www.dns.be/en/legal/domain_name_disputes/general_principle.

h. .ca Domains: In the case of a ".ca" registration, the following terms and conditions will apply:

i.Domain Name Dispute Policy. If you reserved or registered a domain name through us, or transferred a domain name to us from another registrar, you agree to be bound by the Dispute Policy, which is incorporated herein and made a part of this Agreement by reference. The current version of the Dispute Policy may be found at https://cira.ca/sites/default/files/attachment/policies/cdrppolicy_-_en.pdf Please take the time to familiarize yourself with this policy.

ii.Registry Policy. You agree that your registration of the domain name shall be subject to suspension, cancellation, or transfer pursuant to any Registry-adopted policy, or pursuant to any registrar or registry procedure not inconsistent with a Registry adopted policy, (1) to correct mistakes by Tucows or the Registry in registering the name or (2) for the resolution of disputes concerning the domain name.

iii.Transfer of Ownership. Any transfer of ownership in and to a domain name registration shall be affected in accordance with registry policies and procedures.

iv.Registry Agreement and Policy. You acknowledge and understand that by accepting the terms and conditions of this agreement you shall be bound by the Registry's Registrant Agreement, the Registry's policies and any pertinent rules or policies that exist now or in the future and which are posted on the Registry website at http://www.cira.ca/assets/Documents/Legal/Registrants/registrantagreement.pdf You are responsible for monitoring the Registry's site on a regular basis. In the event that you do not wish to be bound by a revision or modification to any Registry agreement or policy, your sole remedy is to cancel your domain name registration by following the appropriate Registry policy regarding such cancellation.

v.You acknowledge and agree that the Registry shall not be liable to you for any loss, damage, or expense arising out of the Registry's failure or refusal to register a domain name, it's failure or refusal to renew a domain name registration, it's registration of a

OpenSRS Master Services Agreement Appendix B: Master Domain Registration Agreement


domain name, it's failure or refusal to renew a domain name registration, it's renewal of a domain name registration, it's failure or refusal to transfer a domain name registration, it's transfer of a domain name registration, it's failure or refusal to maintain or modify a domain name registration, it's maintenance of a domain name registration, it's modification of a domain name registration, it's failure to cancel a domain name registration or it's cancellation of a domain name registration from the Registry;

i. .cc Domains: In the case of a ".cc" registration, the following terms and conditions will apply:

i.Domain Name Dispute Policy. If you reserved or registered a domain name through us, or transferred a domain name to us from another registrar, you agree to be bound by the Dispute Policy that is incorporated herein and made a part of this Agreement by reference. The current version of the Dispute Policy may be found at https://www.verisign.com/en_US/channel-resources/become-a-registrar/verisign- domain-registrar/domain-registration/index.xhtml Please take the time to familiarize yourself with this policy.

ii.Registry Policy. You acknowledge and understand that by accepting the terms and conditions of this agreement you shall be bound by Registry policies and any pertinent rules or policies that exist now or in the future and which are posted on the Registry








You are responsible for monitoring the Registry's site on a regular basis. In the event


that you do not wish to be bound by a revision or modification to any Registry policy,


your sole remedy is to cancel your domain name registration by following the


appropriate Registry policy regarding such cancellation.


.ch Domains: In the case of a ".ch" registration, the following terms and conditions shall apply:

i.Registry Policy. You acknowledge and understand that by accepting the terms and conditions of this agreement you shall be bound by Registry policies and any pertinent rules or policies that exist now or in the future and which are posted on the Registry website at http://www.switch.ch/id/terms. You are responsible for monitoring the Registry's site on a regular basis. In the event that you do not wish to be bound by a revision or modification to any Registry policy, your sole remedy is to cancel your domain name registration by following the appropriate Registry policy regarding such cancellation.

ii.Domain Name Dispute Policy. If you reserved or registered a domain name through us, or transferred a domain name to us from another registrar, you agree to be bound by the .ch Dispute Policy that is incorporated herein and made a part of this Agreement by reference. The current version of the Dispute Policy may be found at http://www.switch.ch/id/disputes/rules. Please take the time to familiarize yourself with this policy.

k. .cn Domains: In the case of a ".cn" registration, the following terms and conditions shall apply:

i."Registry" means the China Internet Network Information Center, which is the authority responsible for the administration of the national top-level domain of the People's Republic of China and the Chinese domain name system;

ii."Registry Gateway" means the service provided by the Registry Operator that facilitates the registration of .cn domain names by registrars operating outside of the People's Republic of China;

iii."Registry Operator" means Neustar, Inc., the company authorized to facilitate the registration of .cn domain names by registrars operating outside of the People's Republic of China.

OpenSRS Master Services Agreement Appendix B: Master Domain Registration Agreement


iv.Restrictions. You agree that you shall not register or use a domain name that is deemed by CNNIC to: (A) be against the basic principles prescribed in the Constitution of the Peoples Republic of China ("PRC"); (B) jeopardize national security, leak state secrets, intend to overturn the government or disrupt the integrity of the PRC; (C) harm national honour and national interests of the PRC; (D) instigate hostility or discrimination between different nationalities or disrupt the national solidarity of the PRC; (E) spread rumours, disturb public order or disrupt social stability of the PRC; (F) spread pornography, obscenity, gambling, violence, homicide, terror or instigate crimes in the PRC; (G) insult, libel against others and infringe other people's legal rights and interests in the PRC; or (H) take any other action prohibited in laws, rules and administrative regulations of the PRC.

v.Business or Organization Representation. .cn domain name registrations are intended for businesses and organizations and not for individual use. By registering a .cn name, you accordingly represent that you have registered the domain name on behalf or a business or organization. It should be noted that, although .cn policy is permissive in terms of registration, and enforcement is generally in reaction to a complaint (as opposed to proactive review), registrations that are not associated with an organization or business may be subject to deletion. The foregoing prevents an individual from registering a .cn domain name for a business operating as a sole proprietorship.

vi.Domain Name Disputes. You acknowledge having read and understood and agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of the CNNIC Domain Name Dispute Policy & Rules for CNNIC Dispute Resolution Policy ("Dispute Policy"), as they may be amended from time to time, which are hereby incorporated and made an integral part of this

Agreement. The Dispute Policy is currently found at: http://cnnic.com.cn/IS/CNym/cnzcfg/201411/t20141117_50211.htm.

vii.You acknowledge that, pursuant to the Dispute Policy, Registrars must comply with all reasonable requests from the applicable domain name dispute resolution institutions including the provision of all relevant evidence in any domain name disputes in the specified time frames.

viii.If we are notified that a complaint has been filed with a judicial or administrative body regarding your use of our domain name registration services, you agree not to make any changes to your domain name record without our prior approval. We may not allow you to make changes to such domain name record until (i) we are directed to do so by the judicial or administrative body, or (ii) we receive notification by you and the other party contesting your registration and use of our domain name registration services that the dispute has been settled. Furthermore, you agree that if you are subject to litigation regarding your registration and use of our domain name registration services, we may deposit control of your domain name record into the registry of the judicial body by supplying a party with a registrar certificate from us.

ix.Adherence to Policies. You agree to comply with all applicable laws, regulations and policies of the Peoples Republic of China's governmental agencies and the China Internet Network Information Centre ("CNNIC"), including but not limited to the following rules and regulations: (A) China Internet Domain Name Regulations (currently at http://cnnic.com.cn/PublicS/fwzxxgzcfg/201208/t20120830_35734.htm);

(B)CCNIC ccTLD Dispute Resolution Policy Rules (currently at http://cnnic.com.cn/PublicS/fwzxxgzcfg/201208/t20120830_35740.htm); (C) Chinese

Domain Names Dispute Resolution Policy (currently at

http://cnnic.com.cn/IS/CNym/cnzcfg/201411/t20141117_50212.htm); and (D) CNNIC Implementing Rules of Domain Name Registration (currently at

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http://cnnic.com.cn/PublicS/fwzxxgzcfg/201208/t20120830_35735.htm and (E) .CN Regulations on the Protection of Olympic Logo (currently at http://cnnic.com.cn/PublicS/fwzxxgzcfg/201208/t20120830_35752.htm).

You acknowledge that you have read and understood and agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of the policies of the CNNIC, as they may be amended from time to time.

x.Suspension and Cancellation. You agree that your registration of the domain name shall be subject to suspension, cancellation, or transfer pursuant to any Tucows, Registry Operator, CNNIC or government-adopted policy, or pursuant to any registrar or registry procedure not inconsistent with a CNNIC or government-adopted policy, (1) to correct mistakes by a party in registering the name, (2) for the resolution of disputes concerning the domain name, (3) to protect the integrity and stability of the registry,

(4)to comply with any applicable laws, government rules or requirements, requests of law enforcement, (5) to avoid any liability, civil or criminal, on the part of Tucows, Registry Operator or CNNIC, as well as their affiliates, subsidiaries, directors, representatives, employees and stockholders or (6) for violations of this Agreement. Tucows, Registry Operator and CNNIC also reserve the right to "freeze" a domain name during the resolution of a dispute.

xi.Jurisdiction. For the adjudication of disputes concerning or arising from use of the domain name, the Registrant shall submit, without prejudice to other potentially applicable jurisdictions, to the jurisdiction of the courts (1) of the Registrant's domicile,

(2)where Tucows is located, and (3) the People's Republic of China.

xii.Governing Law. For the adjudication of a dispute concerning or arising from use of a

.cn domain, such dispute will be governed under the Laws of the Peoples Republic of China.

l. .de Domains: In the case of a ".de" registration, the following terms and conditions will apply:

i.Selection of a Domain Name. You represent that: (A) you have reviewed and have accepted the Registry's Terms and Conditions and the Registry's Guidelines and have provided your Reseller with written confirmation of same;you have reviewed and have accepted the Registry's Terms and Conditions and the Registry's Guidelines and have provided your Reseller with written confirmation of same; (B) either you, or the person designated as the administrative contact for the domain name, shall be resident or shall have a branch in Germany; (C) to the best of the your knowledge and belief, neither this registration of a domain name nor the manner in which it is directly or indirectly to be used infringes upon the legal rights of a third party and, further, that the domain name is not being registered for nor shall it at any time whatsoever be used for any unlawful purpose whatsoever.

ii.Domain Name Disputes. You agree that, if the registration or reservation of your domain name is challenged by a third party, you will be subject to the provisions specified by the Registry or any court of law. You agree that in the event a domain name dispute arises with any third party, you will indemnify and hold us harmless pursuant to the terms and conditions specified by the Registry or any court of law.

iii.Registry Policies. You agree to be bound by the Registry's Registration Terms and Conditions and the Registration Guidelines. English language translations of the Registry's documents are provided for convenience; in the event of a discrepancy between the English and the German language agreements, the terms of the German agreement will prevail. The Registry documents may be found at: English: (A) Registration Terms and Conditions http://www.denic.de/en/bedingungen.html; (B) Registration Guidelines http://www.denic.de/en/denic-domain-guidelines.html;

OpenSRS Master Services Agreement Appendix B: Master Domain Registration Agreement







http://www.denic.de/de/bedingungen.html (D) DENIC-Registrierungsrichtlinien





.eu Domains: In the case of a ".eu" registration, the following terms and conditions will apply:

i.Eligibility Criteria. .eu domain names are available for registration to companies and persons who fulfill the following criteria. As a condition of registration, you accordingly represent that you are: (A) an undertaking having its registered office, central administration or principal place of business within the European Community;

(B)an organization established within the European Community without prejudice to the application of national law, or (C) a natural person resident within the European Community.

ii.Registry Policy. You acknowledge and understand that by accepting the terms and conditions of this agreement you shall be bound by any pertinent rules or policies that exist now or in the future and which are posted on the Registry website. This includes:

(A)The Registry Terms and Conditions (currently found at: https://eurid.eu/media/filer_public/f4/36/f4366fa9-186a-4674-9887- e525983c1c0b/terms_and_conditions_en.pdf ) and (B) Registry Policy (currently found at: https://eurid.eu/en/about-us/document-repository/). You are responsible for monitoring the Registry's site on a regular basis. In the event that you do not wish to be bound by a revision or modification to any Registry policy, your sole remedy is to cancel your domain name registration by following the appropriate Registry policy regarding such cancellation.

iii.Domain Name Disputes. You agree that, if the registration or reservation of your domain name is challenged by a third party, you will be subject to the provisions specified by the Registry or any court of law.

n. .fr Domains: In the case of a ".fr" registration, the following terms and conditions will apply:

i.Representation of Registrant. .fr domain names are available for registration to companies and persons who fulfill the following criteria. As a condition of registration, you accordingly represent that you are: (A) A legal entity: (I) whose head office is in France; (or), (II) which possess an address in France which is expressly listed in the public electronic databases of the registrars of the commercial courts or the National Statistical and Economic Studies Institute (INSEE), (or), (III) State institutions or departments, local authorities or associated establishments, (or), (IV) which own a trademark registered with the National Intellectual Property Institute or own a registered EU or international trademark which expressly includes French territory.

ii.Administrative Contact. Each registrant must designate an administrative contact to act as a coordinator between the registrant and the Registry. In the case of .fr registrations, the administrative contact must be based in France where it can receive legal and other documents.

iii.Registry Policies. You agree to be bound by the Registry's Naming Charter, its registration rules for .fr. English language translations of the Registry's documents are provided for convenience. The Registry documents may be found at: http://www.afnic.fr/en/resources/reference/registry-policies/. This includes the .fr disuppte policy, located at http://www.afnic.fr/en/resources/reference/registry- policies/dispute-resolution-policy-5.html. You agree that in the event a domain name dispute arises with any third party, you will indemnify and hold us harmless pursuant

to the terms and conditions specified by the Registry or any court of law.

o. .corsica: In the case of a ".corsica" registration, the following terms and conditions will apply:

OpenSRS Master Services Agreement Appendix B: Master Domain Registration Agreement


.corsica domain names are available for registration to companies and persons who fulfill the following criteria. As a condition of registration, you accordingly meet at least one of the requirements:

i.Legal entity in Corsica - A company headquartered in Corsica or company having its head office outside Corsica but a secondary establishment registered in Corsica.

ii.Individuals living in Corsica - The applicant may be a French or foreign citizen with a physical address valid on the territory of Corsica.

iii.Nexus to the .Corsican community Diaspora and link to the Corsican community - Any individual who has and will prove a direct or indirect link attachment (economic, social, cultural, familial, historical or otherwise) with Corsica.

iv.In addition to the criteria stated above, the Registrant of a domain name in .Corsica is obliged, if he creates a website, to create and maintain in Corsican language at least one page of its website in.corsica. This Corsican language page will be registered on its home page and be published at the latest, three months after the publication of the website.

v.Domain Name Disputes. You agree that, if the registration or reservation of your domain name is challenged by a third party, you will be subject to the provisions specified by the Registry or any court of law. The current .fr dispute resolution policy and procedures can be found at http://www.afnic.fr/doc/ref/juridique/parl. You agree that in the event a domain name dispute arises with any third party, you will indemnify

and hold us harmless pursuant to the terms and conditions.

p. .it Domains: In the case of a ".it" registration, the following terms and conditions will apply:

i.Registration Criteria. Registration of an .it name is restricted to subjects belonging to a member state of the European Union. Individuals and associations operating without a VAT number or a fiscal code are limited to a single domain name registration.

ii.Registry Policy. You acknowledge and understand that by accepting the terms and conditions of this agreement you shall be bound by Registry policies and any pertinent rules or policies that exist now or in the future and which are posted on the Registry website.This includes the Assignment and management of domain names in the ccTLD

.itregulation(currentlylocatedat: http://www.nic.it/sites/default/files/docs/Regulation_assignation_v7.1.pdf ).You are responsible for monitoring the Registry's site on a regular basis. In the event that you do not wish to be bound by a revision or modification to any Registry policy, your sole remedy is to cancel your domain name registration by following the appropriate Registry policy regarding such cancellation. Additional policies, including transfer

procedures and "netiquette" rules may be found at http://www.nic.it/en/views/docs.

q. .rio Domains: In the case of a ".rio" registration, the following terms and conditions will apply:

i.A domain owner that loses eligibility to a .RIO domain is subject to termination of DNS publication for the domain, and to domain removal, no matter domain expiration date

ii.Two pre-configured nameservers are required

iii.No trustee service allowed; abuse can lead to the deletion of the domain name by the registry

iv.Additional policies may be found at http://http://nic.rio/.

v.Names under this TLD are only for usage by the city council of Rio. The .RIO domain owner needs to be either:

1.Legal entity incorporated in Brazil, with headquarters, branch, franchisee or licensee located in the city of Rio de Janeiro, with active record in "Cadastro Nacional das Pessoas Jurídicas – CNPJ/MF" of the FinanceMinistry.

2.Individual with fixed address in the city of Rio de Janeiro, with active record in "Cadastro das Pessoas Físicas– CPF/MF" of the Finance Ministry.

OpenSRS Master Services Agreement Appendix B: Master Domain Registration Agreement


r. .nl Domains: In the case of a ".nl" registration, the following terms and conditions shall apply:

i.Registration Criteria. Registration of a .nl domain name is unrestricted save and except that applicants who are not based in the Netherlands or who do not have a registered address in the Netherlands must provide an address in the Netherlands where written documents can be sent to the applicant and where legal summonses can be served.

ii.Registry Policies. You agree to be bound by the policies of the Registry including but not limited to the Registry's Registration Regulations. English language translations of the Registry's documents are provided for convenience and may be found at: https://www.sidn.nl/a/about-sidn/general-terms-and-conditions.

You agree that, if the registration or reservation of your domain name is challenged by a third party, you will be subject to the provisions specified by the Registry or any court of law. The current .nl dispute resolution policy and procedures can be found at https://www.sidn.nl/downloads/procedures/Dispute%20Resolution%20Regulations% 20for%20nl%20Domain%20Names.pdf.

You agree that in the event a domain name dispute arises with any third party, you will indemnify and hold us harmless pursuant to the terms and conditions specified by the Registry or any court of law.

s. .tv Domains: In the case of a ".tv" registration, the following terms and conditions will apply:

i.Domain Name Dispute Policy. If you reserved or registered a domain name through us, or transferred a domain name to us from another Registrar, you agree to be bound by the Dispute Policy that is incorporated herein and made a part of this Agreement by reference. The current version of the Dispute Policy may be found at http://www.icann.org/dndr/udrp/policy.htm. Please take the time to familiarize yourself with this policy.

ii.Policy. You agree that your registration of the .tv domain name shall be subject to suspension, cancellation, or transfer pursuant to any ICANN or government adopted policy, or pursuant to any Registrar or registry procedure not inconsistent with an ICANN or government-adopted policy, (1) to correct mistakes by us or the applicable Registry in registering the name or (2) for the resolution of disputes concerning the domain name. You acknowledge that you have reviewed the .tv General Terms of Service which may be found at https://www.verisign.com/en_US/channel-

resources/become-a-registrar/verisign-domain-registrar/domain- registration/index.xhtml and expressly agree to the terms outlined therein.

t. .uk Domains: In the case of a ".uk" registration, the following terms and conditions will apply:

i."Nominet UK" means the entity granted the exclusive right to administer the registry for .uk domain name registrations.

ii.Domain Name Dispute Policy. If you reserved or registered a domain name through us, or transferred a domain name to us from another registrar, you agree to be bound by the Dispute Policy which is incorporated herein and made a part of this Agreement by reference. The current version of the Dispute Policy may be found at: http://www.nominet.org.uk/disputes/. Please take the time to familiarize yourself with this policy.

Nominet UK Policy. You agree that your registration of the domain name shall be subject to suspension, cancellation, or transfer pursuant to any Nominet UK-adopted policy, term or condition, or pursuant to any registrar or registry procedure not inconsistent with an Nominet UK-adopted policy, (1) to correct mistakes by a registrar or the registry in registering the name, or (2) for the resolution of disputes concerning the domain name. The current Nominet UK terms and conditions can be found at: http://www.nominet.org.uk/disputes/terms/

OpenSRS Master Services Agreement Appendix B: Master Domain Registration Agreement


When you submit a request for a domain name registration with Tucows and/or Reseller, you will be entering into two contracts - one contract with Tucows and/or Reseller and one contract with Nominet UK.

Tucows and your Reseller will act as agents on your behalf by submitting your application to Nominet for you, however, you will still be entering into a direct contract between you and Nominet UK. This is a separate contract from this agreement; may be found at http://www.nominet.org.uk/nominet-terms. Tucows and Reseller must also make you aware that by accepting Nominet's terms and conditions you are consenting to Nominet using your personal data for a variety of reasons. In particular, your name and address may be published as part of Nominet's Whois look-up service.

iii.Transfer of Ownership. Any transfer of ownership in and to a domain name registration shall be affected in accordance with Nominet UK policies and procedures.

u. .us Domains: In the case of a ".us" registration, the following terms and conditions will apply:

i."DOC" means the United States of America Department of Commerce.

ii.".us Nexus Requirement". Only those individuals or organizations that have a substantive lawful connection in the United States are permitted to register for .usTLD domain names. Registrants in the .usTLD must satisfy the nexus requirement ("Nexus" or "Nexus Requirements") set out at: http://www.about.us/policies/ustld-nexus- requirements.

iii.Selection of a Domain Name. You certify and represent that: (A) You have and shall continue to have, a bona fide presence in the United States on the basis of real and substantial lawful contacts with, or lawful activities in, the United States as defined in Section (ii) hereinabove; (B) The listed name servers are located within the United States; (C) The data provided in the domain name registration application is true, correct, up to date and complete, and that you will continue to keep all of the information provided correct, up-to-date and complete; (D) To the best of the your knowledge and belief, neither this registration of a domain name nor the manner in which it is directly or indirectly to be used infringes upon the legal rights of a third party; (E) That the domain name is not being registered for nor shall it at any time whatsoever be used for any unlawful purpose whatsoever; (F) You have the authority to enter into this Registration Agreement.

iv.Domain Name Dispute Policy. If you reserved or registered a domain name through us, or transferred a domain name to us from another registrar, you agree to be bound by the Dispute Policy and the usDRP, as defined below, that is incorporated herein and made a part of this Agreement by reference. Please take the time to familiarize yourself with these policies.

v.Domain Name Disputes. You acknowledge having read and understood and agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of the following documents, as they may be amended from time to time, which are hereby incorporated and made an integral part of this Agreement: (A) The usTLD Rapid Suspension Dispute Policy (currently located at http://www.about.us/policies/ustld-rapid-suspension-dispute-policy The Dispute Policy will provide interested parties with an opportunity to challenge a registration not complying with the Nexus Requirements. (B) The usTLD Dispute Resolution Policy ("usDRP") is available at: http://www.about.us/policies/ustld-dispute-resolution-policy The usDRP is intended to provide interested parties with an opportunity to challenge a registration based on alleged trademark infringement. (C) In addition to the foregoing, you agree that, for the adjudication of disputes concerning or arising from use of the Registered Name, you shall submit, without prejudice to other potentially

OpenSRS Master Services Agreement Appendix B: Master Domain Registration Agreement


applicable jurisdictions, to the jurisdiction of the courts (i) of your domicile, (ii) where Tucows is located, and (iii) the United States.

vi.Policy. You agree that your registration of the domain name shall be subject to suspension, cancellation, or transfer pursuant to any Tucows, Registry Operator, the DOC or government-adopted policy, or pursuant to any registrar or registry procedure not inconsistent with a DOC or government-adopted policy, (1) to correct mistakes by us or the applicable Registry in registering the name or (2) for the resolution of disputes concerning the domain name. The Registry Operator's policies can be found at http://www.about.us/policies.

vii.Indemnity. The DOC shall be added to the parties you have agreed to indemnify in Section 13 hereinabove.

viii.Information. As part of the registration process, you are required to provide us certain information and to update us promptly as such information changes such that our records are current, complete and accurate. You are obliged to provide us the following information: (A) Your full name, postal address, e-mail address and telephone number and fax number (if available) (or, if different, that of the domain name holder); (B) The domain name being registered; (C) The name, postal address, e-mail address, and telephone number and fax number (if available) telephone numbers of the administrative contact, the technical contact and the billing contact for the domain name; (D) The IP addresses and names of the primary nameserver and any secondary nameserver(s) for the domain name;

ix.In addition to the foregoing, you will be required to provide additional Nexus Information. The Nexus Information requirements are set out at http://www.about.us/policies/ustld-nexus-requirements. Any other information, which we request from you at registration, is voluntary. Any voluntary information we request is collected for the purpose of improving the products and services offered to you through your Reseller.

x.Disclosure and Use of the Registration Information. You agree and acknowledge that we will make domain name registration information you provide available to the DOC, to the Registry Operator, and to other third parties as applicable. You further agree and acknowledge that we may make publicly available, or directly available to third party vendors, some, or all, of the domain name registration information you provide, for purposes of inspection (such as through our Whois service) or other purposes as required or permitted by the DOC and applicable laws.

You hereby consent to any and all such disclosures and use of information provided by you in connection with the registration of a domain name (including any updates to such information), whether during or after the term of your registration of the domain name. You hereby irrevocably waive any and all claims and causes of action you may have arising from such disclosure or use of your domain name registration information by us.

You may access your domain name registration information in our possession to review, modify or update such information, by accessing our domain manager service, or similar service, made available by us through your Reseller.

We will not process data about any identified or identifiable natural person that we obtain from you in a way incompatible with the purposes and other limitations which we describe in this Agreement.

We will take reasonable precautions to protect the information we obtain from you from our loss, misuse, unauthorized accessor disclosure, alteration or destruction of that information.

OpenSRS Master Services Agreement Appendix B: Master Domain Registration Agreement


v. .asia Domains: In the case of a ".asia" registration, the following terms and conditions will apply:

i.The Registered Name Holder/Registrant consents to the use, copying, distribution, publication, modification and other processing of its Personal Data by DotAsia Organisation Limited and its designees and agents in a manner consistent with the purposes specified pursuant to the Registry-Registrar Agreement and with relevant mandatory local data protection, laws and privacy.

ii.The Registered Name Holder/Registrant agrees to correct and update the registration information for the Registered Name immediately during the registration term for the Registered Name.

iii.In addition to the complying with the Registrar's policies, the Registered Name Holder/Registrant* agrees to comply with those ICANN requirements, standards, policies, procedures, and practices for which the Registry Operator DotAsia Organisation Limited has monitoring responsibility in accordance with the Registry Agreement or with other arrangements with ICANN.

iv.The Registered Name Holder/Registrant agrees to comply with all the operational standards, policies, procedures, and practices for the .ASIA Registry as established from time to time in a non-arbitrary manner by DotAsia Organisation Limited (".ASIA Registry Policies"). The Registered Name Holder/Registrant acknowledges that .ASIA Registry Policies are applicable to all registrars and/or registered name holders/registrants. Any changes of the .ASIA Registry Policies by the DotAsia Organisation Limited that are consistent with the Registry Agreement shall be effective upon thirty (30) days' notice by DotAsia Organisation Limited to Registrar. The Registered Name Holder/Registrant further agrees to be bound by the terms and conditions as set down by DotAsia Organisation Limited during the initial launch and the general operations of the .ASIA TLD, including without limitation its Start-Up Policies where such terms and conditions include the submission to a binding arbitration for disputes arising from the Start-Up process or any allocation of domain names.

v.The Registered Name Holder/Registrant agrees to submit to proceedings commenced under ICANN's Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy ("UDRP") and to proceedings commenced under ICANN's Charter Eligibility Dispute Resolution Policy ("CEDRP"). The Registered Name Holder/Registrant agrees to submit to proceedings commenced under other dispute resolution policies as set forth by DotAsia Organisation Limited from time to time in the Registry Policies, including but not limited to expedited processes for suspension of a domain name by claims sought by intellectual property right holders, Internet engineering and security experts or other competent claimants in the purpose of upholding the stability, security and integrity of the .ASIA Registry.

vi.The Registered Name Holder/Registrant acknowledges and agrees to comply with the

.ASIA Charter Eligibility Requirement. The Registered Name Holder/Registrant* acting as Registrant Contact represents and warrants that it has made known to the Charter Eligibility Declaration Contact (the "CED Contact"), and the CED Contact has agreed, that the Registrant Contact and the CED Contact will jointly be defined as the Registered Name Holder, and that it shall be jointly responsible for the Registered Name in the event of a dispute or a challenge over the Registered Name Holder/Registrant's* legal entitlement to or the ownership of the Registered Name. The CED Contact shall be bound by the provisions in the DotAsia Organisation Limited's

.ASIA Charter Eligibility Requirement Policy published from time to time. Registered Name Holder/Registrant acting as Registrant Contact agrees that it has obtained an

OpenSRS Master Services Agreement Appendix B: Master Domain Registration Agreement


agreement from the CED Contact that the Registrant Contact shall remain the Operating Contact for all operations of the domain, including but not limited to domain transfer and updates.

vii.The Registered Name Holder/Registrant agrees to indemnify, to the maximum extent permitted by law, defend and hold harmless the Registry Operator DotAsia Organisation Limited and its directors, officers, employees and agents from and against any and all claims, damages, liabilities, costs and expenses, including reasonable legal fees and expenses, arising out of or relating to the Registered Name Holder's domain name registration and or use. Notwithstanding the other provisions in this Agreement, the Registered Name Holder agrees that this indemnification obligation shall survive the termination or expiration of this registration agreement.

viii.The Registered Name Holder/Registrant acknowledges and agrees that DotAsia Organisation Limited and Registry Services Provider, acting in consent with DotAsia Organisation Limited, reserves the right to deny, cancel or transfer any registration that it deems necessary, in its sole discretion (i) to protect the integrity security, and stability of the registry; (ii) to comply with all appropriate laws, government rules or requirements, requests of law enforcement, in compliance with any dispute resolution process; (iii) to avoid any liability, civil or criminal, on the part of DotAsia Organisation Limited as well as its affiliates, subsidiaries, officers, directors, representatives, employees, and stockholders; (iv) for violations of the terms and conditions herein: or

(v)to correct mistakes made by DotAsia Organisation Limited, the Registry Services Provider or any registrar in connection with a domain name registration. DotAsia Organisation Limited also reserves the right to freeze a Registered Name such as placing a domain name on hold, lock, or other status during the resolution of a dispute.

ix.Notwithstanding anything in this Agreement to the contrary, DotAsia Organisation Limited, the Registry Operator of the .ASIA TLD, is and shall be an intended third party beneficiary of this Agreement. As such, the parties to this Agreement acknowledge and agree that the third-party beneficiary rights of DotAsia Organisation Limited have vested and that it has relied on its third party beneficiary rights under this Agreement in agreeing to Tucows being a registrar for the .ASIA TLD. Additionally, the third-party beneficiary rights of DotAsia Organisation Limited shall survive any termination or expiration of this Agreement.

x.The Registered Name Holder/Registrant acknowledges that in the event of conflict between this section of the Agreement and other sections of the same, this section shall prevail.

xi.For the adjudication of disputes concerning or arising from use of the domain name, the Registrant shall submit, without prejudice to other potentially applicable jurisdictions, to the jurisdiction of the courts (1) of the Registrant's domicile, and (2) where Tucows is located, presently Toronto, Ontario.

w. .li Domains: In the case of a ".li" registration, the following terms and conditions will apply:

i.Registry Policy. You acknowledge and understand that by accepting the terms and conditions of this agreement you shall be bound by Registry policies and any pertinent rules or policies that exist now or in the future and which are posted on the Registry website at http://www.switch.ch/id/terms. You are responsible for monitoring the Registry's site on a regular basis. In the event that you do not wish to be bound by a revision or modification to any Registry policy, your sole remedy is to cancel your domain name registration by following the appropriate Registry policy regarding such cancellation.

OpenSRS Master Services Agreement Appendix B: Master Domain Registration Agreement


ii.Domain Name Dispute Policy. If you reserved or registered a domain name through us, or transferred a domain name to us from another registrar, you agree to be bound by

the .ch Dispute Policy that is incorporated herein and made a part of this Agreement by reference. The current version of the Dispute Policy may be found at http://www.switch.ch/id/disputes/rules. Please take the time to familiarize yourself with this policy.

x. .me Domains: In the case of a ".me" registration, the following terms and conditions will apply:

i.Registry Policy. You acknowledge and understand that by accepting the terms and conditions of this agreement you shall be bound by Registry policies and any pertinent rules or policies that exist now or in the future and which are posted on the Registry website at http://www.nic.me/policies. You are responsible for monitoring the Registry's site on a regular basis. In the event that you do not wish to be bound by a revision or modification to any Registry policy, your sole remedy is to cancel your domain name registration by following the appropriate Registry policy regarding such cancellation.

ii.Domain Name Dispute Policy. If you reserved or registered a domain name through us, or transferred a domain name to us from another registrar, you agree to be bound by the .me Dispute Policy that is incorporated herein and made a part of this Agreement by reference. The current version of the Dispute Policy may be found at

http://www.nic.me/policies. Please take the time to familiarize yourself with this policy.

y. .tel Domains: In the case of a ".tel" registration, the following terms and conditions will apply:

i.Registry Policy. You acknowledge and understand that by accepting the terms and conditions of this agreement you shall be bound by Registry policies and any pertinent rules or policies that exist now or in the future and which are posted on the Registry website at http://www.telnic.org/policies. You are responsible for monitoring the Registry's site on a regular basis. In the event that you do not wish to be bound by a revision or modification to any Registry policy, your sole remedy is to cancel your domain name registration by following the appropriate Registry policy regarding such cancellation.

ii.Submission to UDRP. Registrant agrees to submit to proceedings under ICANN's

Uniform Domain Dispute Policy ("UDRP") (http://www.icann.org/dndr/udrp/policy.htm) and comply with the requirements set forth by the Registry. These policies are subject to modification;

iii.For the adjudication of disputes concerning or arising from use of the domain name, the Registrant shall submit, without prejudice to other potentially applicable jurisdictions, to the jurisdiction of the courts (1) of the Registrant's domicile, and (2) where Tucows is located, presently Toronto, Ontario.

z. .mobi Domains: In the case of a ".mobi" registration, the following terms and conditions will apply:

i.Registry Policy. You acknowledge and understand that by accepting the terms and conditions of this agreement you shall be bound by Registry policies and any pertinent rules or policies that exist now or in the future and which are posted on the Registry website at http://dotmobi.mobi/. You are responsible for monitoring the Registry's site on a regular basis. In the event that you do not wish to be bound by a revision or modification to any Registry policy, your sole remedy is to cancel your domain name registration by following the appropriate Registry policy regarding such cancellation.

ii.Submission to UDRP. Registrant agrees to submit to proceedings under ICANN's






OpenSRS Master Services Agreement Appendix B: Master Domain Registration Agreement


(http://www.icann.org/dndr/udrp/policy.htm) and comply with the requirements set forth by the Registry. These policies are subject to modification;

iii.For the adjudication of disputes concerning or arising from use of the domain name, the Registrant shall submit, without prejudice to other potentially applicable jurisdictions, to the jurisdiction of the courts (1) of the Registrant's domicile, and (2) where Tucows is located, presently Toronto, Ontario.

aa. .in Domains: In the case of a ".in" registration, the following terms and conditions will apply: i. Registry Policy. You acknowledge and understand that by accepting the terms and

conditions of this agreement you shall be bound by Registry policies and any pertinent rules or policies that exist now or in the future and which are posted on the Registry website at https://registry.in/Policies. You are responsible for monitoring the Registry's site on a regular basis. In the event that you do not wish to be bound by a revision or modification to any Registry policy, your sole remedy is to cancel your domain name registration by following the appropriate Registry policy regarding such cancellation.

bb. .bz Domains: In the case of a ".bz" registration, the following terms and conditions will apply:

i.Registry Policy. You acknowledge and understand that by accepting the terms and conditions of this agreement you shall be bound by Registry policies and any pertinent rules or policies that exist now or in the future and which are posted on the Registry website at http://www.afilias-grs.info/bz-belize. You are responsible for monitoring the Registry's site on a regular basis. In the event that you do not wish to be bound by a revision or modification to any Registry policy, your sole remedy is to cancel your

domain name registration by following the appropriate Registry policy regarding such cancellation.

cc. .ws Domains: In the case of a ".ws" registration, the following terms and conditions will apply:

i.Registry Policy. You acknowledge and understand that by accepting the terms and conditions of this agreement you shall be bound by Registry policies and any pertinent rules or policies that exist now or in the future and which are posted on the Registry website at http://www.worldsite.ws/legal/index.dhtml?url=worldsite.ws. You are responsible for monitoring the Registry's site on a regular basis. In the event that you do not wish to be bound by a revision or modification to any Registry policy, your sole remedy is to cancel your domain name registration by following the appropriate

Registry policy regarding such cancellation.

dd. .co, .com.co, .net.co, and .nom.co Domains: In the case of a ".co", ".com.co", ".net.co", or ".nom.co"" registration, the following terms and conditions will apply:

i.Registry Policy. You acknowledge and understand that by accepting the terms and conditions of this agreement you shall be bound by Registry policies and any pertinent rules or policies that exist now or in the future and which are posted on the Registry website at http://www.go.co. You are responsible for monitoring the Registry's site on a regular basis. In the event that you do not wish to be bound by a revision or modification to any Registry policy, your sole remedy is to cancel your domain name

registration by following the appropriate Registry policy regarding such cancellation.

ee. .com.au, .net.au, .org.au, .asn.au, and .id.au Domains: In the case of a ".com.au", ".net.au", ".org.au", ".asn.au", or ".id.au" registration, the following terms and conditions will apply:

i.auDA AND REGISTRAR'S AGENCY: (1) In this agreement, auDA means .au Domain Administration Limited ACN079 009 340, the .au domain names administrator. The Registrar acts as agent for auDA for the sole purpose, but only to the extent necessary to enable auDA to receive the benefit of rights and covenants conferred to it under this agreement. auDA is an intended third party beneficiary of this agreement.

OpenSRS Master Services Agreement Appendix B: Master Domain Registration Agreement


ii.auDA PUBLISHED POLICY: (1) In this clause, auDA Published Policies means those specifications and policies established and published by auDA from time to time at http://www.auda.org.au/ (2) Registrant must comply with all auDA Published Policies, as if they were incorporated into, and form part of, this agreement. In the event of any inconsistency between any auDA Published Policy and this agreement, then the auDA Published Policy will prevail to the extent of such inconsistency.

iii.Registrant acknowledges that under the auDA Published Policies: (1) there are mandatory terms and conditions that apply to all domain names licences, and such terms and conditions are incorporated into, and form part of, this agreement; and (2) Registrant is bound by, and must submit to, the .au Dispute Resolution Policy; and (3) auDA may delete or cancel the registration of a .au domain name.

iv.auDA'S LIABILITIES AND INDEMNITY: (1) To the fullest extent permitted by law, auDA will not be liable to Registrant for any direct, indirect, consequential, special, punitive or exemplary losses or damages of any kind (including, without limitation, loss of use, loss or profit, loss or corruption of data, business interruption or indirect costs) suffered by Registrant arising from, as a result of, or otherwise in connection with, any act or omission whatsoever of auDA, its employees, agents or contractors. (2) Registrant agrees to indemnify, keep indemnified and hold auDA, its employees, agents and contractors harmless from all and any claims or liabilities, arising from, as a result of, or otherwise in connection with, Registrant's registration or use of its .au domain name.

(3) Nothing in this document is intended to exclude the operation of Trade Practices

Act 1974.

ff. .fi Domains: In the case of a ".fi" registration, the following terms and conditions will apply: The applicant or registrant confirms that they have read and understood:

i.The required content and form of .fi and .ax domain names described in Chapter 3, Section 21, as well as Section 166 of the Finish Information Society Code. A summary

of these provisions is available at: https://www.viestintavirasto.fi/attachments/Summary_of_the_domain_name_sections _in_the_Information_Society_Code_917_2014.pdf.

ii.The requirements concerning the form of the domain name provided in section 12 of

the Domain Name Regulation, located at: https://www.viestintavirasto.fi/attachments/maaraykset/FICORA682016M.pdf.

iii.Information on the protection of names that have been entered into the Finnish Trade Register or into the registers of associations, foundations or political parties, located at: https://www.prh.fi/en/index.html.

iv.Information on the protection of trademarks entered into the Finnish register of

trademarks,locatedat: https://www.prh.fi/en/tavaramerkit/tavaramerkkitietokannat/tavaramerkkitietokanta. html.

v.Information on the protection of trademarks entered into the trademark register of the

European Union, located at: https://euipo.europa.eu/ohimportal/de.

gg. .ro Domains: In the case of a ".ro" registration, the following terms and conditions will apply: i. You accept the terms of the ROTLD Dispute Resolution Policy, located at:


ii. You accept the ROTLD Registration Agreement, located at: http://www.rotld.ro/engleza/index_en.html

hh. .xxx, .adult, .porn, .sex Domains: In the case of a ".xxx", ".adult", ".porn", or ".sex" registration, the following terms and conditions will apply:

OpenSRS Master Services Agreement Appendix B: Master Domain Registration Agreement


i.Registry Policy. You acknowledge and understand that by accepting the terms and conditions of this agreement you shall be bound by Registry policies and any pertinent rules or policies that exist now or in the future and which are posted on the Registry website at http://icmregistry.com/policies/registry-registrant-agreement/. You are responsible for monitoring the Registry's site on a regular basis. In the event that you do not wish to be bound by a revision or modification to any Registry policy, your sole remedy is to cancel your domain name registration by following the appropriate Registry policy regarding such cancellation.

ii.Submission to UDRP. Registrant agrees to submit to proceedings under ICANN's

Uniform Domain Dispute Policy ("UDRP") (http://www.icann.org/dndr/udrp/policy.htm) and comply with the requirements set forth by the Registry. These policies are subject to modification;

iii.For the adjudication of disputes concerning or arising from use of the domain name, the Registrant shall submit, without prejudice to other potentially applicable jurisdictions, to the jurisdiction of the courts (1) of the Registrant's domicile, and (2)

where Tucows is located, presently Toronto, Ontario.

ii. .pro Domains: In the case of a ".pro" registration, the following terms and conditions will apply:

i.Registry Policy. You acknowledge and understand that by accepting the terms and conditions of this agreement you shall be bound by Registry policies and any pertinent rules or policies that exist now or in the future and which are posted on the Registry website at http://www.registry.pro/legal/user-terms

You are responsible for monitoring the Registry's site on a regular basis. In the event that you do not wish to be bound by a revision or modification to any Registry policy, your sole remedy is to cancel your domain name registration by following the appropriate Registry policy regarding such cancellation.

ii.Submission to UDRP. Registrant agrees to submit to proceedings under ICANN's

Uniform Domain Dispute Policy (.UDRP.) (http://www.icann.org/dndr/udrp/policy.htm) and comply with the requirements set forth by the Registry; these policies are subject to modification;

iii.For the adjudication of disputes concerning or arising from use of the domain name, the Registrant shall submit, without prejudice to other potentially applicable

jurisdictions, to the jurisdiction of the courts (1) of the Registrant's domicile, and (2) where Tucows is located, presently Toronto, Ontario.

jj. .dk Domains: In the case of a ".dk" registration, the following terms and conditions will apply:

i.Registry Policy. You acknowledge and understand that by accepting the terms and conditions of this agreement you shall be bound by Registry policies and any pertinent rules or policies that exist now or in the future and which are posted on the Registry website at https://www.dk-hostmaster.dk/english/laws-conditions/

ii.You are responsible for monitoring the Registry's site on a regular basis. In the event that you do not wish to be bound by a revision or modification to any Registry policy, your sole remedy is to cancel your domain name registration by following the appropriate Registry policy regarding such cancellation.

iii.Information submitted by you is registered by the registry operator DK Hostmaster and will be used for administering the .dk top-level domain.

iv.Your personal data is not publicly available in the whois database, but the operating registry, DK Hostmaster, shall release hidden personal details on request where a legal interest is demonstrated.

v.You agree to allow Tucows to make a payment for a domain registration/renewal/transfer on your behalf.

OpenSRS Master Services Agreement Appendix B: Master Domain Registration Agreement


vi.You have the right to change the billing contact or proxy and to pay the registry, DK Hostmaster, directly.

vii.The registration of a .DK domain name takes place with the registry operator, DK Hostmaster and you must agree to DIFO's rules available at https://www.dk- hostmaster.dk/english/laws-conditions/.

viii.You have the right to, at any time, change your Registrar, DNS and Zone Contact.

ix.Your e-mail address must not be related to the Domain Name to be Registered and must be an e-mail address that is under your control. It is your responsibility to ensure that the e-mail address stated is valid.

x.For the adjudication of disputes concerning or arising from use of the domain name, the Registrant shall submit, without prejudice to other potentially applicable jurisdictions, to the jurisdiction of the courts (1) of the Registrant's domicile, and (2) where Tucows is located, presently Toronto, Ontario.

kk.Additional ccTLD Policies. Additional registry policies may apply for ccTLDs. You acknowledge and understand that by accepting the terms and conditions of this agreement you shall be bound by Registry policies and any pertinent rules or policies that exist now or in the future and which are referenced at http://www.tucowsdomains.com/domaininfo/cctld-registry-policies.

ll. .ventures, .holdings, .singles, .clothing, .guru, .bike, .plumbing, .camera, .lighting, .equipment, .estate,

.graphics, .gallery, .photography, .land, .today, .technology, .contractors, .directory, .kitchen,

.construction, .diamonds, .enterprises, .tips, .voyage, .careers, .photos, .recipes, .shoes, .limo, .domains,

.cab, .company, .computer, .systems, .academy, .management, .center, .builders, .email, .solutions,

.support, .training, .camp, .education, .glass, .institute, .repair, .coffee, .house, .florist, .international,

.solar, .holiday, .marketing, .codes, .farm, .viajes, .agency, .bargains, .boutique, .cheap, .zone, .cool,

.watch, .works, .expert, .exposed, .foundation, .cruises, .flights, .rentals, .vacations, .villas, .tienda,

.condos, .properties, .maison, .dating, .events, .partners, .productions, .community, .catering, .cards,

.cleaning, .tools, .industries, .parts, .supplies, .supply, .fish, .report, .vision, .services, .capital,

.engineering, .exchange, .gripe, .associates, .lease, .media, .pictures, .reisen, .toys, .university, .town,

.wtf, .fail, .financial, .limited, .care, .clinic, .surgery, .dental, .furniture, .discount, .fitness, .schule, .tax,

.cash, .fund, .investments, .gratis, .claims, .credit, .creditcard, .digital, .accountants, .finance, .insure,

.loans, .church, .life, .guide, .direct, .place, .world, .delivery, .energy, .business, .immo, .network,

.pizza, .coach, .memorial, .legal, .money, .tires, .bingo, .chat, .style, .tennis, golf, .gold, .tours, .plus,

.team, .jewelry, .show, .express, .cafe, .dog, .theater, .taxi, .hockey, .run, .movie, .coupons, .soccer,

.mba, .fyi, .vin, .wine, .shopping, .hospital, .jetzt. apartments, .irish, and .reise Domains: In the case of a ".ventures", ".holdings", ".singles", ".clothing", ".guru", ".bike", ".plumbing", ".camera", ".lighting", ".equipment", ".estate", ".graphics", ".gallery", ".photography", ".land", ".today", ".technology", ".contractors", ".directory", ".kitchen", ".construction", ".diamonds", ".enterprises", ".tips", ".voyage", ".careers", ".photos", ".recipes", ".shoes", ".limo", ".domains", ".cab", ".company", ".computer", ".systems", ".academy", ".management", ".center", ".builders", ".email", ".solutions", ".support", ".training", ".camp", ".education", ".glass", ".institute", ".repair", ".coffee", .house", ".florist", ".international", ".solar", ".holiday", ".marketing", ".codes", ".farm", ".viajes", ".agency", ".bargains", ".boutique", ".cheap", ".zone", ".cool", ".watch", ".works", ".expert", ".exposed", ".foundation", ".cruises", ".flights", ".rentals", ".vacations", ".villas", ".tienda", ".condos", ".properties", ".maison", ".dating", ".events", ".partners", ".productions", ".community", ".catering", ".cards", ".cleaning", ".tools", ".industries", ".parts", ".supplies", ".supply", ".fish", ".report", ".vision", ".services", ".capital", ".engineering", ".exchange", ".gripe", ".associates", ".lease", ".media", ".pictures", ".reisen", ".toys", ".university", ".town", ".wtf", ".fail", ".financial", ".limited", ".care", ".clinic", ".surgery", ".dental", ".furniture", ".discount", ".fitness", ".schule", ".tax", ".cash", ".fund", ".investments", ".gratis", ".claims", ".credit", ".creditcard", ".digital", ".accountants", ".finance", ".insure", ".loans", ".church", ".life", ".guide", ".direct", ".place", ".world", ".delivery", ".energy",

OpenSRS Master Services Agreement Appendix B: Master Domain Registration Agreement


".business", ".immo", ".network", ".pizza", ".coach", ".memorial", ".legal", ".money", ".tires", ".bingo", ".chat", ".style", ".tennis", ".golf", ".gold", ".tours", ".plus", ".team", ".jewelry", ".show", ".express", ".cafe", ".dog", ".theater", ".taxi", ".hockey", ".run", ".movie", ".coupons", ".soccer", ".mba", ".fyi", ".vin", ".wine", ".shopping", ".hospital", ".jetzt", ".apartments", ".irish", or ".reise" registration, the following terms and conditions will apply:

i.You agree to the Donuts Inc. Acceptable Use and Anti-Abuse Policy, located at http://www.donuts.co/policies/acceptable-use/.

ii.You acknowledge that TLDs offered by Donuts Inc. will have non-uniform renewal

registration pricing, such that the fee for a domain name registration renewal may differ from other domain names in the same or other Donuts TLDs.

mm. .doctor Domains: In the case of a ".doctor" registration, the following terms and conditions will apply:

i.You agree to the Donuts Inc. Acceptable Use and Anti-Abuse Policy located at http://www.donuts.co/policies/acceptable-use/.

ii.In addition to the criteria stated above, .doctor registrants who hold themselves out to be licensed medical practitioners must be able to demonstrate to the Registrar and Registry, upon request, that they hold the applicable licenses.

nn. .tattoo, .sexy, .guitars, .link, .gift, .pics, .photo, .christmas, .blackfriday, .click, .help, .diet, .hiphop,

.juegos, .flowers, .lol, .country, .game, .cars, .auto, .car, .mom, and .hiv Domains: In the case of a ".tattoo", ".sexy", ".guitars", ".link", ".gift", ".pics", ".photo", ".christmas", ".blackfriday", ".click", ".help", ".diet", ".hiphop", ".juegos", ".flowers", ".lol", ".country", ".game", ".cars", ".auto", ".car", ".mom", or ".hiv" registration, the following terms and conditions will apply:

i.You agree to the Uniregistry Inc. Acceptable Use and Anti-Abuse Policy, located at http://uniregistry.link/bin/pdf/Acceptable_Use_Policy_and_Terms_of_Service.pdf

ii.You acknowledge that TLDs offered by Uniregistry Inc. will have non-uniform renewal

registration pricing, such that the fee for a domain name registration renewal may differ from other domain names in the same or other Uniregistry TLDs.

.diet, .hiphop, and .juegos Domains: In the case of a "diet", ".hiphop", or ".juegos" registration, the following additional terms and conditions will apply:

i.The registrant will abide by all applicable laws regarding privacy, data collection, consumer protection (including in relation to misleading and deceptive conduct), fair lending, debt collection, organic farming, disclosure of data, and financial disclosures.

ii.The registrant further agrees that if it collects or maintains sensitive health and financial data that it will implement reasonable and appropriate security measures commensurate with the

offering of those services, as defined by applicable law.

.sexy Domains: In the case of a ".sexy" registration, the following additional terms and conditions will apply:

i.The Registrant shall NOT permit content unsuitable for viewing by a minor to be viewed from the main or top-level directory of a .sexy domain name. For purposes of clarity, content viewed at the main or top-level directory of a .sexy domain name is the content immediately visible if a user navigates to http://example.sexy or http://www.example.sexy. No restrictions apply to the content at any other page or subdirectory addressed by a .sexy Registered Name.

ii.For the purposes of these additional conditions, the term "content unsuitable for viewing by a minor" means any communication, consisting of nudity, sex, or excretion, that, taken as a whole and with reference to its context–

predominantly appeals to a prurient interest;

is patently offensive to prevailing standards in the adult community as a whole with respect to what is suitable material for minors; and

OpenSRS Master Services Agreement Appendix B: Master Domain Registration Agreement


lacks serious literary, artistic, political, or scientific value.

iii.For the purposes of these additional conditions, the term "sex" means acts of masturbation, sexual intercourse, or physical contact with a person's genitals, or the condition of human male or female genitals when in a state of sexual stimulation or arousal; and "minor" means a person who has not attained the age of 13.

oo. .dance, .democrat, .ninja, .immobilien, .futbol, .reviews, .social, .pub, .moda, .kaufen, .consulting,

.actor, .rocks, auction, .forsale, .rip, .band, .sale, .news, .live, .studio, .family, and .games Domains: In the case of a ".dance", ".democrat", ".ninja", ".immobilien", ".futbol", ".reviews", ".social", ".pub", ".moda", ".kaufen", ".consulting", ".actor", ".rocks", ".auction", ".rehab", ".gives", ".degree", ".forsale", ".rip", ".band", ".sale", ".news", ".live", ".studio", ".family", or ".games" registration, the following terms and conditions will apply:

i.You agree to the Rightside Inc. Acceptable Use and Anti-Abuse Policy, located at http://rightside.co/registry/for-registrars/#c290.

ii.You acknowledge that TLDs offered by Rightside Inc. will have non-uniform renewal registration pricing, such that the fee for a domain name registration renewal may differ

from other domain names in the same or other Rightside TLDs.

pp. .fishing, .vodka, .rodeo, .cooking, .horse, .bayern, .beer, .surf, .casa, .yoga, .work, .fashion, .wedding,

.garden, .fit, .nrw, .miami, .law, .abogado, and .vip Domains: In the case of a ".fishing", ".vodka", ".rodeo", ".cooking", ".horse", ".bayern", ".beer", ".surf", ".casa", ".yoga", ".work", ".fashion", ".wedding", ".garden", ".fit", ".nrw", ".miami", ".law", ".abogado", or ".vip" registration, the following terms and conditions will apply:

i.You agree to the Minds + Machines Inc. Acceptable Use and Anti-Abuse Policy, located at http://mm-registry.com/policies/.

ii.You agree to the .BAYERN Minds + Machines Inc. policies located at http://mm- registry.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/Bayern-Registry-Policies_English1.pdf

iii.You acknowledge that TLDs offered by Minds + Machines Inc. will have non-uniform renewal registration pricing, such that the fee for a domain name registration renewal

may differ from other domain names in the same or other Minds + Machines TLDs.

.nrw Domains: in the case of a ".nrw" registration, the following additional terms and conditions will apply:

i.You agree to additional acceptable use policies located at http://nic.nrw/die-nrw- domain/richtlinien/.

ii.Registrants of .NRW domains in Sunrise and General Availability must be:

Individuals with residence in the postal code area of the federal state of North Rhine – Westphalia; or

Individuals that have a place business in connection with self-employment or freelance work in the postal code area of the federal state of North Rhine- Westphalia; or

Entities that have a place of business in the postal code area of the federal state of

North Rhine-Westphalia.

.law and .abogado Domains: in the case of a ".law" or ".abogado" registration, the following additional terms and conditions will apply:

i.Registrant Validation, Data, and Restriction. Registration in the .law and .abogado TLDs is restricted to accredited lawyers as validated by an agent, which shall be appointed from time to time by the Registry (Validation Agent). Registrar must capture additional data as necessary to facilitate validation (Validation Data).

ii.Validation Data must be provided as requested from time to time by the Registry. Registrar must pay the non-refundable Validation Fee (see Section 5(b) below). Registrar must require that Registrant certify, prior to check out or collection of any

OpenSRS Master Services Agreement Appendix B: Master Domain Registration Agreement


registration fees, that Registrant is qualified to register the domain and that all provided information is true and accurate.

iii.Registrar must display to Registrant terms to the effect that providing false information may lead to the deletion of their registration on all Registry TLDs including, but not limited to, .law and .abogado. Failure to maintain accreditation may result in cancellation of registration; no refunds will be granted outside the add grace or renewal grace periods. Validation may occur for each registration year. Registry may periodically re-verify accreditation at no additional cost to the Registrar. Disputes regarding validation will be handled by the Registry and Registrar agrees to submit such disputes immediately to the Registry for determination.

iv.The applicant must provide the Qualified Lawyer information:

a)Their full name as the applicant, as recorded with their regulator.

b)The official name of the accreditation body (e.g., The State Bar of California); The accreditation body is the entity that issued the accreditation ID to the qualified lawyer. Within the Qualified Lawyer extension, a character string is used to represent an accreditation body.

c)The accreditation year; A qualified lawyer's accreditation year is the year he/she was initially certified by the accreditation body. It is represented by a four-digit year including the century.

d)The applicant's accreditation ID number; The qualified lawyer's accreditation ID is a character string issued by the accreditation body to the qualified lawyer. Accreditation IDs uniquely identify the qualified lawyer within the context of the accreditation body.

e)The accreditation jurisdiction: country and state, province, or district, as applicable. The accreditation jurisdiction country is the country in which the accreditation body certifies the qualified lawyer. ISO two-letter country codes are used to represent the accreditation jurisdiction country. The accreditation jurisdiction country is required. The accreditation jurisdiction state/province is the specific region, within the accreditation jurisdiction country, in which the accreditation body certifies the qualified lawyer. A character string represents the region. The accreditation jurisdiction is required when the accrediting body limits

the qualified lawyer's certification to this area.

qq. .berlin Domains: In the case of a ".berlin" registration, the following terms and conditions will apply: i. You agree to the dotBERLIN GmbH & Co. Registration and Anti-Abuse Policy, located

at http://nic.berlin/de/berlin-policies/.

rr. .ruhr Domains: In the case of a ".ruhr" registration, the following terms and conditions will apply:

i.You agree to the regiodot GmbH & Co. Registration and Anti-Abuse Policy, located at http://www.dot.ruhr/en/registration-policy/.

ss. .wien Domains: In the case of a ".wien" registration, the following terms and conditions will apply: i. You agree to the punkt.wien GmbH Registration and Anti-Abuse Policy, located at


tt. .kim, .pink, .red, .blue, .black, .global, .meet, .ltda, .poker, .lgbt, .green, srl, .bet, .pet, .promo, .group,

.salon, .ltd, .gmbh, .ski, .archi, .bio, .organic, and .shiksha Domains: In the case of a ".kim", ".pink", ".red", ".blue", ".black", ".global", ".meet", ".ltda", ".poker", ".lgbt", ".green", ".srl", ".bet", ".pet", ".promo", ".group", ".salon", ".ltd", ".gmbh", ".ski", ".archi", ".bio", ".organic", or ".shiksha" registration, the following terms and conditions will apply:

i.You agree to the Afilias Inc. Acceptable Use and Anti-Abuse Policy, located at https://www.afilias.info/de/node/2936.

OpenSRS Master Services Agreement Appendix B: Master Domain Registration Agreement


ii.You acknowledge that TLDs offered by Afilias Inc. will have non-uniform renewal registration pricing, such that the fee for a domain name registration renewal may differ

from other domain names in the same or other Afilias TLDs.

.lgbt Domains: In the case of a ".lgbt" registration, the following additional terms and conditions will apply:

i. You agree to additional acceptable use policies located at http://get.lgbt/LGBTAUP.

.green Domains: In the case of a ".green" registration, the following additional terms and conditions will apply:

i.You agree to additional acceptable use policies located at http://get.green/about/afilias-anti- abuse-policy.

.poker Domains: In the case of a ".poker" registration, the following additional terms and conditions will apply:

i.Registrants of .poker must:

comply with all applicable laws, including those that relate to privacy, data collection, consumer protection (including in relation to misleading and deceptive conduct), fair lending, debt collection, disclosure of data, and financial disclosures;

implement reasonable and appropriate security measures commensurate with the collection and maintenance of financial data, as defined by applicable law;

provide administrative contact information, which must be kept up-to-date, for the

notification of complaints or reports of registration abuse, as well as the contact details of the relevant regulatory, or industry self-regulatory, bodies in their main place of business.

.srl Domains: In the case of a ".srl" registration, the following additional terms and conditions will apply:

i.Only companies that are registered as SRL qualify to be a Registrant of a .srl domain name. Such registration must be granted by a governmental body, or an organization authorized by a governmental body to issue such registration. If at any time during the term of registration of a Registered Name a Registrant shall no longer meet the requirements of the Eligibility Policy, then, in addition to any other rights of InterNetX existing under the Registry Registrar Agreement ("RRA") between InterNetX and any applicable Registrar orotherwise, InterNetX reserves the right to deny or cancel the registration, renewal, or transfer of any Registered Name, or to place any Registered Name on registry lock, hold, or similar status, with respect to any such Registered Name that InterNetX, upon reasonable belief formed after reason-able investigation, deems

to be registered to a Registrant that is not in compliance with the Eligibility Policy.

.archi Domains: In the case of a ".archi" registration, the following additional terms and conditions will apply:

i.You must be professionally and academically qualified as an architect as defined by the UIA Accord, or

ii.Be an architecture-related organization listed on a dedicated list defined by the APAC in collaboration with the UIA and the UIA Member Sections, and available on the Registry website.

iii.You agree to the additional .archi conditions located at http://www.domains.archi/archi-domain-name-policy/.

.bio and .organic Domains: In the case of a ".bio" or ".organic" registration, the following additional terms and conditions will apply:

i.Registrants of .bio and .organic must:

Registration is limited to those who are producers, transformers and retailers, or otherwise involved in the field of agriculture, food and farming.

You agree to the additional .bio conditions at http://www.domains.bio/about/.

OpenSRS Master Services Agreement Appendix B: Master Domain Registration Agreement


You agree to the additional .organic conditions at http://get.organic/about/afilias-anti- abuse-policy.

.ski Domains: In the case of a ".ski" registration, the following additional terms and conditions will apply:

i.You agree to the additional .SKI conditions at http://www.domains.ski/ski-domain-name- policy/


.club Domains: In the case of a ".club" registration, the following terms and conditions will apply:


i. You agree to the DotCLUB DOMAINS Registration and Anti-Abuse Policy, located at




.uno Domains: In the case of a ".uno" registration, the following terms and conditions will apply:

i.You agree to the DotLatin LLC Registration and Anti-Abuse Policy, located at http://nic.uno/policy/Acceptable-Use-and-Anti-Abuse-Policy.pdf.

ww. .buzz Domains: In the case of a ".buzz" registration, the following terms and conditions will apply: i. You agree to the Dot Strategy Co., Registration and Anti-Abuse Policy, located at


xx. .nyc Domains: In the case of a ".nyc" registration, the following terms and conditions will apply: i. You agree to the City of New York's Registration and Anti-Abuse Policy, located at


yy. .moe Domains: In the case of a ".moe" registration, the following terms and conditions will apply: i. You agree to the Interlink Co. Registration and Anti-Abuse Policy, located at


zz. .build Domains: In the case of a ".build" registration, the following terms and conditions will apply: i. You agree to the Plan Bee LLC. Acceptable Use and Anti-Abuse Policy, located at


aaa. .luxury Domains: In the case of a ".luxury" registration, the following terms and conditions will apply:

i. You agree to the Luxury Partners LLC. Acceptable Use and Anti-Abuse Policy, located at http://nic.luxury/#documents.

bbb. .menu Domains: In the case of a ".menu" registration, the following terms and conditions will apply: i. You agree to the Wedding TLD2 LLC, Acceptable Use and Anti-Abuse Policy, located

at http://nic.menu/#documents.

ccc. .wiki, .ink, and .design Domains: In the case of a ".wiki", ".ink", or ".design" registration, the following conditions apply:

i. You agree to the Top Level Design, LLC Acceptable Use and Anti-Abuse Policy, located at http://toplevel.design/policy/.

ddd. .xyz, .college, .rent, .security, .protection, and .theatre Domains: In the case of a ".xyz", ".college", ".rent", ".security", ".protection", or ".theatre" registration, the following terms and conditions will apply:

i. You agree to the xyz.com LLC, Domain Names Policies, located at https://static.helpjuice.com/helpjuice_production/uploads/upload/image/2808/102814/ XYZ_Domain_Name_Policies_v2.0.pdf.

eee. .bar and .rest Domains: In the case of a ".bar" or ".rest" registration, the following terms and conditions will apply:

i.You agree to the Punto 2012 S.A.P.I. de CV, Acceptable Use and Anti-Abuse Policy, located at http://www.register.bar/policies/.

fff. .fans Domains: In the case of a ".fans" registration, the following terms and conditions will apply: i. You agree to the dotfans Terms and Conditions, located at http://dotfans.com/about-


ggg. .love Domains: In the case of a ".love" registration, the following terms and conditions will apply:

OpenSRS Master Services Agreement Appendix B: Master Domain Registration Agreement


i.You agree to the getdotlove Terms and Conditions, located at http://dotfans.com/about- us/terms/.

hhh. .host, .press, .website, .space, .site, .tech, .store, and .fun Domains: In the case of a ".host", ".press", ".website", ".space", ".site", ".tech", ".store", or ".fun" registration, the following terms and conditions will apply:

i.You agree to the Radix , Acceptable Use and Anti-Abuse Policy, located at http://radixregistry.com/policies/our-experience.php.

iii. .bid, .trade, .webcam, .party, .science, .cricket, .review, .faith, .date, .men, .accountant, .download,

.loan, .racing, .win, and .stream Domains: In the case of a ".bid", ".trade", ".webcam", ".party", ".science", ".cricket", ".review", ".faith", ".date", ".men", ".accountant", ".download", ".loan", ".racing", ".win", or ".stream" registration, the following terms and conditions will apply:

i.You agree to the Famous Four Media Limited Use and Anti-Abuse Policy, located at http://nic.bid/resources, http://nic.trade/resources, http://nic.webcam/resources, http://nic.party/resources, http://nic.science/resources, http://nic.cricket/resources, http://nic.review/resources, http://nic.faith/resources, http://nic.date/resources,

http://nic.men/resources,http://nic.accountant/resources, http://nic.download/resources, http://nic.loan/resources, http://nic.racing/resources, http://nic.win/resources, and http://nic.stream/resources.

jjj. .soy and .how Domains: In the case of a ".soy" or ".how" registration, the following terms and conditions will apply:

i. You agree to the Google Inc, Charleston Road Registry, Inc. Policies located at http://www.googleregistry.co, http://www.google.com/registry/policies/domainabuse/, and https://www.google.com/registry/privacy.html.

kkk. .cymru and .wales Domains: In the case of a ".cymru" or ".wales" registration, the following terms and conditions will apply:

i.You agree to the Nominet UK Policies located at http://ourhomeonline.wales/about- us/policy.

lll. .paris Domains: In the case of a ".paris" registration, the following terms and conditions will apply:

i.You agree to the City of Paris' Policies located at http://bienvenue.paris/en/politique- de-registre-du-paris/.

mmm. .tirol Domains: In the case of a ".tirol" registration, the following terms and conditions will apply: i. You agree to the Tirol GmbH's Policies located at http://nic.tirol/ueber-uns/policies/.

nnn. .physio Domains: In the case of a ".physio" registration, the following terms and conditions will apply:

i. You agree to the ARI Registry Services Policies located at http://nic.physio/#documents.

ooo. .one Domains: In the case of a ".one" registration, the following terms and conditions will apply: i. You agree to One Registry's Policies located at http://one.nic/policies/.

ppp. .attorney, .lawyer, and .dentist Domains: In the case of a ".attorney", ".lawyer", or ".dentist" registration, as a highly-regulated TLD, the following terms and conditions will apply:

i.You agree to the Rightside Inc. Acceptable Use and Anti-Abuse Policy, located at http://rightside.co/registry/for-registrars/#c290

ii.You acknowledge that TLDs offered by Rightside Inc. will have non-uniform renewal registration pricing, such that the fee for a domain name registration renewal may differ from other domain names in the same or other Rightside TLDs.

iii.You must comply with all applicable laws, including laws relating to privacy, data collection, consumer protection (including in relation to misleading and deceptive conduct) and applicable consumer laws in respect of fair lending, debt collection, organic farming (if applicable), disclosure of data and financial regulations;

OpenSRS Master Services Agreement Appendix B: Master Domain Registration Agreement


iv.You must acknowledge and agree that any collection and use of sensitive health and financial data must implement reasonable and appropriate security measures commensurate with the offering of those services, as defined by applicable laws.

v.You must provide administrative contact information, which must be kept up-to-date, for the notification of complaints or reports of registration abuse, as well as the contact details of the relevant regulatory, or industry self-regulatory, bodies in your main place of business.

vi.You must represent that you possesses any necessary authorizations, charters, licenses and/or other related credentials for participation in the sector associated with this highly regulated TLD.

vii.You must report any material changes to the validity of your authorizations, charters licenses and/or other related credentials for participation in the sector associated with this highly regulated TLD to ensure you continue to conform to the appropriate regulations and licensing requirements and generally conduct activities in the interests of the consumer served.

viii.You must email a copy of your valid, active authorization, charter, license, or other related credentials to rightside@opensrs.com, along with contact information for the licensing/governing body for your profession. Registrars may set up a forwarding email to receive these documents and must forward these emails to OpenSRS if they wish to

use their own email domain/address.

qqq. .engineer, .market, .mortgage, .software, .vet, .gives, .degree, and .rehab Domains: In the case of a ".engineer", ".market", ".mortgage", ".software", ".vet", ".gives", ".degree", or ".rehab" registration, as a regulated TLD, the following terms and conditions will apply:

i.You agree to the Rightside Inc. Acceptable Use and Anti-Abuse Policy, located at http://rightside.co/registry/for-registrars/#c290.

ii.You acknowledge that TLDs offered by Rightside Inc. will have non-uniform renewal registration pricing, such that the fee for a domain name registration renewal may differ from other domain names in the same or other Rightside TLDs.

iii.You must comply with all applicable laws, including laws relating to privacy, data collection, consumer protection (including in relation to misleading and deceptive conduct) and applicable consumer laws in respect of fair lending, debt collection, organic farming (if applicable), disclosure of data and financial regulations;

iv.You must acknowledge and agree that any collection and use of sensitive health and financial data must implement reasonable and appropriate security measures

commensurate with the offering of those services, as defined by applicable laws.

rrr. .army, .navy, and .airforce Domains: In the case of a ".army", ".navy", or ".airforce" registration, as a regulated TLD, the following terms and conditions will apply:

i.You agree to the Rightside Inc. Acceptable Use and Anti-Abuse Policy, located at http://rightside.co/registry/for-registrars/#c290.

ii.You acknowledge that TLDs offered by Rightside Inc. will have non-uniform renewal registration pricing, such that the fee for a domain name registration renewal may differ from other domain names in the same or other Rightside TLDs.

iii.You must take steps to ensure against misrepresenting or falsely implying that you or your business is affiliated with, sponsored, or endorsed by one or more country's or government's military forces if such affiliation, sponsorship, or endorsement does not exist.

sss. .durban, .joburg, .capetown. .za, and .africa Domains: in the case of a ".durban", ".joburg", ".capetown", ".za", or ".africa" registration, the following terms and conditions will apply:

OpenSRS Master Services Agreement Appendix B: Master Domain Registration Agreement


i. You agree to the ZA Central Registry Policies located at https://www.registry.net.za/content.php?gen=1&contentid=143&title=Legal%20/%20 Policies.

ttt. .desi Domains: In the case of a ".desi" registration, the following terms and conditions will apply: i. You agree to the Dot Desi, LLC Policies located at http://nic.desi/.

uuu. .hamburg Domains: In the case of a ".hamburg" registration, the following terms and conditions will apply:

i. You agree to the Hamburg Top-Level-Domain GmbH Policies located at http://www.punkthamburg.de/richtlinien/.

vvv. .london Domains: In the case of a ".london" registration, the following terms and conditions will apply:

i. You agree to the Dot London Domains Ltd Policies located at http://domains.london/policies/.

www. .melbourne Domains: In the case of a ".melbourne" registration, the following terms and conditions will apply:

i. You agree to the ARI Registry Services Policies located at http://nic.melbourne/policies/.

xxx. .scot Domains: In the case of a ".scot" registration, the following terms and conditions will apply: i. You agree to Dot Scot Registry Policies located at http://dotscot.net/help/.

yyy. .quebec Domains: In the case of a ".quebec" registration, the following terms and conditions will apply:

i. You agree to PointQuebec Policies located at http://registre.quebec/en/policy/.

zzz. .bzh Domains: In the case of a ".bzh" registration, the following terms and conditions will apply:

i. You agree to www.bzh Association Policies located at http://www.pik.bzh/images/documents/bzh_Politique_enregistrement.pdf.

aaaa. .brussels and .vlaanderen Domains: In the case of a ".brussels" or ".vlaanderen" registration, the following terms and conditions will apply:

i.You agree to the DNS Belgium Policies located at http://dnsbelgium.be/en/domain- name/registering-domain-names.

bbbb. .ist and .istanbul Domains: In the case of a ".ist" or ".istanbul" registration, the following terms and conditions will apply:

i.You agree to the Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality Media Inc. Policies located at http://nic.ist/politikalar/mkk-politikalari.

cccc. .barcelona Domains: In the case of a ".barcelona" registration, the following terms and conditions will apply:

i. You agree to the Foundation puntCAT Media Inc. Policies located at http://fundacio.cat/ca/avis-legal.

dddd. .ceo and .best Domains: In the case of a ".ceo" or ".best" registration, the following terms and conditions will apply:

i. You agree to PeopleBrowsr's Policies located at http://aboutus.best/overview.html.

eeee. .ngo and .ong Domains: In the case of a ".ngo" or ".ong" registration, the following terms and conditions will apply:

i.You agree to Public Interest Registry's Policies located at http://pir.org/policies/ and http://globalngo.org/discover/eligibility/, and detailed below:

Registrants must meet the following requirements:

1.Focused on acting in the public interest. Whether in support of education or health, the environment or human rights, members of the .ngo|.ong community work for the good of humankind and/or the preservation of the planet and do not promote discrimination or bigotry.

OpenSRS Master Services Agreement Appendix B: Master Domain Registration Agreement


2.Non-profit making/non-profit-focused entities. While many NGOs engage in commercial activities or generate revenue in support of their missions, members of the .ngo|.ong community do not recognize profits or retain earnings.

3.Limited government influence. Recognizing that many NGOs have important interactions with government, not least for reasons of funding (which may include receipt of some government funding in support of their programs), members of the

.ngo|.ong community decide their own policies, direct their own activities and are independent of direct government or political control.

4.Independent actors. Members of the .ngo|.ong community should not be political parties nor should be a part of any government. Participation in the work of a NGO or ONG is voluntary.

5.Active organisations. Members of the .ngo|.ong community are actively pursuing their missions on a regular basis.

6.Structured. Members of the .ngo|.ong community, whether large or small, operate in a structured manner (e.g. under bylaws, codes of conduct, organizational standards, or other government structures.)

7.Lawful. Members of the .ngo|.ong community act with integrity within the bounds of law.

ii.To activate new domains, NGO organisations will also need to complete a post- registration validation process:

1.Registrant is required to submit information and documentation to PIR establishing that it meets the eligibility requirements of an NGO.

2.Validation documentation may consist of one or more of the following:

i.government list;

ii.corporate documents (e.g. Articles of Incorporation); and

iii.tax records or other documents evidencing the entity's charitable status and work in the community it serves.

3.Registrant is required to certify that the information and documentation it submitted in the validation process remains true, complete, and accurate at least once every two years after initial validation.

4.If the registrant does not successfully complete the validation process within one year from the date it registers the domain name bundle, the domain name bundle will be deleted and released back into the pool of available domains and any fees paid in connection with the registration of the domain name bundle will be forfeit.

5.Registrant acknowledges and understands that, in the event it is selected for an audit, it will promptly comply with any inquiries and requests from the Registry to provide additional evidence of its NGO status.

i.If, as a result of the audit process, the Registry determines (in its sole discretion) that the Registrant does not meet the NGO eligibility requirements, the Registrant's domain name bundle will be deleted and released back into

the pool of available domains and any fees paid in connection with the Registrant's domain name bundle will be forfeit.

ffff. .vote and .voto Domains: In the case of a ".vote" or ".voto" registration, the following terms and conditions will apply:

i. You agree to Monolith Registry LLC's Policies located at http://vote.afilias.info/vote_registration_policy.

gggg. .amsterdam Domains: In the case of a ".amsterdam" registration, the following terms and conditions will apply:

i. You agree to the dotAMSTERDAM BV policies located at: http://nic.amsterdam/.

OpenSRS Master Services Agreement Appendix B: Master Domain Registration Agreement


hhhh. .sucks Domains: In the case of a ".sucks" registration, the following terms and conditions will apply: i. You agree to the Vox Populi Registry Inc. policies located at:


iiii. .courses Domains: In the case of a ".courses" registration, the following terms and conditions will apply:

i. You agree to the ARI policies located at: http://nic.courses/#documents.

jjjj. .study Domains: In the case of a ".study" registration, the following terms and conditions will apply: i. You agree to the ARI policies located at: http://nic.study/#documents.

kkkk. .film Domains: In the case of a ".film" registration, the following terms and conditions will apply: i. You agree to the ARI Policies located at http://go.film/eligibility/ and


llll. .earth Domains: In the case of a ".earth" registration, the following terms and conditions will apply: i. You agree to the Interlink CO., Ltd. policies located at:


mmmm..cloud Domains: In the case of a ".cloud" registration, the following terms and conditions will apply: i. You agree to the Aruba PEC S.p.A. a Socio Unico Policies located at


nnnn. .top Domains: In the case of a ".top" registration, the following terms and conditions will apply: i. You agree to the .top domain name registry Policies located at


oooo. .feedback Domains: In the case of a ".feedback" registration, the following terms and conditions will apply:

i. You agree to the Top Level Spectrum, LLC. Policies located at http://www.nic.feedback/registration-agreement/.

pppp. .tube Domains: In the case of a ".tube" registration, the following terms and conditions will apply: i. You agree to the Latin American Telecom LLC. Policies located at


qqqq. .shop Domains: In the case of a ".shop" registration, the following terms and conditions will apply: i. You agree to the GMO Registry, Inc. Policies located at


rrrr. .storage Domains: In the case of a ".storage" registration, the following terms and conditions will apply:

i. You agree to the Self Storage Company, LLC Policies located at http://www.domains.storage/registry-policies/.

ssss. .blog Domains: In the case of a ".blog" registration, the following terms and conditions will apply: i. You agree to the Knock Knock Whois There Policies located at


tttt. .art Domains: In the case of a ".art" registration, the following terms and conditions will apply: i. You agree to the UK Creative Ideas Ltd. Policies located at http://nic.art/wp-


uuuu. .travel Domains: In the case of a ".travel" registration, the following terms and conditions will apply: i. You agree to the Tralliance Policies located at http://www.travel.travel/wp-


ii.Registrants must only be (or plan to be) a creator or provider of travel and tourism products, goods, services or content.

iii.Registrant is required to provide a UIN number, which can be obtained at the registry here: http://www.travel.travel/resources/obtain-your-travel-uin.php.

OpenSRS Master Services Agreement Appendix B: Master Domain Registration Agreement


SUPPORT FOR DNSSEC. We allow you to add DNSSEC on your domain upon request by relaying orders to add, remove or change public key material (e.g., DNSKEY or DS resource records) on your behalf to Registries operating under contract with ICANN that support DNSSEC.

The following fees apply to DNSSEC relay services:

Add DNSSEC key material: $500 per transaction.

Change DNSSEC key material: $500 per transaction.

Remove DNSSEC key material: $0 per transaction.

oFees charged for DNSSEC support by registration service providers may differ.


OpenSRS Master Services Agreement Appendix B: Master Domain Registration Agreement


Appendix C

Data Processing Addendum

(Revision May 2018)

Agreement entered into by and between

Customer, as identified in Tucows Master Services Agreement

– "Controller" or "Joint Controller" or "Customer" –


Tucows.com Co.

96 Mowat Avenue

Toronto, Ontario

Canada, M6K 3M1

– "Processor" or "Joint Controller" or "Tucows" –


This Data Processing Agreement ("DPA") defines and sets out in detail the data protection obligations of the contracting parties arising under the Master Services Agreement ("MSA") entered by the parties. It applies to all activities relating to the MSA where employees of the Processor or other persons or parties engaged by the Processor may encounter personal data of the Controller and when the parties may act as Joint Controllers..

1.Subject matter, term and specification of the Data Processing

1.1.The MSA specifies the subject matter and the term of the agreed contract data processing as well as the scope and nature of data collection, data processing and use of data. The specific data being processed is outlined in Tucows' Data Use Information Page. The term and termination of this agreement follows the term and termination agreed upon in the MSA. Termination of the MSA will automatically result in the termination of this DPA.

1.2.The Processor´s registered office is located in Canada, which is a country with laws that do not ensure an adequate level of data protection according to European Union's "General Data Protection Regulation" (GDPR) requirements. Any transfer of personal data in context of this agreement is governed by the standard contractual clauses in Annex A.

2.Scope of Application and Responsibility

2.1.The Processor processes personal data on behalf of the Controller, and at the direction of ICANN and third-party registries. This includes all activities specified in the MSA. The Controller is responsible under this agreement for compliance with the statutory provisions in the data protection and data privacy laws applicable in its registered place of business, including, but not limited to, ensuring that any disclosure, or passing of data, to the Processor as well as any data processing is lawful.

2.2.Data processing requirements and instructions are stipulated in the MSA and may subsequently be changed, modified, amended, or replaced in writing.

2.3.If the Processor determines that a permissible individual instruction is contrary to the applicable data protection or privacy law, it will notify the Controller to that effect as soon as possible. The Processor is entitled to suspend the implementation of the appropriate instruction until it is confirmed or adjusted by the Controller.

3.Processor's duties

3.1.The Processor, in its role as a date processor, may correct, adjust, cancel or restrict the processing of data that is processed under the MSA only on, and in accordance with, a properly documented instruction given by the Controller. If and to the extent that, in this respect, a data subject contacts the Processor directly, the Processor will pass this request on to the Controller without undue delay. Each party will work with the other to address any issues raised by data subjects.

3.2.The Processor represents and warrants that it will comply with its duties under Art. 28 to 33 GDPR including but not limited to:

3.2.1.the duty to appoint a data protection officer where prescribed by law.

3.2.2.Confidentiality according to Art. 28 subs. 3 b), 29, 32 subs.4 GDPR. The Processor will only engage employees in the performance of the services who have been committed to confidentiality and have been made familiar with the data protection and privacy regulations which are relevant for their work. The Processor as well as any person subordinated to it who has access to personal data may process this data exclusively in accordance with the instructions given by the Controller, including the powers and authorizations granted in this agreement, unless they are obliged by law to process the data. Data secrecy has to be maintained even after the termination of the contract.

3.2.3.Information on control measures and other measures taken by regulatory authorities must be given to the Controller without undue delay , if and to the extent such measures relate to the MSA. This also applies if and to the extent that a competent authority conducts investigations in the context of proceedings for administrative or criminal offences regarding the processing of personal data in the context of data processing by the Processor on behalf of the Controller.

3.2.4.If and to the extent that the Controller itself is exposed to control measures by the regulatory authority or to proceedings for administrative or criminal offences or to a claim for information or a liability claim asserted against the Controller by a data subject or a third party or to any other claims relating to the contract data processing by the Processor on behalf of the Controller, the Processor will be obliged to use its best endeavours to support and assist the Controller.

3.2.5.The parties, upon request, will cooperate with a regulatory authority with jurisdiction and work together to address any issues raised by such regulatory authority.

3.2.6.The Processor regularly controls its internal processes as well as the technical and organizational measures to ensure that the processing performed under its responsibility is in conformity with the requirements of the applicable data protection and privacy law and that the rights of the data subject are protected.

3.3.The Processor will correct, adjust, cancel or block the data to be processed under the contract upon appropriate request by the Controller.

3.4.Upon request by the Controller, data, data media or carriers and any other material must be either returned or deleted after the termination of the contract, subject to the Processor's legal right or necessity to retain information for permitted purposes under the relevant laws.

4.Technical and organizational measures

4.1.The Processor, prior to the commencement of the data processing, will document the implementation of the required technical and organizational measures which have been defined and specified prior to entering into the MSA, in particular as regards the details of the specific contract execution, as noted in Annex B, and these technical and organizational measures are a primary basis for the MSA. If and to the extent the the Controller requires an adjustment in the technical and organizational measures, such adjustment will be implemented by mutual agreement.

4.2.The technical and organizational measures measures to be taken ensure a security level appropriate to the existing risks as regards confidentiality, integrity, availability and resilience of the systems, as detailed in Annex B.

4.3.The technical and organizational measures are subject to technical progress and further development. The parties are allowed to implement alternative appropriate measures as technology evolves and best practices improve. The Processor will not, however, fall below the security level defined for the agreed measures, and changes to practices will be documented in a revised Annex B.

5.Controller's duties

5.1.The Controller is responsible for the lawfulness of the collection, processing and use of the Controller's data as well as for the protection of the rights of the data subjects.

5.2.The Controller is the owner of the Controller's data and the owner of the rights, if any, relating to the Controller's data.

5.3.It is the responsibility of the Controller to provide the Processor with the Controller's data to enable service provision as agreed in the MSA and the Controller is responsible for the quality of the Controller's data. The Controller will inform the Processor without undue delay of any failures, errors or irregularities with the handling of Personal Data.

6.Compliance Documentation and Audit

6.1.The Controller, prior to the commencement of data processing and at regular intervals thereafter, understands that the Processor complies with its duties under Art. 28 GDPR and in particular takes all required technical and organizational measures and documents the results. When necessary, the Controller may request information from the Processor about its practices and seek reasonable documentation about such practices.

6.2.The Processor is entitled, in its sole discretion and in consideration of the statutory obligations of the Controller, to refuse the disclosure of any information which is critical with regard to the Processor's business or where the disclosure of such information would constitute a violation of statutory or contractual regulations. The Controller will not be granted access to data or information about other customers of the Processor or access to information regarding its costs to any other confidential data of the Processor which is not of direct relevance for the agreed control purposes.

6.3.The Controller is obliged to inform the Processor in due time (as a rule at least two weeks in advance) of all circumstances related to the implementation of the control procedure. The Controller, as a rule, is not allowed to carry out more than one control per calendar year. This is without prejudice to the Controller's right to carry out additional controls in the case of special occurrences.

6.4.If the Controller engages a third party to carry out the control, the Controller is obliged to create a commitment of such third party in writing which corresponds to the Controller's commitment to the Processor under this § 6. In addition, the Controller is obliged to commit the third party to confidentiality and secrecy unless the third party in question is bound to professional secrecy. The Controller, upon the Processor's request, is obliged to submit to the Processor the appropriate agreements concluded with the third party without undue delay . The Controller is not entitled to engage competitors of the Processor to carry out the controls.

6.5.The Processor, at its choice and instead of an on-site control, may also prove compliance with the technical and organizational measures according to Annex B by submitting proof of compliance with authorized rules of conduct according to Art. 40 GDPR or by equivalent means, provided that the mechanism enables the Controller to reasonably satisfy itself that the technical and organizational measures according to Annex B to this agreement are duly implemented.


7.1.The Controller agrees that the Processor, in order to provide the services stipulated by the MSA, will involve companies affiliated with the Processor to perform such services, or engage companies as Sub-Processors to perform the agreed services. The Processor will carefully select the Sub-Processors by their qualification and suitability.

7.2.The Processor is allowed to engage Sub-Processors and/or change existing Sub- Processors if and to the extent that (a) the Processor notifies the Controller of the intended subcontracting/outsourcing in writing, including by supplementing Annex C to this DPA, within a reasonable time prior to services going live, and (b) the subcontracting is based on a contractual agreement according to Art. 28 subs. 2 – 4 GDPR.

7.3.The Processor is allowed to engage third-party registries, and their agents (as necessary), to provide the services under the MSA. In the event that a third-party

registry does not comply with Data Processing Laws, this face will be disclosed to a User prior to any collection or processing of Personal Data, gathering appropriate consent.

7.4.Only after all conditions for the subcontracting have been fulfilled, the Processor will be allowed to disclose personal data of the Controller to the Sub-Processor and the Sub-Processor will be allowed to provide the agreed services for the first time.

7.5.As of the time of conclusion of this agreement, the companies listed in Annex C are currently engaged by the Processor as Sub-Processors to perform parts of the services to be provided and, in this context, they also directly process and/or use the data of the Controller. The Controller hereby consents to the engagement of these Sub-Processors.

7.6.If the Processor engages Sub-Processors, the Processor is responsible for imposing on the Sub-Processor the same duties which the Processor has under the present agreement with regard to data protection and privacy law.

7.7.Subcontracting does not require consent by or notice to the Controller if the Processor engages third parties for the purposes of ancillary services related to the main services such as in the case of external personnel, postal and dispatch services, maintenance or user service. The Processor will conclude agreements with such third parties to the extent required to ensure adequate data protection and privacy and data security and to enable control measures.

8.Notification of breaches by the Processor

8.1.The Processor supports and assists the Controller in complying with the duties under Articles 32 to 36 GDPR to ensure the security of personal data, the duty to report breaches reportable under the GDPR, and any data protection impact assessments as the need arises. This includes among other things: (a) ensuring adequate security standards through the technical and organizational measures which take into account the circumstances and purposes of data processing and the anticipated likelihood and severity of a possible data breach; (b) informing Controller of any reportable breaches of personal data under the GDPR to the Controller without undue delay; (c) supporting and assisting the Controller in its duty to inform data subjects and, in this context, provide the Controller with all relevant information without undue delay; (d) supporting and assisting the Controller in assessing the data protection impact of activities under the MSA; and (e) supporting and assisting the Controller in prior consultations with any relevant regulatory authority.

9.Deletion and return of personal data

9.1.No copies or duplicates will be generated without the knowledge or an appropriate instruction by the Controller. This does not apply to (a) back-up copies if and to the extent they are required to ensure proper data processing; or (b) data which is required for the purposes of compliance with statutory retention duties, ICANN compliance, or contractual compliance with a third-party registry, all of which form an essential element of the services of the MSA.

9.2.The Processor, no later than upon termination of the MSA or, as the case may be, already upon completion of the contractually agreed services or upon request by the Controller, returns and hands over to the Controller all documents, results generated by the Processor in processing and/or using data as well as all data and databases relating to the contract which are in the Processor's possession, except as retention is expressly allowed under the GDPR.

9.3.Any evidence and documentation which is meant to evidence proper data processing in accordance with the contractual and other applicable requirements must be retained by the Processor even beyond the end of the contract for the applicable retention period. The Processor, to relief itself, may hand over such evidence and documentation to the Controller upon termination of the contract.

10.Information duties, written form clause, choice of law

10.1.If the data of the Controller should be endangered by any seizure or attachment of the Processor's property or by insolvency or composition proceedings or other events or measures taken by third parties, the Processor will be obliged to inform the Controller

without undue delay. The Processor will inform all responsible persons and bodies without undue delay to the effect that the Controller is the sole owner of, and has exclusive responsibility for and control over the data.

10.2.Changes and amendments to this Annex or any parts thereof – including any representations and warranties of the Processor – require a legally appropriate new agreement, written notice, and explicit reference to the fact that the change or amendment in question refers to the present DPA.

10.3.In the case of discrepancies or conflicts, the provisions contained in this Annex governing data protection and privacy take precedence over the provisions of the MSA. If the parties have executed multiple data protection agreements, this version takes precedence over the provisions of any other such agreement as it respects the provisioning of the services in the MSA. If any individual parts of this Annex should be invalid, this will be without prejudice to the validity of the remaining provisions of the Annex.

11.When the Parties are Joint Controllers

11.1.If or when the parties are joint controllers, the parties agree and warrant that the processing of Personal Data has been carried out in accordance with Data Protection Laws applicable to each of them with regards to Personal Data under the MSA.

11.2.If or when the parties are joint controllers, the parties agrees and warrants that (a) they each will process Personal Data solely for the purpose of performing obligations under MSA or any other purpose expressly permitted any agreement either party has with a User and in accordance with applicable Data Protection Laws; (b) they each will deal promptly with all reasonable inquiries from the other party, or from a User, relating to Personal Data, including requests for access or correction of Personal Data and information about relevant practices, procedures and complaints processes; (c) they each have in place procedures so that third-parties authorized to have access to Personal Data, other than registry providers and their authorized agents, will maintain the confidentiality and security of Personal Data and that any person acting under the authority of such party shall be obligated to process Personal Data only on instructions from the party; and (d) when required under Data Protection Laws, each party will provide prior notice to the other before authorizing any-third party, other than registry providers and their authorized agents, to have access to Personal Data.

11.3.If or when the parties are joint controllers, the parties understand that third-party registries are required to provide services under the MSA. In the event that a third- party registry does not comply with Data Processing Laws, Tucows will present this fact to a User prior to any collection or processing of Personal Data, gathering appropriate consent.

Annex A – Standard Contractual Clauses

For the purposes of Article 26(2) of Directive 95/46/EC for the transfer of personal data to processors established in third countries which do not ensure an adequate level of data protection

Customer, as identified in Tucows Master Services Agreement

- and -

Tucows.com Co. 96 Mowat Avenue Toronto, Ontario Canada, M6K 3M1 +1 (416) 535-0123

each a ‘party'; together ‘the parties',

HAVE AGREED on the following Contractual Clauses (the Clauses) in order to adduce adequate safeguards with respect to the protection of privacy and fundamental rights and freedoms of individuals for the transfer by the data exporter to the data importer of the personal data specified in Appendix 1.

Clause 1: Definitions

For the purposes of the Clauses:

(a)‘personal data', ‘special categories of data', ‘process/processing', ‘controller', ‘processor', ‘data subject' and ‘supervisory authority' shall have the same meaning as in Directive 95/46/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 24 October 1995 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data (1);

(b)‘the data exporter' means the controller who transfers the personal data;

(c)‘the data importer' means the processor who agrees to receive from the data exporter personal data intended for processing on his behalf after the transfer in accordance with his instructions and the terms of the Clauses and who is not subject to a third country's system ensuring adequate protection within the meaning of Article 25(1) of Directive 95/46/EC;

(d)‘the sub-processor' means any processor engaged by the data importer or by any other sub-processor of the data importer who agrees to receive from the data importer or from any other sub-processor of the data importer personal data exclusively intended for processing activities to be carried out on behalf of the data exporter after the transfer in accordance with his instructions, the terms of the Clauses and the terms of the written subcontract;

(e)‘the applicable data protection law' means the legislation protecting the fundamental rights and freedoms of individuals and, in particular, their right to privacy with respect to the processing of personal data applicable to a data controller in the Member State in which the data exporter is established;

(f)‘technical and organisational security measures' means those measures aimed at protecting personal data against accidental or unlawful destruction or accidental loss, alteration, unauthorised disclosure or access, in particular where the processing involves the transmission of data over a network, and against all other unlawful forms of processing.

Clause 2 : Details of the Transfer

The details of the transfer and in particular the special categories of personal data where applicable are specified in Appendix 1 which forms an integral part of the Clauses.

Clause 3 : Third-Party beneficiary clause

(a)The data subject can enforce against the data exporter this Clause, Clause 4(b) to (i), Clause 5(a) to (e), and (g) to (j), Clause 6(1) and (2), Clause 7, Clause 8(2), and Clauses 9 to 12 as third-party beneficiary.

(b)The data subject can enforce against the data importer this Clause, Clause 5(a) to (e) and (g), Clause 6, Clause 7, Clause 8(2), and Clauses 9 to 12, in cases where the data exporter has factually disappeared or has ceased to exist in law unless any successor entity has assumed the entire legal obligations of the data exporter by contract or by operation of law, as a result of which it takes on the rights and obligations of the data exporter, in which case the data subject can enforce them against such entity.

(c)The data subject can enforce against the sub-processor this Clause, Clause 5(a) to (e) and (g), Clause 6, Clause 7, Clause 8(2), and Clauses 9 to 12, in cases where both the data exporter and the data importer have factually disappeared or ceased to exist in law or have become insolvent, unless any successor entity has assumed the entire legal obligations of the data exporter by contract or by operation of law as a result of which it takes on the rights and obligations of the data exporter, in which case the data subject can enforce them against such entity. Such third-party liability of the sub- processor shall be limited to its own processing operations under the Clauses.

(d)The parties do not object to a data subject being represented by an association or other body if the data subject so expressly wishes and if permitted by national law.

Clause 4 : Obligations of the Data Exporter

The data exporter agrees and warrants:

(a)that the processing, including the transfer itself, of the personal data has been and will continue to be carried out in accordance with the relevant provisions of the applicable data protection law (and, where applicable, has been notified to the relevant authorities of the Member State where the data exporter is established) and does not violate the relevant provisions of that State;

(b)that it has instructed and throughout the duration of the personal data-processing services will instruct the data importer to process the personal data transferred only on the data exporter's behalf and in accordance with the applicable data protection law and the Clauses;

(c)that the data importer will provide sufficient guarantees in respect of the technical and organisational security measures specified in Appendix 2 to this contract;

(d)that after assessment of the requirements of the applicable data protection law, the security measures are appropriate to protect personal data against accidental or unlawful destruction or accidental loss, alteration, unauthorised disclosure or access, in particular where the processing involves the transmission of data over a network, and against all other unlawful forms of processing, and that these measures ensure a level of security appropriate to the risks presented by the processing and the nature of the data to be protected having regard to the state of the art and the cost of their implementation;

(e)that it will ensure compliance with the security measures;

(f)that, if the transfer involves special categories of data, the data subject has been informed or will be informed before, or as soon as possible after, the transfer that its data could be transmitted to a third country not providing adequate protection within the meaning of Directive 95/46/EC;

(g)to forward any notification received from the data importer or any sub-processor pursuant to Clause 5(b) and Clause 8(3) to the data protection supervisory authority if the data exporter decides to continue the transfer or to lift the suspension;

(h)to make available to the data subjects upon request a copy of the Clauses, with the exception of Appendix 2, and a summary description of the security measures, as well as a copy of any contract for sub-processing services which has to be made in accordance with the Clauses, unless the Clauses or the contract contain commercial information, in which case it may remove such commercial information;

(i)that, in the event of sub-processing, the processing activity is carried out in accordance with Clause 11 by a sub-processor providing at least the same level of protection for the personal data and the rights of data subject as the data importer under the Clauses; and

(j)that it will ensure compliance with Clause 4(a) to (i).

Clause 5 : Obligations of the Data Importer

The data importer agrees and warrants:

(a)to process the personal data only on behalf of the data exporter and in compliance with its instructions and the Clauses; if it cannot provide such compliance for whatever reasons, it agrees to inform promptly the data exporter of its inability to comply, in which case the data exporter is entitled to suspend the transfer of data and/or terminate the contract;

(b)that it has no reason to believe that the legislation applicable to it prevents it from fulfilling the instructions received from the data exporter and its obligations under the contract and that in the event of a change in this legislation which is likely to have a substantial adverse effect on the warranties and obligations provided by the Clauses, it will promptly notify the change to the data exporter as soon as it is aware, in which case the data exporter is entitled to suspend the transfer of data and/or terminate the contract;

(c)that it has implemented the technical and organisational security measures specified in Appendix 2 before processing the personal data transferred;

(d)that it will promptly notify the data exporter about:

(i)any legally binding request for disclosure of the personal data by a law enforcement authority unless otherwise prohibited, such as a prohibition under criminal law to preserve the confidentiality of a law enforcement investigation;

(ii)any accidental or unauthorised access; and

(iii)any request received directly from the data subjects without responding to that request, unless it has been otherwise authorised to do so;

(e)to deal promptly and properly with all inquiries from the data exporter relating to its processing of the personal data subject to the transfer and to abide by the advice of the supervisory

authority with regard to the processing of the data transferred;

(f)at the request of the data exporter to submit its data-processing facilities for audit of the processing activities covered by the Clauses which shall be carried out by the data exporter or an inspection body composed of independent members and in possession of the required professional qualifications bound by a duty of confidentiality, selected by the data exporter, where applicable, in agreement with the supervisory authority;


(g)to make available to the data subject upon request a copy of the Clauses, or any existing contract for sub-processing, unless the Clauses or contract contain commercial information, in which case it may remove such commercial information, with the exception of Appendix 2 which shall be replaced by a summary description of the security measures in those cases where the data subject is unable to obtain a copy from the data exporter;

(h)that, in the event of sub-processing, it has previously informed the data exporter and obtained its prior written consent;

(i)that the processing services by the sub-processor will be carried out in accordance with Clause 11;

(j)to send promptly a copy of any sub-processor agreement it concludes under the Clauses to the data exporter.

Clause 6 : Liability

1.The parties agree that any data subject, who has suffered damage as a result of any breach of the obligations referred to in Clause 3 or in Clause 11 by any party or sub-processor is entitled to receive compensation from the data exporter for the damage suffered.

2.If a data subject is not able to bring a claim for compensation in accordance with paragraph 1 against the data exporter, arising out of a breach by the data importer or his sub-processor of any of their obligations referred to in Clause 3 or in Clause 11, because the data exporter has factually disappeared or ceased to exist in law or has become insolvent, the data importer agrees that the data subject may issue a claim against the data importer as if it were the data exporter, unless any successor entity has assumed the entire legal obligations of the data exporter by contract of by operation of law, in which case the data subject can enforce its rights against such entity. The data importer may not rely on a breach by a sub-processor of its obligations in order to avoid its own liabilities.

3.If a data subject is not able to bring a claim against the data exporter or the data importer referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2, arising out of a breach by the sub-processor of any of their obligations referred to in Clause 3 or in Clause 11 because both the data exporter and the data importer have factually disappeared or ceased to exist in law or have become insolvent, the sub- processor agrees that the data subject may issue a claim against the data sub-processor with regard to its own processing operations under the Clauses as if it were the data exporter or the data importer, unless any successor entity has assumed the entire legal obligations of the data exporter or data importer by contract or by operation of law, in which case the data subject can enforce its rights against such entity. The liability of the sub-processor shall be limited to its own processing operations under the Clauses.

Clause 7: Mediation and Jurisdiction

1.The data importer agrees that if the data subject invokes against it third-party beneficiary rights and/or claims compensation for damages under the Clauses, the data importer will accept the

decision of the data subject:

(a)to refer the dispute to mediation, by an independent person or, where applicable, by the supervisory authority;

(b)to refer the dispute to the courts in the Member State in which the data exporter is established.

2.The parties agree that the choice made by the data subject will not prejudice its substantive or procedural rights to seek remedies in accordance with other provisions of national or international law.

Clause 8 : Cooperation with Supervisory Authorities

1.The data exporter agrees to deposit a copy of this contract with the supervisory authority if it so requests or if such deposit is required under the applicable data protection law.

2.The parties agree that the supervisory authority has the right to conduct an audit of the data importer, and of any sub-processor, which has the same scope and is subject to the same conditions as would apply to an audit of the data exporter under the applicable data protection law.

3.The data importer shall promptly inform the data exporter about the existence of legislation applicable to it or any sub-processor preventing the conduct of an audit of the data importer, or any sub-processor, pursuant to paragraph 2. In such a case the data exporter shall be entitled to take the measures foreseen in Clause 5(b).

Clause 9: Governing Law

The Clauses shall be governed by the law of the Member State in which the data exporter is established, namely, the jurisdiction named in the Master Services Agreement.

Clause 10 : Variation of the Contract

The parties undertake not to vary or modify the Clauses. This does not preclude the parties from adding clauses on business related issues where required as long as they do not contradict the Clauses.

Clause 11 : Sub-processing

1.The data importer shall not subcontract any of its processing operations performed on behalf of the data exporter under the Clauses without the prior written consent of the data exporter. Where the data importer subcontracts its obligations under the Clauses, with the consent of the data exporter, it shall do so only by way of a written agreement with the sub-processor which imposes the same obligations on the sub-processor as are imposed on the data importer under the Clauses (3). Where the sub-processor fails to fulfil its data protection obligations under such written agreement the data importer shall remain fully liable to the data exporter for the performance of the sub-processor's obligations under such agreement.

2.The prior written contract between the data importer and the sub-processor shall also provide for a third-party beneficiary clause as laid down in Clause 3 for cases where the data subject is not able to bring the claim for compensation referred to in paragraph 1 of Clause 6 against the data exporter or the data importer because they have factually disappeared or have ceased to exist in law or have become insolvent and no successor entity has assumed the entire legal obligations of the data exporter or data importer by contract or by operation of law. Such third-party liability of the sub-

processor shall be limited to its own processing operations under the Clauses.

3.The provisions relating to data protection aspects for sub-processing of the contract referred to in paragraph 1 shall be governed by the law of the Member State in which the data exporter is established, namely the jurisdiction named in the Master Services Agreement.

4.The data exporter shall keep a list of sub-processing agreements concluded under the Clauses and notified by the data importer pursuant to Clause 5(j), which shall be updated at least once a year. The list shall be available to the data exporter's data protection supervisory authority.

Clause 12 : Obligation After the Termination of Personal Data-Processing Services

1.The parties agree that on the termination of the provision of data-processing services, the data importer and the sub-processor shall, at the choice of the data exporter, return all the personal data transferred and the copies thereof to the data exporter or shall destroy all the personal data and certify to the data exporter that it has done so, unless legislation imposed upon the data importer prevents it from returning or destroying all or part of the personal data transferred. In that case, the data importer warrants that it will guarantee the confidentiality of the personal data transferred and will not actively process the personal data transferred anymore.

2.The data importer and the sub-processor warrant that upon request of the data exporter and/or of the supervisory authority, it will submit its data-processing facilities for an audit of the measures referred to in paragraph 1.

Clause 13 : Liability

1.The parties agree that if one party is held liable for a violation of the clauses committed by the other party, the latter will, to the extent to which it is liable, indemnify the first party for any cost, charge, damages, expenses or loss it has incurred.

2.Indemnification is contingent upon: (a) the data exporter promptly notifying the data importer of a claim; and (b) the data importer being given the possibility to cooperate with the data exporter in the defence and settlement of the claim.

Exhibit 1 to the Standard Contractual Clauses

Data exporter

The company identified in the Master Services Agreement ("MSA") with Tucows as "Customer" and which has a services relationship with persons and companies identified in the MSA as "Users", "Registrants", "Registered Name Holders", and/or "Sub-Resellers."

Data importer

The data importer is Tucows, as defined in the MSA, which provides those services described in the MSA to permit, provision and maintain the registration of domain names, whois privacy services, digital certificates, and/or domain name service.

Data subjects

The personal data transferred may concern the following categories of data subjects (please specify): the registration and provisioning of Internet domain names, whois privacy services, digital certificates,

and/or domain name service.

Categories of data

The personal data transferred concern the following categories of data (please specify): name and appropriate contact information as requested by the relevant top-level domain registry, which includes email address and may also include address, telephone number, and facsimile number.

Processing operations

The personal data transferred will be subject to the following basic processing activities (please specify): use of contact information as requested by the relevant top-level domain registry for registration at the relevant registry, usage in data escrow services, and publication, when relevant and required, in whois databases.

Annex B – Technical and Organizational Measures

This Technical and Organizational Security Exhibit (Annex B) describes the technical and organizational security controls employed in connection with the Tucows' OpenSRS services, technical support services and other services specifically provided under the parties' Master Service Agreement ("MSA"). This Exhibit is incorporated by reference into the MSA. Capitalized terms have the meaning stated in the MSA or as defined herein.

1.Confidentiality (Art. 32 subs. 1 b) GDPR)

a.Physical access control.

i.Tucows limits facilities access to authorized individuals. All facilities all locked at all times and require security cards for entrance. Guests are required to sign in and are accompanied by Tucows' employees. Facilities entrances and exits are monitored.

ii.Services infrastructure operated outside the Tucows corporate facilities involve similar physical and environmental security controls.

iii.When Tucows uses third-party co-located data centers for provision of the services, Tucows requires that the service provider meets or exceeds the physical and environmental security requirements of Tucows-managed facilities. Minimum security requirements include: physical access restrictions and safeguards; adequate separation of customer environments; fire suppression, detection, and prevention mechanisms; climate control systems.

iv.When Tucows uses Cloud-Based Infrastructure for provision of services, Tucows contracts with providers that provide a materially similar level of physical access control to the service levels described above.

b.Logical access control.

i.Tucows requires that its employees and contractors secure computers and data while unattended.

ii.Tucows uses industry-standard practices to identify and authenticate users accessing its information systems and monitors connections for abuse or unauthorized uses. When authentication is based on passwords, Tucows follows industry-standard practices for password handling and management, including length and complexity requirements. Personnel are prohibited from sharing passwords. Tucows follows industry-standard practices to deactivate passwords or accounts that have been corrupted or inadvertently disclosed.

iii.Tucows monitors attempts to gain unauthorized access to its systems and services. Tucows users industry standard practices to maintain the confidentiality and integrity of passwords when they are assigned, distributed and stored.

c.Data access control.

i.Tucows restricts access to its systems to only those individuals who require such access to perform their job function.

ii.Tucows maintains a record of security privileges of individuals having access to its systems.

iii.New access to systems is reviewed and approved by management prior to being granted.

iv.Tucows performs regular reviews of user accounts and assigned permissions for key systems.

v.Tucows limits the personnel who may grant, alter or cancel authorized access to data and resources.

vi.Tucows ensures that when more than one individual has access to systems containing the individuals have separate identifiers.

d.Data separation control. Tucows collection of Personal Data is solely to provide the services under the MSA, and Tucows does not use such data for other purposes that would require separate processing.

2.Integrity (Art. 32 subs. 1 b) GDPR)

a.Data transfer control. Tucows requires encrypted connections to its services interfaces between Customer and Tucows at all times. Tucows uses industry standard encryption mechanisms both for data in transit and at rest.

b.Data entry control. Tucows implements and maintains industry standard mechanisms to enforce access management and data entry controls around the reception and processing of Personal Data, including journaling of dates and times of data entry and the identity of the person or company that initiated the data creation. Such mechanisms can identify when and by whom data was entered, altered or removed, and when necessary, the mechanisms can restore data to previous states.

c.Event Logging. In performance of the services in the MSA, Tucows collects logs. Logs may include access ID, time, authorization granted or denied, diagnostic data, and other relevant activity. Logs are used (i) for providing, securing, managing, measuring and improving the Tucows services, (ii) as directed or instructed by Customer and its Users, and/or (iii) for compliance with Tucows policies, applicable law, regulation, or governmental request. This may include monitoring the performance, stability, usage and security of the Tucows' services.

d.Deletion Processes. Tucows securely deletes Personal Data when no longer needed for a legitimate purpose.Tucows may retain Personal Data following the relevant service period where required for legal purposes. Tucows will comply with the requirements of this Exhibit until such data has been permanently deleted. Tucows is under no obligation to Customer to retain Personal data, or any data of Customer or its Users, following termination of the MSA. Return.

3.Availability and resilience (Art. 32 subs. 1 b) GDPR)

a.Availability Control. Tucows' services are maintained in high availability clusters spanning multiple physical sites. All databases are backed up and maintained using at least industry standard methods, and data required for domain name services are stored redundantly in escrow, as mandated by certain contracts with third-party registries and ICANN.

b.Failover Protection. Tucows implements mechanisms designed to address loss of availability of data, including storing copies of data in a different place from where the primary computer equipment processing such is located.

c.Intrusion Control. Tucows uses anti-virus software, malware monitoring software, and other industry-standard controls to avoid malicious software gaining unauthorized access to Personal Data, including malicious software originating from public networks or from Customer.

d.Prevention, Detection and Escalation Control. Tucows uses both industry-standard mechanisms and proprietary mechanisms to prevent intrusions and data breaches and to maintain data integrity. It routinely monitors its systems for non-normal activities, and it has established escalation paths for any data disruptions to appropriate personnel.

e.Restoration of Availability. Tucows is capable of restoring all data used in its services from back-up, typically without an interruption in service. Data for services also can be restored from third-party escrow, either to Tucows or a successor registrar, if necessary and appropriate.

4.Processes for regular testing, assessment and evaluation (Art. 32 subs. 1 d) GDPR; Art. 25 subs. 1 GDPR)

a.Monitored Security Controls. Tucows has appointed one or more security and technical officers responsible for coordinating and monitoring security controls for the services it provides under the MSA.

b.Confidentiality Obligations. Tucows personnel and all third-party contractors with access to Personal Data and data of the Customer are subject to confidentiality obligations.

c.Personnel and Policy. Tucows maintains a systems engineering team responsible for implementing and communicating to the company the overarching security and safety principles established and approved by executive management. Policies provide security requirements in a clear and concise manner. Standards define the process or methodology of meeting policy requirements.

d.Regular Assessments. Tucows routinely performs assessments of key areas of risk associated with the services provided under the MSA including, by way of example only and as applicable, privacy risk assessments, open source reviews, and contractual compliance reviews.

e.Contract Reviews. Tucows reviews all new and renewing contracts against data protection laws, including the GDPR, and selects and retains only those vendors that commit to similar levels of security and data protection. Service providers that may access Personal Data subject to European Union law are required to self-certify to EU-U.S. and EU-Swiss Privacy Shield programs or to execute Standard Contractual Clauses.

f.Service Provider Review and Termination. Service providers are assessed periodically based upon the sensitivity and risk associated with their services. Upon termination of a supplier relationship, the service provider is required to return all or certify the secure destruction of all Personal Data, if any, in its possession.

Annex C – Sub-Processors engaged by the Processor

The gTLD and ccTLD registries and their agents listed on the "Data Use Information Page," provided to each User at registration of a domain name and provided inside the User's domain name account.

The authoritative list of companies and entities that operate TLD registries is maintained by the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority at https://www.iana.org/domains/root/db.

The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers ("ICANN")

Iron Mountain Data Escrow Services

DENIC Data Escrow Services


American Express





THIS REGISTRATION AGREEMENT ("Agreement"), is between Tucows Domains Inc. ("Tucows") and you, on behalf of yourself or the entity you represent ("Registrant"), as offered through the Reseller participating in Tucows' distribution channel for domain name registrations. Any reference to "Registry" or "Registry Operator" shall refer to the registry administrator of the applicable top-level domain ("TLD"). This Agreement explains Tucows' obligations to Registrant, and Registrant's obligations to Tucows, for the domain registration services. By agreeing to the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement, Registrant agrees to be bound by the rules and regulations set forth in this Agreement, and by a registry for that particular TLD.

DOMAIN NAME REGISTRATION. Domain name registrations are for a limited term, which ends on the expiration date communicated to the Registrant. A domain name submitted through Tucows will be deemed active when the relevant registry accepts the Registrant's application and activates Registrant's domain name registration or renewal. Tucows cannot guarantee that Registrant will obtain a desired domain name, even if an inquiry indicates that a domain name is available at the time of application. Tucows is not responsible for any inaccuracies or errors in the domain name registration or renewal process.

FEES. Registrant agrees to pay Reseller the applicable service fees prior to the registration or renewal of a domain. All fees payable here under are non-refundable even if Registrant's domain name registration is suspended, cancelled or transferred prior to the end of your current registration term.

TERM. This Agreement will remain in effect during the term of the domain name registration as selected, recorded and paid for at the time of registration or renewal. Should the domain name be transferred to another registrar, the terms and conditions of this Agreement shall cease.

EXPIRATION, RENEWAL AND FORFEITURE. The registered domain name will expire on the expiration date specified in the registration term, and as communicated to the Registrant. Registrant will receive reminders immediately prior to the expiration inviting Registrant to renew the domain name. In the event that Registrant fails to renew the domain name in a timely fashion, the registration will expire and Tucows may, at its discretion, elect to assume the registration and may hold it in its own account, delete it, or sell it to a third party. During the period following the expiration of a domain name, the domain name will cease to resolve, the Whois registration records may be revised to include that of Tucows or its reseller, and visitors to Registrant's website may be directed to a default web page. This default web page may feature advertisements posted by Tucows for its own account. Registrant acknowledges and agrees that Registrant's right and interest in a domain name ceases upon its expiration. Registrant is solely responsible for informing itself of the date of expiration and renewing its registration in a timely manner. If Tucows, in its sole discretion, elects to renew the registration, Registrant will be entitled to a grace period of forty (40) days during which Registrant may re-register the domain name. Additional costs for the redemption and re-registration will apply.

EXPIRED REGISTRATION RECOVERY POLICY. Domain expiration notices will be sent via email thirty (30) days and five (5) days prior to a domain expiration date and three (3) days after a domain expires. Renewal, post- expiration renewal and redemptions fees are published at https://opensrs.com/services/domains/domain-pricing/. Reseller's fees may differ.

REGISTRANT INFORMATION AND DATA SHARING. Data required for the registration of a domain name varies by top-level domain. The required data for a domain name registration ("Minimum Data") will be presented at the time of registration or renewal and may include up to:

Name and postal address of the Registered Name Holder;

Registered name;

Names of the primary nameserver and secondary nameserver(s) for the Registered Name;

Name, postal address, e-mail address, and voice and fax (if available) telephone numbers of the administrative contact for the domain name;

Name, postal address, e-mail address, and voice and fax (if available) telephone numbers of the billing contact for the domain name; and

Name, postal address, e-mail address, and voice and fax (if available) telephone numbers of the technical contact for the domain name.

The Minimum Data will be shared with Tucows and may be shared with the relevant authoritative registry services provider for your top-level domain. The identity of the authoritative registry services provider can be found at https://www.iana.org/whois. The Minimum Data for domains in any TLD you have registered can be found in the Data Use Information Page.

ACCURATE INFORMATION. Registrant represents and warrants that:

The statements that Registrant makes in connection with the domain name registration, maintenance, or renewal are complete and accurate;

Registrant information will be kept current;

Registrant will not and will not permit others to use the domain name in violation of any ICANN or registry policies, applicable laws or regulations, or legal rights of others;

Registrant will respond to inquiries from Tucows addressed to the email address of the Registrant, the administrative, billing or technical contact with respect to a domain name concerning the accuracy of

contact details.

Registrant acknowledges that a breach of this Section 8 will constitute a material breach of the Agreement, which will entitle either Tucows or a registry to terminate this Agreement immediately upon such breach without any refund and without notice to Registrant.

ACCOUNT REVIEW, DATA MODIFICATION OR DELETION. To access, view, update, delete or download data associated with your domain name registration, you must be signed into your account. If you make a request to delete your personal data and that data is necessary for the products or services you have purchased, the request will be honored only to the extent it is no longer necessary for any services purchased or required for our legitimate business purposes or legal or contractual record keeping requirements. In some cases, when data is necessary for the provisioning of service, deletion of data may cancel or suspend the services you have purchased. If you have difficulty accessing your data, modifying it, or deleting it, you may request assistance by sending email to DPO @ Tucows.com or using the contact information at https://opensrs.com/privacy-policy/.

ICANN-REQUIRED DISCLOSURES. Domain name registration requires sharing the Registrant's information, in whole or in part, with the applicable Registry Operator and with ICANN. Both Tucows and the Registry Operator may be required to archive this information with a third-party escrow service. Further, Registrant represents and warrants that, if Registrant is providing information about a third party, Registrant has notified the third party of the required disclosures and the purpose for the disclosures and Registrant has obtained the third party's consent to such disclosure. ICANN may establish or modify the guidelines, limits or requirements that relate to the amount and type of information that Tucows may or must make available to the public or to private entities, and the manner in which such information is made available.

SUSPENSION AND CANCELLATION. Tucows may in its sole discretion, suspend or cancel Registrant's domain name registration:

if Registrant breaches this Agreement;

if Registrant fails to provide payment or accurate contact or billing information;

in the event there was an error in the registration process for such domain name;

as required by ICANN or a Registry Operator;

to protect the integrity and stability of Tucows and any applicable registry;

to comply with any applicable laws, government rules, requests of law enforcement and court orders;

in compliance with any dispute resolution process; or

to avoid any liability, civil or criminal.

DISPUTE RESOLUTION. Registrant is bound by all ICANN consensus policies and all policies of any relevant Registry Operator, including the Uniform Rapid Suspension Procedure, the Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution policy (UDRP), along with the UDRP rules and all supplemental rules of any UDRP provider. ICANN may change the UDRP at any time. If a third party challenges the registration or reservation of the Registrant's domain name, Registrant will be subject to the provisions specified in the dispute policy adopted by the applicable registry. In the event a domain name dispute arises, Registrant will indemnify and hold Tucows harmless pursuant to the terms and conditions contained in the applicable policy. If Tucows is notified that a complaint has been filed with a judicial or administrative body regarding a domain name, Tucows may, at its sole discretion, suspend use of the domain name and the ability to make modifications to the registration records until:

Tucows is directed to do so by the judicial or administrative body, or

Tucows receives notification from both parties that the dispute has been settled.

If Registrant or Registrant's domain name becomes the subject of litigation, Tucows may deposit control of Registrant's domain name record into the registry of the judicial body by supplying a party with a registrar certificate.

WHOIS PRIVACY SERVICE. If Registrant elects to use the Whois privacy registration service, the following terms and conditions will apply:

The publicly available Registrant contact information will list Contact Privacy Inc. Customer ####

(where #### is a unique customer identification number) as the Registrant and contact name, and Tucows' postal address, assigned email address and telephone number as contact information.

Tucows will keep the Registrant and Contact Information provided by Registrant on file. Both Tucows and the Registry may be required to archive this information with a third-party escrow service, as per ICANN policy.

Registrant will retain complete control over the domain name and its registration records and may suspend and reinstate the Whois Privacy Service at its discretion.

With respect to a domain name that has been transferred to Tucows, the Whois Privacy Service will only commence after the transfer has been completed. If Registrant elects to transfer a domain name to a different registrar, the Whois Privacy Service must be disabled in order to initiate the transfer.

Tucows will send all obligatory renewal and transfer related messages to the contacts that Registrant has designated.

Pricing for the Whois privacy registration service will be set by the Reseller, and Registrant will pay Reseller for this service.

Communications received with respect to a domain name registration will be handled as follows:

o Tucows will forward to Registrant all correspondence received by registered mail or traceable courier. This information may be opened, scanned and emailed to Registrant. Regular postal mail will be discarded or returned to sender at Tucows' discretion.

o Email correspondence will be forwarded, only if submitted via the contactprivacy.com website.

o A voice mail message will advise all callers that inbound messages will not be accepted; calls will be directed to the contactprivacy.com website.

o The point of contact for third parties wishing to report abuse or infringement of trademarks (or other rights) is legal@tucows.com.

The business contact information for the Whois privacy registration service is:

Contact Privacy Inc.

96 Mowat Ave

Toronto (ON) M6K 3M1


Tucows shall have the right, at its sole discretion and without liability to Registrant, to suspend or cancel the Whois Privacy Service and to reveal Registrant and Contact Whois Information in certain circumstances, including but not limited to the following:

o when required by law;

o in the good faith belief that disclosure is necessary to further determination of an alleged breach of a law;

o to comply with a legal process served upon Tucows;

o to resolve any and all third party claims including but not limited to ICANN's or a Registry's dispute resolution policy;

o to avoid financial loss or legal liability;

o if Tucows believes that Registrant or one of Registrant's contacts is using the Whois Privacy Service to conceal involvement with illegal, illicit, objectionable or harmful activities; or to transmit SPAM, viruses, worms or other harmful computer programs.

POLICY. Registrant agrees that its registration of the domain name shall be subject to suspension, cancellation, or transfer pursuant to a Tucows, registry, ICANN or government-adopted policy, or pursuant to any registrar or registry procedure not inconsistent with a Tucows, registry, ICANN or government-adopted policy,

to correct mistakes by Tucows or a registry in registering the name or

for the resolution of disputes concerning the domain name.

TRADEMARK CLEARINGHOUSE (TMCH). Registrant agrees to abide by the terms and conditions set forth by

Tucows and the Trademark Clearinghouse Agreement available at http://opensrs.com/site/resources/agreements#contracts.

NO GUARANTEE. Registrant acknowledges that registration of a chosen domain name does not confer immunity from objection to the registration, reservation or use of the domain name.

AGENCY. If Registrant intends to license use of a domain name to a third party, Registrant is deemed the domain name holder of record and is responsible for providing Registrant's own full contact information adequate to facilitate timely resolution of any problems that arise in connection with the domain name. Registrant shall accept liability for harm caused by wrongful use of the domain name, unless it promptly discloses the licensee's identity and current contact information (as provided by the licensee) to a party providing the Registered Name Holder reasonable evidence of actionable harm. Registrant represents that it will secure the agreement of any third party to the terms and conditions in this Agreement.

MODIFICATIONS TO AGREEMENT. Tucows may modify this Agreement, or any other related and/or applicable agreement, as is necessary to comply with its agreements with ICANN, a registry or any other entity or individual, as well as to adjust to changing circumstances. All amendments to this Agreement will be posted on our website at http://www.opensrs.com/docs/contracts/exhibita.htm. Your continued use of the registered domain name will constitute your acceptance of this Agreement with any revisions. If you do not agree to any change, you may request that your domain name be cancelled or transferred to a different accredited registrar, and agree that such cancellation or transfer will be your exclusive remedy if you do not wish to abide by any change to this Agreement, or any other related and/or applicable agreement.

ANNOUNCEMENTS. Tucows reserves the right to distribute information to Registrant that is required by ICANN or Registry policy.

LIMITATION OF LIABILITY. Registrant agrees that Tucows' entire liability, and Registrant's exclusive remedy, with respect to the domain registration service provided under this Agreement and any breach of this Agreement is solely limited to the amount Registrant paid for the initial registration of the domain name. Tucows, ICANN and the applicable registries shall not be liable for any lost profits, revenues, or data, financial losses or indirect, special, consequential, exemplary, or punitive damages. Because some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of liability for consequential or incidental damages, in such states, liability is limited to the extent permitted by law.

INDEMNITY. Registrant will defend, indemnify, and hold harmless Tucows, ICANN, the applicable registries, and their respective directors, officers, employees, agents, affiliates, and contractors, from all liabilities, claims and expenses, including attorney's fees, arising out of or relating to

Registrant's registration and use of the domain name registered;

use of the domain name in violation of this Agreement; or

Registrant's violation of any third party right, including Intellectual Property Rights. This indemnification obligation will survive the termination or expiration of this Agreement.

TRANSFER OF OWNERSHIP. The person named as Registrant on record with Tucows shall be the "Registered Name Holder." If designated, the person named as administrative contact at the time the controlling account was secured shall be deemed the designate of the Registrant with the authority to manage the domain name. Registrant agrees that prior to transferring ownership of the domain name to another person (the "Transferee") Registrant shall require the Transferee to agree, in writing to be bound by all the terms and conditions of this Agreement. If the Transferee fails to be bound in a reasonable fashion (as determine by Tucows in its sole discretion) to the terms and conditions in this Agreement, any such transfer will be null and void. Registrant explicitly authorizes Tucows to act as their Designated Agent, as stipulated by the ICANN Transfer Policy, to approve a Change of Registrant on their behalf.

BREACH. Registrant agrees that failure to abide by any provision of this Agreement, any ICANN, Registry, URDP or Dispute operating rule or policy, may be considered by Tucows to be a material breach, and that Tucows may provide written notice, describing the breach, to Registrant. If within fifteen (15) calendar days of the date of such notice, Registrant fails to provide evidence, which is reasonably satisfactory to Tucows, that Registrant has not breached its obligations under the Agreement, then Tucows may delete the registration the domain name. Any such breach by Registrant shall not be deemed to be excused simply because Tucows did not act earlier in response to that, or any other, breach by Registrant.

DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES. Except for the express warranties in this Agreement, Tucows does not make any other warranty of any kind, whether express, implied, statutory or otherwise, including warranties or merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, and non-infringement. Tucows is not responsible or liable for the deletion or of failure to store any content and other communications maintained or transmitted through the use of the domain name registration service. Tucows does not warrant that the domain name registrations service will be error free or uninterrupted. The domain name registration service is not intended for high risk activities.

INCONSISTENCIES WITH REGISTRY POLICIES. In the event that this Agreement may be inconsistent with any term, condition, policy or procedure of an applicable Registry, the term, condition, policy or procedure of the applicable Registry shall prevail.

NON-WAIVER. Tucows failure to require performance by Registrant of any provision hereof shall not affect the full right to require such performance at any time thereafter; nor shall the waiver by Tucows of a breach of any provision hereof be taken or held to be a waiver of the provision itself.

NOTICES. Any notice, direction or other communication given under this Agreement shall be in writing and given by sending it via e-mail or via regular mail. In the case of e-mail, valid notice shall only have been deemed to be given when an electronic confirmation of delivery has been obtained by the sender. E-mail notification to Tucows must be sent to domains@tucows.com. Any notice to Registrant will be sent to the e-mail address provided by Registrant in the Whois record. Any e-mail communication shall be deemed to have been validly and effectively given on the date of such communication, if such date is a business day and such delivery was made prior to 4:00 p.m. EST, otherwise it will be deemed to have been delivered on the next business day. In the case of regular mail notice, valid notice shall be deemed to have been validly and effectively given five (5) business days after the date of mailing Postal notices to Tucows shall be sent to:

Tucows Domains Inc.

96 Mowat Avenue Toronto, Ontario M6K 3M1


Attention: Compliance

and, in the case of notification to you, shall be sent to the address specified by you in your registration of your domain name with Tucows.

ENTIRETY. Registrant agrees that this Agreement, the applicable dispute policy and the rules and policies published by Tucows and any applicable Registry or other governing authority, are the complete and exclusive Agreement between Tucows and Registrant regarding the domain registration service.

NO THIRD-PARTY BENEFICIARIES. This Agreement shall not be construed to create any obligation by either Tucows or Registrant to any non-party to this Agreement. Enforcement of this Agreement, including any provisions incorporated by reference, is a matter solely for the parties to this Agreement.


INFANCY. You attest that you are of legal age to enter into this Agreement.

FORCE MAJEURE. Registrant acknowledges and agrees that neither Tucows nor the applicable Registry shall be responsible for any failures or delays in performing the respective obligations hereunder arising from any cause beyond its reasonable control, including but not limited to, acts of God, acts of civil or military authority, fires, wars, riots, earthquakes, storms, typhoons and floods.

PRIVACY. Information collected about Registrant is subject to the terms of Tucows' privacy policy, the terms of which are hereby incorporated by reference. Tucows' privacy policy can be found at: https://opensrs.com/privacy-policy/

CONTROLLING LANGUAGE. In the event that Registrant is reading this Agreement in a language other than the English language, Registrant acknowledges and agrees that the English language version hereof shall prevail in case of inconsistency or contradiction in interpretation or translation.

TLDs. The following additional provisions apply to any domain names that you register through Tucows with the various registries:

a. .com and .net Domains: In the case of a ".com" or ".net" registration, the following terms and conditions will apply:

i.Submission to UDRP. Registrant agrees to submit to proceedings under ICANN's

Uniform Domain Dispute Policy ("UDRP") (http://www.icann.org/dndr/udrp/policy.htm) and comply with the requirements set forth by the Registry; these policies are subject to modification;

ii.For the adjudication of disputes concerning or arising from use of the domain name, the Registrant shall submit, without prejudice to other potentially applicable

jurisdictions, to the jurisdiction of the courts (1) of the Registrant's domicile, and (2) where Tucows is located, presently Toronto, Ontario.

b. .org Domains: In the case of a ".org" registration, the following terms and conditions will apply:

i.Submission to UDRP. Registrant agrees to submit to proceedings under ICANN's

Uniform Domain Dispute Policy ("UDRP") (http://www.icann.org/dndr/udrp/policy.htm) and comply with the requirements set forth by the Registry. These policies are subject to modification;

ii.For the adjudication of disputes concerning or arising from use of the domain name, the Registrant shall submit, without prejudice to other potentially applicable jurisdictions, to the jurisdiction of the courts (1) of the Registrant's domicile, and (2) where Tucows is located, presently Toronto, Ontario.

c. .info Domains: In the case of a ".info" registration, the following terms and conditions will apply:

i.Registrant's Personal Data. You consent to the use, copying, distribution, publication, modification, and other processing of Registrant's personal data by Afilias, the .INFO registry, and its designees and agents, in a manner consistent with the purposes specified pursuant to its contract;

ii.You agree to the Afilias Inc. Acceptable Use and Anti-Abuse Policy, located at https://www.afilias.info/policies

iii.Submission to UDRP. Registrant agrees to submit to proceedings under ICANN's

Uniform Domain Dispute Policy ("UDRP") (http://www.icann.org/dndr/udrp/policy.htm) and comply with the requirements set forth by the Registry. These policies are subject to modification;

iv.For the adjudication of disputes concerning or arising from use of the domain name, the Registrant shall submit, without prejudice to other potentially applicable jurisdictions, to the jurisdiction of the courts (1) of the Registrant's domicile, and (2) where Tucows is located, presently Toronto, Ontario;

v.Reservation of Rights. Tucows and Afilias expressly reserve the right to deny, cancel, transfer, or modify any registration that either registrar or Afilias deems necessary, at its discretion, to protect the integrity and stability of the registry, to comply with any applicable law, any government rule or requirement, any request of law enforcement, any dispute resolution process, or to avoid any liability, civil or criminal, on the part of the registrar and/or Afilias, as well as their affiliates, subsidiaries, executives, directors,

officers, managers, employees, consultants, and agents. The registrar and Afilias also reserve the right to suspend a domain name or its registration data during resolution of a dispute.

d. .biz Domains: In the case of a ".biz" registration, the following terms and conditions will apply: i. .biz Restrictions. Registrations in the .biz top-level domain must be used or intended

to be used primarily for bona fide business or commercial purposes. For the purposes of the .biz registration restrictions, "bona fide business or commercial use" shall mean the bona fide use or bona fide intent to use the domain name or any content, software, materials, graphics or other information thereon, to permit Internet users to access one

or more host computers through the DNS: (A) to exchange goods, services, or property of any kind; (B) in the ordinary course of business; or (C) to facilitate (i) the exchange of goods, services, information or property of any kind; or (ii) the ordinary course of trade or business. For more information on the .biz restrictions, which are incorporated herein by reference, please see: http://www.icann.org/tlds/agreements/biz/registry- agmt-appl-18apr01.htm.

ii.Selection of a Domain Name. You represent that: (A) the data provided in the domain name registration application is true, correct, up to date and complete, and that you will continue to keep all of the information provided correct, up-to-date and complete;

(B) to the best of the your knowledge and belief, neither this registration of a domain name nor the manner in which it is directly or indirectly to be used infringes upon the legal rights of a third party; (C) that the domain name is not being registered for nor shall it at any time whatsoever be used for any unlawful purpose whatsoever; (D) the registered domain name will be used primarily for bona fide business or commercial purposes and not (a) exclusively for personal use, or (b) solely for the purposes of (1) selling, trading or leasing the domain name for compensation, or (2) the unsolicited offering to sell, trade or lease the domain name for compensation; (E) you have the authority to enter into this Registration Agreement; and (F) the registered domain name is reasonably related to your business or intended commercial purpose at the time of registration.

iii.Provision of Registration Data. As part of the registration process, you are required to provide us with certain information and to keep the information true, current, complete, and accurate at all times. The information includes the following: (A) your full name; (B) your postal address; (C) your e-mail address; (D) your voice telephone number; (E) your fax number (if applicable); (F) the name of an authorized person for contact purposes in the case of a registrant that is an organization, association, or corporation; (G) the IP addresses of the primary nameserver and any secondary nameserver for the domain name; (H) the corresponding names of the primary and secondary nameservers; (I) the full name, postal address, e-mail address, voice telephone number, and, when available, fax number of the administrative, technical, and billing contacts, and the name holder for the domain name; and (J) any remark concerning the domain name that should appear in the Whois directory. (K) You agree and understand that the foregoing registration data will be publicly available and accessible on the Whois directory as required by ICANN and/or registry policies, and may be sold in bulk in accordance with the ICANN agreement.

iv.Domain Name Disputes. You acknowledge having read and understood and agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of the following documents, as they may be amended from time to time, which are hereby incorporated and made an integral part of this Agreement: (A) The Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy ("Dispute Policy), available at: http://www.icann.org/dndr/udrp/policy.htm; (B) The Restrictions Dispute Resolution Criteria and Rules ("RDRP"), available at:

http://www.icann.org/tlds /agreements/biz/registry-agmt-appm-27apr01.htm; (collectively, the "Dispute Policies").

v.The Dispute Policy sets forth the terms and conditions in connection with a dispute between a Registrant and any party other than the Registry or Registrar over the registration and use of an Internet domain name registered by Registrant.

vi.The RDRP sets forth the terms under which any allegation that a domain name is not used primarily for business or commercial purposes shall be endorsed on a case-by-case, fact specific basis by an independent ICANN-accredited dispute provider.

vii.For the adjudication of disputes concerning or arising from use of the domain name, the Registrant shall submit, without prejudice to other potentially applicable

jurisdictions, to the jurisdiction of the courts (1) of the Registrant's domicile, and (2) where Tucows is located, presently Toronto, Ontario.

e. .name Domains: In the case of a ".name" registration, the following terms and conditions will apply: i. .name Restrictions. Registrations in the .name top-level domain must constitute an

individual's "Personal Name". For purposes of the .name restrictions (the "Restrictions"), a "Personal Name" is a person's legal name, or a name by which the person is commonly known. A "name by which a person is commonly known" includes, without limitation, a pseudonym used by an author or painter, or a stage name used by a singer or actor.

ii. .name Representations. As a .name domain name registrant, you hereby represent that:

(A)the registered domain name or second level domain ("SLD") e-mail address is your Personal Name. (B) the data provided in the domain name registration application is true, correct, up to date and complete and that you will continue to keep all of the information provided correct, current and complete, (C) to the best of the your knowledge and belief, neither this registration of a domain name nor the manner in which it is directly or indirectly to be used infringes upon the legal rights of a third party; (D) that the domain name is not being registered for nor shall it at any time whatsoever be used for any unlawful purpose whatsoever; (E) the registration satisfies

theEligibilityRequirementsfoundat: http://www.icann.org/en/about/agreements/registries/name/appendix-11-25mar11- en.htm; and (F) you have the authority to enter into this Registration Agreement.

iii.E-mail Forwarding Services. The Services for which you have registered may, at your option, include e-mail forwarding. To the extent you opt to use e-mail forwarding, you are obliged to do so in accordance with all applicable legislation and are responsible for all use of e-mail forwarding, including the content of messages sent through email forwarding.

iv.You undertake to familiarize yourself with the content of and to comply with the generally accepted rules for Internet and e-mail usage. Without prejudice to the foregoing, you undertake not to use e-mail forwarding: (A) to encourage, allow or participate in any form of illegal or unsuitable activity, including but not restricted to the exchange of threatening, obscene or offensive messages, spreading computer viruses, breach of copyright and/or proprietary rights or publishing defamatory material; (B) to gain illegal access to systems or networks by unauthorized access to or use of the data in systems or networks, including all attempts at guessing passwords, checking or testing the vulnerability of a system or network or breaching the security or access control without the sufficient approval of the owner of the system or network;

(C)to interrupt data traffic to other users, servers or networks, including, but not restricted to, mail bombing, flooding, Denial of Service (DoS) attacks, wilful attempts to overload another system or other forms of harassment; or (D) for spamming, which includes, but is not restricted to, the mass mailing of unsolicited e-mail, junk mail, the use of distribution lists (mailing lists) which include persons who have not specifically given their consent to be placed on such distribution list. Users are not permitted to provide false names or in any other way to pose as somebody else when using e-mail forwarding.

v.Registry reserves the right to implement additional anti-spam measures, to block spam or mail from systems with a history of abuse from entering Registry's e-mail forwarding. However, due to the nature of such systems, which actively block

messages, Registry shall make public any decision to implement such systems a reasonable time in advance, so as to allow you or us to give feedback on the decision.

vi.You understand and agree that Registry may delete material that does not conform to clause (c) above or that in some other way constitutes a misuse of e-mail forwarding. You further understand and agree that Registry is at liberty to block your access to e- mail forwarding if you use e-mail forwarding in a way that contravenes this Agreement. You will be given prior warning of discontinuation of the e-mail forwarding unless it would damage the reputation of Registry or jeopardize the security of Registry or others to do so. Registry reserves the right to immediately discontinue e-mail forwarding without notice if the technical stability of e-mail forwarding is threatened in any way, or if you are in breach of this Agreement. On discontinuing e-mail forwarding, Registry is not obliged to store any contents or to forward unsent e-mail to you or a third party.

vii.You understand and agree that to the extent either we and/or Registry is required by law to disclose certain information or material in connection with your e-mail forwarding, either we and/or Registry will do so in accordance with such requirement and without notice to you.

viii.Domain Name Dispute Policy. If you reserved or registered a domain name through us, or transferred a domain name to us from another registrar, you agree to be bound by the dispute policy that is incorporated herein and made a part of this Agreement by reference. You hereby acknowledge that you have read and understood and agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of the following documents, as they may be amended from time to time, which are hereby incorporated and made an integral part of this Agreement. (A) the Eligibility Requirements (the "Eligibility Requirements"),

available at: http://www.icann.org/tlds/agreements/name/registry-agmt-appl- 8aug03.htm; (B) the Eligibility Requirements Dispute Resolution Policy (the "ERDRP"), available at: http://www.icann.org/tlds/agreements/name/registry-agmt-appm- 8aug03.htm; and (C) the Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy (the "UDRP"), available at: http://www.icann.org/dndr/udrp/policy.htm

ix.The Eligibility Requirements dictate that Personal Name domain names and Personal Name SLD e-mail addresses will be granted on a first-come, first-served basis. The following categories of Personal Name Registrations may be registered: (i) the Personal Name of an individual; (ii) the Personal Name of a fictional character, if you have trademark or service make rights in that character's Personal Name; (iii) in addition to a Personal Name registration, you may add numeric characters to the beginning or the end of the Personal Name so as to differentiate it from other Personal Names.

x.The ERDRP applies to challenges to (i) registered domain names and SLD e-mail address registrations within .name on the grounds that a Registrant does not meet the Eligibility Requirements, and (ii) to Defensive Registrations (as defined by the Registry) within .name.

xi.The UDRP sets forth the terms and conditions in connection with a dispute between a Registrant and party other than the Registry or Tucows over the registration and use of an Internet domain name registered by a Registrant.

xii.For the adjudication of disputes concerning or arising from use of the domain name, the Registrant shall submit, without prejudice to other potentially applicable jurisdictions, to the jurisdiction of the courts (1) of the Registrant's domicile, and (2) where Tucows is located, presently Toronto, Ontario.

f. .at Domains: In the case of a ".at" registration, the following terms and conditions will apply:

i.Registry Policy. You acknowledge and understand that by accepting the terms and conditions of this agreement you shall be bound by Registry policies and any pertinent

rules or policies that exist now or in the future and which are posted on the Registry website at https://www.nic.at/en/service/legal-information/terms-conditions/.

You are responsible for monitoring the Registry's site on a regular basis. In the event that you do not wish to be bound by a revision or modification to any Registry policy, your sole remedy is to cancel your domain name registration by following the appropriate Registry policy regarding such cancellation.

g. .be Domains: In the case of a ".be" registration, the following terms and conditions will apply:

i.Registry Policy. You acknowledge and understand that by accepting the terms and conditions of this agreement you shall be bound by Registry policies and any pertinent rules or policies that exist now or in the future and which are posted on the Registry website at http://www.dns.be/en/legal/domain_name_disputes/general_principle.

ii.You are responsible for monitoring the Registry's site on a regular basis. In the event that you do not wish to be bound by a revision or modification to any Registry policy, your sole remedy is to cancel your domain name registration by following the appropriate Registry policy regarding such cancellation.

iii.Domain Name Dispute Policy. If you reserved or registered a domain name through us, or transferred a domain name to us from another registrar, you agree to be bound by the .be Dispute Policy that is incorporated herein and made a part of this Agreement by reference. The current version of the Dispute Policy may be found at


h. .ca Domains: In the case of a ".ca" registration, the following terms and conditions will apply:

i.Domain Name Dispute Policy. If you reserved or registered a domain name through us, or transferred a domain name to us from another registrar, you agree to be bound by the Dispute Policy, which is incorporated herein and made a part of this Agreement by reference. The current version of the Dispute Policy may be found at https://cira.ca/sites/default/files/attachment/policies/cdrppolicy_-_en.pdf Please take the time to familiarize yourself with this policy.

ii.Registry Policy. You agree that your registration of the domain name shall be subject to suspension, cancellation, or transfer pursuant to any Registry-adopted policy, or pursuant to any registrar or registry procedure not inconsistent with a Registry adopted policy, (1) to correct mistakes by Tucows or the Registry in registering the name or (2) for the resolution of disputes concerning the domain name.

iii.Transfer of Ownership. Any transfer of ownership in and to a domain name registration shall be affected in accordance with registry policies and procedures.

iv.Registry Agreement and Policy. You acknowledge and understand that by accepting the terms and conditions of this agreement you shall be bound by the Registry's Registrant Agreement, the Registry's policies and any pertinent rules or policies that exist now or in the future and which are posted on the Registry website at http://www.cira.ca/assets/Documents/Legal/Registrants/registrantagreement.pdf You are responsible for monitoring the Registry's site on a regular basis. In the event that you do not wish to be bound by a revision or modification to any Registry agreement or policy, your sole remedy is to cancel your domain name registration by following the appropriate Registry policy regarding such cancellation.

v.You acknowledge and agree that the Registry shall not be liable to you for any loss, damage, or expense arising out of the Registry's failure or refusal to register a domain name, it's failure or refusal to renew a domain name registration, it's registration of a domain name, it's failure or refusal to renew a domain name registration, it's renewal of a domain name registration, it's failure or refusal to transfer a domain name registration, it's transfer of a domain name registration, it's failure or refusal to maintain

or modify a domain name registration, it's maintenance of a domain name registration, it's modification of a domain name registration, it's failure to cancel a domain name registration or it's cancellation of a domain name registration from the Registry;

i. .cc Domains: In the case of a ".cc" registration, the following terms and conditions will apply:

i.Domain Name Dispute Policy. If you reserved or registered a domain name through us, or transferred a domain name to us from another registrar, you agree to be bound by the Dispute Policy that is incorporated herein and made a part of this Agreement by reference. The current version of the Dispute Policy may be found at https://www.verisign.com/en_US/channel-resources/become-a-registrar/verisign- domain-registrar/domain-registration/index.xhtml Please take the time to familiarize yourself with this policy.

ii.Registry Policy. You acknowledge and understand that by accepting the terms and conditions of this agreement you shall be bound by Registry policies and any pertinent rules or policies that exist now or in the future and which are posted on the Registry








You are responsible for monitoring the Registry's site on a regular basis. In the event


that you do not wish to be bound by a revision or modification to any Registry policy,


your sole remedy is to cancel your domain name registration by following the


appropriate Registry policy regarding such cancellation.


.ch Domains: In the case of a ".ch" registration, the following terms and conditions shall apply:

i.Registry Policy. You acknowledge and understand that by accepting the terms and conditions of this agreement you shall be bound by Registry policies and any pertinent rules or policies that exist now or in the future and which are posted on the Registry website at http://www.switch.ch/id/terms. You are responsible for monitoring the Registry's site on a regular basis. In the event that you do not wish to be bound by a revision or modification to any Registry policy, your sole remedy is to cancel your domain name registration by following the appropriate Registry policy regarding such cancellation.

ii.Domain Name Dispute Policy. If you reserved or registered a domain name through us, or transferred a domain name to us from another registrar, you agree to be bound by the .ch Dispute Policy that is incorporated herein and made a part of this Agreement by reference. The current version of the Dispute Policy may be found at http://www.switch.ch/id/disputes/rules. Please take the time to familiarize yourself

with this policy.

k. .cn Domains: In the case of a ".cn" registration, the following terms and conditions shall apply:

i."Registry" means the China Internet Network Information Center, which is the authority responsible for the administration of the national top-level domain of the People's Republic of China and the Chinese domain name system;

ii."Registry Gateway" means the service provided by the Registry Operator that facilitates the registration of .cn domain names by registrars operating outside of the People's Republic of China;

iii."Registry Operator" means Neustar, Inc., the company authorized to facilitate the registration of .cn domain names by registrars operating outside of the People's Republic of China.

iv.Restrictions. You agree that you shall not register or use a domain name that is deemed by CNNIC to: (A) be against the basic principles prescribed in the Constitution of the Peoples Republic of China ("PRC"); (B) jeopardize national security, leak state secrets, intend to overturn the government or disrupt the integrity of the PRC; (C) harm

national honour and national interests of the PRC; (D) instigate hostility or discrimination between different nationalities or disrupt the national solidarity of the PRC; (E) spread rumours, disturb public order or disrupt social stability of the PRC; (F) spread pornography, obscenity, gambling, violence, homicide, terror or instigate crimes in the PRC; (G) insult, libel against others and infringe other people's legal rights and interests in the PRC; or (H) take any other action prohibited in laws, rules and administrative regulations of the PRC.

v.Business or Organization Representation. .cn domain name registrations are intended for businesses and organizations and not for individual use. By registering a .cn name, you accordingly represent that you have registered the domain name on behalf or a business or organization. It should be noted that, although .cn policy is permissive in terms of registration, and enforcement is generally in reaction to a complaint (as opposed to proactive review), registrations that are not associated with an organization or business may be subject to deletion. The foregoing prevents an individual from registering a .cn domain name for a business operating as a sole proprietorship.

vi.Domain Name Disputes. You acknowledge having read and understood and agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of the CNNIC Domain Name Dispute Policy & Rules for CNNIC Dispute Resolution Policy ("Dispute Policy"), as they may be amended from time to time, which are hereby incorporated and made an integral part of this

Agreement. The Dispute Policy is currently found at: http://cnnic.com.cn/IS/CNym/cnzcfg/201411/t20141117_50211.htm.

vii.You acknowledge that, pursuant to the Dispute Policy, Registrars must comply with all reasonable requests from the applicable domain name dispute resolution institutions including the provision of all relevant evidence in any domain name disputes in the specified time frames.

viii.If we are notified that a complaint has been filed with a judicial or administrative body regarding your use of our domain name registration services, you agree not to make any changes to your domain name record without our prior approval. We may not allow you to make changes to such domain name record until (i) we are directed to do so by the judicial or administrative body, or (ii) we receive notification by you and the other party contesting your registration and use of our domain name registration services that the dispute has been settled. Furthermore, you agree that if you are subject to litigation regarding your registration and use of our domain name registration services, we may deposit control of your domain name record into the registry of the judicial body by supplying a party with a registrar certificate from us.

ix.Adherence to Policies. You agree to comply with all applicable laws, regulations and policies of the Peoples Republic of China's governmental agencies and the China Internet Network Information Centre ("CNNIC"), including but not limited to the following rules and regulations: (A) China Internet Domain Name Regulations (currently at http://cnnic.com.cn/PublicS/fwzxxgzcfg/201208/t20120830_35734.htm);

(B)CCNIC ccTLD Dispute Resolution Policy Rules (currently at http://cnnic.com.cn/PublicS/fwzxxgzcfg/201208/t20120830_35740.htm); (C) Chinese

Domain Names Dispute Resolution Policy (currently at http://cnnic.com.cn/IS/CNym/cnzcfg/201411/t20141117_50212.htm); and (D) CNNIC Implementing Rules of Domain Name Registration (currently at http://cnnic.com.cn/PublicS/fwzxxgzcfg/201208/t20120830_35735.htm and (E) .CN Regulations on the Protection of Olympic Logo (currently at http://cnnic.com.cn/PublicS/fwzxxgzcfg/201208/t20120830_35752.htm).

You acknowledge that you have read and understood and agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of the policies of the CNNIC, as they may be amended from time to time.

x.Suspension and Cancellation. You agree that your registration of the domain name shall be subject to suspension, cancellation, or transfer pursuant to any Tucows, Registry Operator, CNNIC or government-adopted policy, or pursuant to any registrar or registry procedure not inconsistent with a CNNIC or government-adopted policy, (1) to correct mistakes by a party in registering the name, (2) for the resolution of disputes concerning the domain name, (3) to protect the integrity and stability of the registry,

(4)to comply with any applicable laws, government rules or requirements, requests of law enforcement, (5) to avoid any liability, civil or criminal, on the part of Tucows, Registry Operator or CNNIC, as well as their affiliates, subsidiaries, directors, representatives, employees and stockholders or (6) for violations of this Agreement. Tucows, Registry Operator and CNNIC also reserve the right to "freeze" a domain name during the resolution of a dispute.

xi.Jurisdiction. For the adjudication of disputes concerning or arising from use of the domain name, the Registrant shall submit, without prejudice to other potentially applicable jurisdictions, to the jurisdiction of the courts (1) of the Registrant's domicile,

(2)where Tucows is located, and (3) the People's Republic of China.

xii.Governing Law. For the adjudication of a dispute concerning or arising from use of a

.cn domain, such dispute will be governed under the Laws of the Peoples Republic of


l. .de Domains: In the case of a ".de" registration, the following terms and conditions will apply:

i.Selection of a Domain Name. You represent that: (A) you have reviewed and have accepted the Registry's Terms and Conditions and the Registry's Guidelines and have provided your Reseller with written confirmation of same;you have reviewed and have accepted the Registry's Terms and Conditions and the Registry's Guidelines and have provided your Reseller with written confirmation of same; (B) either you, or the person designated as the administrative contact for the domain name, shall be resident or shall have a branch in Germany; (C) to the best of the your knowledge and belief, neither this registration of a domain name nor the manner in which it is directly or indirectly to be used infringes upon the legal rights of a third party and, further, that the domain name is not being registered for nor shall it at any time whatsoever be used for any unlawful purpose whatsoever.

ii.Domain Name Disputes. You agree that, if the registration or reservation of your domain name is challenged by a third party, you will be subject to the provisions specified by the Registry or any court of law. You agree that in the event a domain name dispute arises with any third party, you will indemnify and hold us harmless pursuant to the terms and conditions specified by the Registry or any court of law.

iii.Registry Policies. You agree to be bound by the Registry's Registration Terms and Conditions and the Registration Guidelines. English language translations of the Registry's documents are provided for convenience; in the event of a discrepancy between the English and the German language agreements, the terms of the German agreement will prevail. The Registry documents may be found at: English: (A) Registration Terms and Conditions http://www.denic.de/en/bedingungen.html; (B) Registration Guidelines http://www.denic.de/en/denic-domain-guidelines.html;

German:(C)DENIC-Registrierungsbedingungen http://www.denic.de/de/bedingungen.html (D) DENIC-Registrierungsrichtlinien http://www.denic.de/de/richtlinien.html.

m. .eu Domains: In the case of a ".eu" registration, the following terms and conditions will apply:

i.Eligibility Criteria. .eu domain names are available for registration to companies and persons who fulfill the following criteria. As a condition of registration, you accordingly represent that you are: (A) an undertaking having its registered office, central administration or principal place of business within the European Community;

(B)an organization established within the European Community without prejudice to the application of national law, or (C) a natural person resident within the European Community.

ii.Registry Policy. You acknowledge and understand that by accepting the terms and conditions of this agreement you shall be bound by any pertinent rules or policies that exist now or in the future and which are posted on the Registry website. This includes:

(A)The Registry Terms and Conditions (currently found at: https://eurid.eu/media/filer_public/f4/36/f4366fa9-186a-4674-9887- e525983c1c0b/terms_and_conditions_en.pdf ) and (B) Registry Policy (currently found at: https://eurid.eu/en/about-us/document-repository/). You are responsible for monitoring the Registry's site on a regular basis. In the event that you do not wish to be bound by a revision or modification to any Registry policy, your sole remedy is to cancel your domain name registration by following the appropriate Registry policy regarding such cancellation.

iii.Domain Name Disputes. You agree that, if the registration or reservation of your domain name is challenged by a third party, you will be subject to the provisions

specified by the Registry or any court of law.

n. .fr Domains: In the case of a ".fr" registration, the following terms and conditions will apply:

i.Representation of Registrant. .fr domain names are available for registration to companies and persons who fulfill the following criteria. As a condition of registration, you accordingly represent that you are: (A) A legal entity: (I) whose head office is in France; (or), (II) which possess an address in France which is expressly listed in the public electronic databases of the registrars of the commercial courts or the National Statistical and Economic Studies Institute (INSEE), (or), (III) State institutions or departments, local authorities or associated establishments, (or), (IV) which own a trademark registered with the National Intellectual Property Institute or own a registered EU or international trademark which expressly includes French territory.

ii.Administrative Contact. Each registrant must designate an administrative contact to act as a coordinator between the registrant and the Registry. In the case of .fr registrations, the administrative contact must be based in France where it can receive legal and other documents.

iii.Registry Policies. You agree to be bound by the Registry's Naming Charter, its registration rules for .fr. English language translations of the Registry's documents are provided for convenience. The Registry documents may be found at: http://www.afnic.fr/en/resources/reference/registry-policies/. This includes the .fr

disuppte policy, located at http://www.afnic.fr/en/resources/reference/registry- policies/dispute-resolution-policy-5.html. You agree that in the event a domain name dispute arises with any third party, you will indemnify and hold us harmless pursuant to the terms and conditions specified by the Registry or any court of law.

o. .corsica: In the case of a ".corsica" registration, the following terms and conditions will apply:

.corsica domain names are available for registration to companies and persons who fulfill the following criteria. As a condition of registration, you accordingly meet at least one of the requirements:

i.Legal entity in Corsica - A company headquartered in Corsica or company having its head office outside Corsica but a secondary establishment registered in Corsica.

ii.Individuals living in Corsica - The applicant may be a French or foreign citizen with a physical address valid on the territory of Corsica.

iii.Nexus to the .Corsican community Diaspora and link to the Corsican community - Any individual who has and will prove a direct or indirect link attachment (economic, social, cultural, familial, historical or otherwise) with Corsica.

iv.In addition to the criteria stated above, the Registrant of a domain name in .Corsica is obliged, if he creates a website, to create and maintain in Corsican language at least one page of its website in.corsica. This Corsican language page will be registered on its home page and be published at the latest, three months after the publication of the website.

v.Domain Name Disputes. You agree that, if the registration or reservation of your domain name is challenged by a third party, you will be subject to the provisions specified by the Registry or any court of law. The current .fr dispute resolution policy and procedures can be found at http://www.afnic.fr/doc/ref/juridique/parl. You agree that in the event a domain name dispute arises with any third party, you will indemnify and hold us harmless pursuant to the terms and conditions.

p. .it Domains: In the case of a ".it" registration, the following terms and conditions will apply:

i.Registration Criteria. Registration of an .it name is restricted to subjects belonging to a member state of the European Union. Individuals and associations operating without a VAT number or a fiscal code are limited to a single domain name registration.

ii.Registry Policy. You acknowledge and understand that by accepting the terms and conditions of this agreement you shall be bound by Registry policies and any pertinent rules or policies that exist now or in the future and which are posted on the Registry website.This includes the Assignment and management of domain names in the ccTLD

.itregulation(currentlylocatedat: http://www.nic.it/sites/default/files/docs/Regulation_assignation_v7.1.pdf ).You are responsible for monitoring the Registry's site on a regular basis. In the event that you do not wish to be bound by a revision or modification to any Registry policy, your sole remedy is to cancel your domain name registration by following the appropriate Registry policy regarding such cancellation. Additional policies, including transfer

procedures and "netiquette" rules may be found at http://www.nic.it/en/views/docs.

q. .rio Domains: In the case of a ".rio" registration, the following terms and conditions will apply:

i.A domain owner that loses eligibility to a .RIO domain is subject to termination of DNS publication for the domain, and to domain removal, no matter domain expiration date

ii.Two pre-configured nameservers are required

iii.No trustee service allowed; abuse can lead to the deletion of the domain name by the registry

iv.Additional policies may be found at http://http://nic.rio/.

v.Names under this TLD are only for usage by the city council of Rio. The .RIO domain owner needs to be either:

1.Legal entity incorporated in Brazil, with headquarters, branch, franchisee or licensee located in the city of Rio de Janeiro, with active record in "Cadastro Nacional das Pessoas Jurídicas – CNPJ/MF" of the FinanceMinistry.

2.Individual with fixed address in the city of Rio de Janeiro, with active record in "Cadastro das Pessoas Físicas– CPF/MF" of the Finance Ministry.

r. .nl Domains: In the case of a ".nl" registration, the following terms and conditions shall apply:

i.Registration Criteria. Registration of a .nl domain name is unrestricted save and except that applicants who are not based in the Netherlands or who do not have a registered

address in the Netherlands must provide an address in the Netherlands where written documents can be sent to the applicant and where legal summonses can be served.

ii.Registry Policies. You agree to be bound by the policies of the Registry including but not limited to the Registry's Registration Regulations. English language translations of the Registry's documents are provided for convenience and may be found at: https://www.sidn.nl/a/about-sidn/general-terms-and-conditions.

You agree that, if the registration or reservation of your domain name is challenged by a third party, you will be subject to the provisions specified by the Registry or any court

of law. The current .nl dispute resolution policy and procedures can be found at https://www.sidn.nl/downloads/procedures/Dispute%20Resolution%20Regulations% 20for%20nl%20Domain%20Names.pdf.

You agree that in the event a domain name dispute arises with any third party, you will indemnify and hold us harmless pursuant to the terms and conditions specified by the Registry or any court of law.

s. .tv Domains: In the case of a ".tv" registration, the following terms and conditions will apply:

i.Domain Name Dispute Policy. If you reserved or registered a domain name through us, or transferred a domain name to us from another Registrar, you agree to be bound by the Dispute Policy that is incorporated herein and made a part of this Agreement by reference. The current version of the Dispute Policy may be found at http://www.icann.org/dndr/udrp/policy.htm. Please take the time to familiarize yourself with this policy.

ii.Policy. You agree that your registration of the .tv domain name shall be subject to suspension, cancellation, or transfer pursuant to any ICANN or government adopted policy, or pursuant to any Registrar or registry procedure not inconsistent with an ICANN or government-adopted policy, (1) to correct mistakes by us or the applicable Registry in registering the name or (2) for the resolution of disputes concerning the domain name. You acknowledge that you have reviewed the .tv General Terms of

Service which may be found at https://www.verisign.com/en_US/channel- resources/become-a-registrar/verisign-domain-registrar/domain- registration/index.xhtml and expressly agree to the terms outlined therein.

t. .uk Domains: In the case of a ".uk" registration, the following terms and conditions will apply:

i."Nominet UK" means the entity granted the exclusive right to administer the registry for .uk domain name registrations.

ii.Domain Name Dispute Policy. If you reserved or registered a domain name through us, or transferred a domain name to us from another registrar, you agree to be bound by the Dispute Policy which is incorporated herein and made a part of this Agreement by reference. The current version of the Dispute Policy may be found at: http://www.nominet.org.uk/disputes/. Please take the time to familiarize yourself with this policy.

Nominet UK Policy. You agree that your registration of the domain name shall be subject to suspension, cancellation, or transfer pursuant to any Nominet UK-adopted policy, term or condition, or pursuant to any registrar or registry procedure not inconsistent with an Nominet UK-adopted policy, (1) to correct mistakes by a registrar or the registry in registering the name, or (2) for the resolution of disputes concerning the domain name. The current Nominet UK terms and conditions can be found at: http://www.nominet.org.uk/disputes/terms/

When you submit a request for a domain name registration with Tucows and/or Reseller, you will be entering into two contracts - one contract with Tucows and/or Reseller and one contract with Nominet UK.

Tucows and your Reseller will act as agents on your behalf by submitting your application to Nominet for you, however, you will still be entering into a direct contract between you and Nominet UK. This is a separate contract from this agreement; may be found at http://www.nominet.org.uk/nominet-terms. Tucows and Reseller must also make you aware that by accepting Nominet's terms and conditions you are consenting to Nominet using your personal data for a variety of reasons. In particular, your name and address may be published as part of Nominet's Whois look-up service.

iii. Transfer of Ownership. Any transfer of ownership in and to a domain name registration shall be affected in accordance with Nominet UK policies and procedures.

u. .us Domains: In the case of a ".us" registration, the following terms and conditions will apply:

i."DOC" means the United States of America Department of Commerce.

ii.".us Nexus Requirement". Only those individuals or organizations that have a substantive lawful connection in the United States are permitted to register for .usTLD domain names. Registrants in the .usTLD must satisfy the nexus requirement ("Nexus" or "Nexus Requirements") set out at: http://www.about.us/policies/ustld-nexus- requirements.

iii.Selection of a Domain Name. You certify and represent that: (A) You have and shall continue to have, a bona fide presence in the United States on the basis of real and substantial lawful contacts with, or lawful activities in, the United States as defined in Section (ii) hereinabove; (B) The listed name servers are located within the United States; (C) The data provided in the domain name registration application is true, correct, up to date and complete, and that you will continue to keep all of the information provided correct, up-to-date and complete; (D) To the best of the your knowledge and belief, neither this registration of a domain name nor the manner in which it is directly or indirectly to be used infringes upon the legal rights of a third party; (E) That the domain name is not being registered for nor shall it at any time whatsoever be used for any unlawful purpose whatsoever; (F) You have the authority to enter into this Registration Agreement.

iv.Domain Name Dispute Policy. If you reserved or registered a domain name through us, or transferred a domain name to us from another registrar, you agree to be bound by the Dispute Policy and the usDRP, as defined below, that is incorporated herein and made a part of this Agreement by reference. Please take the time to familiarize yourself with these policies.

v.Domain Name Disputes. You acknowledge having read and understood and agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of the following documents, as they may be amended from time to time, which are hereby incorporated and made an integral part of this Agreement: (A) The usTLD Rapid Suspension Dispute Policy (currently located at http://www.about.us/policies/ustld-rapid-suspension-dispute-policy The Dispute Policy will provide interested parties with an opportunity to challenge a registration not complying with the Nexus Requirements. (B) The usTLD Dispute Resolution Policy ("usDRP") is available at: http://www.about.us/policies/ustld-dispute-resolution-policy The usDRP is intended to provide interested parties with an opportunity to challenge a registration based on alleged trademark infringement. (C) In addition to the foregoing, you agree that, for the adjudication of disputes concerning or arising from use of the Registered Name, you shall submit, without prejudice to other potentially applicable jurisdictions, to the jurisdiction of the courts (i) of your domicile, (ii) where Tucows is located, and (iii) the United States.

vi.Policy. You agree that your registration of the domain name shall be subject to suspension, cancellation, or transfer pursuant to any Tucows, Registry Operator, the

DOC or government-adopted policy, or pursuant to any registrar or registry procedure not inconsistent with a DOC or government-adopted policy, (1) to correct mistakes by us or the applicable Registry in registering the name or (2) for the resolution of disputes concerning the domain name. The Registry Operator's policies can be found at http://www.about.us/policies.

vii.Indemnity. The DOC shall be added to the parties you have agreed to indemnify in Section 13 hereinabove.

viii.Information. As part of the registration process, you are required to provide us certain information and to update us promptly as such information changes such that our records are current, complete and accurate. You are obliged to provide us the following information: (A) Your full name, postal address, e-mail address and telephone number and fax number (if available) (or, if different, that of the domain name holder); (B) The domain name being registered; (C) The name, postal address, e-mail address, and telephone number and fax number (if available) telephone numbers of the administrative contact, the technical contact and the billing contact for the domain name; (D) The IP addresses and names of the primary nameserver and any secondary nameserver(s) for the domain name;

ix.In addition to the foregoing, you will be required to provide additional Nexus Information. The Nexus Information requirements are set out at http://www.about.us/policies/ustld-nexus-requirements. Any other information, which we request from you at registration, is voluntary. Any voluntary information we request is collected for the purpose of improving the products and services offered to you through your Reseller.

x.Disclosure and Use of the Registration Information. You agree and acknowledge that we will make domain name registration information you provide available to the DOC, to the Registry Operator, and to other third parties as applicable. You further agree and acknowledge that we may make publicly available, or directly available to third party vendors, some, or all, of the domain name registration information you provide, for purposes of inspection (such as through our Whois service) or other purposes as required or permitted by the DOC and applicable laws.

You hereby consent to any and all such disclosures and use of information provided by you in connection with the registration of a domain name (including any updates to such information), whether during or after the term of your registration of the domain name. You hereby irrevocably waive any and all claims and causes of action you may have arising from such disclosure or use of your domain name registration information by us.

You may access your domain name registration information in our possession to review, modify or update such information, by accessing our domain manager service, or similar service, made available by us through your Reseller.

We will not process data about any identified or identifiable natural person that we obtain from you in a way incompatible with the purposes and other limitations which we describe in this Agreement.

We will take reasonable precautions to protect the information we obtain from you from our loss, misuse, unauthorized accessor disclosure, alteration or destruction of that information.

v. .asia Domains: In the case of a ".asia" registration, the following terms and conditions will apply:

i.The Registered Name Holder/Registrant consents to the use, copying, distribution, publication, modification and other processing of its Personal Data by DotAsia Organisation Limited and its designees and agents in a manner consistent with the

purposes specified pursuant to the Registry-Registrar Agreement and with relevant mandatory local data protection, laws and privacy.

ii.The Registered Name Holder/Registrant agrees to correct and update the registration information for the Registered Name immediately during the registration term for the Registered Name.

iii.In addition to the complying with the Registrar's policies, the Registered Name Holder/Registrant* agrees to comply with those ICANN requirements, standards, policies, procedures, and practices for which the Registry Operator DotAsia Organisation Limited has monitoring responsibility in accordance with the Registry Agreement or with other arrangements with ICANN.

iv.The Registered Name Holder/Registrant agrees to comply with all the operational standards, policies, procedures, and practices for the .ASIA Registry as established from time to time in a non-arbitrary manner by DotAsia Organisation Limited (".ASIA Registry Policies"). The Registered Name Holder/Registrant acknowledges that .ASIA Registry Policies are applicable to all registrars and/or registered name holders/registrants. Any changes of the .ASIA Registry Policies by the DotAsia Organisation Limited that are consistent with the Registry Agreement shall be effective upon thirty (30) days' notice by DotAsia Organisation Limited to Registrar. The Registered Name Holder/Registrant further agrees to be bound by the terms and conditions as set down by DotAsia Organisation Limited during the initial launch and the general operations of the .ASIA TLD, including without limitation its Start-Up Policies where such terms and conditions include the submission to a binding arbitration for disputes arising from the Start-Up process or any allocation of domain names.

v.The Registered Name Holder/Registrant agrees to submit to proceedings commenced under ICANN's Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy ("UDRP") and to proceedings commenced under ICANN's Charter Eligibility Dispute Resolution Policy ("CEDRP"). The Registered Name Holder/Registrant agrees to submit to proceedings commenced under other dispute resolution policies as set forth by DotAsia Organisation Limited from time to time in the Registry Policies, including but not limited to expedited processes for suspension of a domain name by claims sought by intellectual property right holders, Internet engineering and security experts or other competent claimants in the purpose of upholding the stability, security and integrity of the .ASIA Registry.

vi.The Registered Name Holder/Registrant acknowledges and agrees to comply with the

.ASIA Charter Eligibility Requirement. The Registered Name Holder/Registrant* acting as Registrant Contact represents and warrants that it has made known to the Charter Eligibility Declaration Contact (the "CED Contact"), and the CED Contact has agreed, that the Registrant Contact and the CED Contact will jointly be defined as the Registered Name Holder, and that it shall be jointly responsible for the Registered Name in the event of a dispute or a challenge over the Registered Name Holder/Registrant's* legal entitlement to or the ownership of the Registered Name. The CED Contact shall be bound by the provisions in the DotAsia Organisation Limited's

.ASIA Charter Eligibility Requirement Policy published from time to time. Registered Name Holder/Registrant acting as Registrant Contact agrees that it has obtained an agreement from the CED Contact that the Registrant Contact shall remain the Operating Contact for all operations of the domain, including but not limited to domain transfer and updates.

vii.The Registered Name Holder/Registrant agrees to indemnify, to the maximum extent permitted by law, defend and hold harmless the Registry Operator DotAsia Organisation Limited and its directors, officers, employees and agents from and against any and all claims, damages, liabilities, costs and expenses, including reasonable legal fees and expenses, arising out of or relating to the Registered Name Holder's domain name registration and or use. Notwithstanding the other provisions in this Agreement, the Registered Name Holder agrees that this indemnification obligation shall survive the termination or expiration of this registration agreement.

viii.The Registered Name Holder/Registrant acknowledges and agrees that DotAsia Organisation Limited and Registry Services Provider, acting in consent with DotAsia Organisation Limited, reserves the right to deny, cancel or transfer any registration that it deems necessary, in its sole discretion (i) to protect the integrity security, and stability of the registry; (ii) to comply with all appropriate laws, government rules or requirements, requests of law enforcement, in compliance with any dispute resolution process; (iii) to avoid any liability, civil or criminal, on the part of DotAsia Organisation Limited as well as its affiliates, subsidiaries, officers, directors, representatives, employees, and stockholders; (iv) for violations of the terms and conditions herein: or

(v)to correct mistakes made by DotAsia Organisation Limited, the Registry Services Provider or any registrar in connection with a domain name registration. DotAsia Organisation Limited also reserves the right to freeze a Registered Name such as placing a domain name on hold, lock, or other status during the resolution of a dispute.

ix.Notwithstanding anything in this Agreement to the contrary, DotAsia Organisation Limited, the Registry Operator of the .ASIA TLD, is and shall be an intended third party beneficiary of this Agreement. As such, the parties to this Agreement acknowledge and agree that the third-party beneficiary rights of DotAsia Organisation Limited have vested and that it has relied on its third party beneficiary rights under this Agreement in agreeing to Tucows being a registrar for the .ASIA TLD. Additionally, the third-party beneficiary rights of DotAsia Organisation Limited shall survive any termination or expiration of this Agreement.

x.The Registered Name Holder/Registrant acknowledges that in the event of conflict between this section of the Agreement and other sections of the same, this section shall prevail.

xi.For the adjudication of disputes concerning or arising from use of the domain name, the Registrant shall submit, without prejudice to other potentially applicable jurisdictions, to the jurisdiction of the courts (1) of the Registrant's domicile, and (2) where Tucows is located, presently Toronto, Ontario.

w. .li Domains: In the case of a ".li" registration, the following terms and conditions will apply:

i.Registry Policy. You acknowledge and understand that by accepting the terms and conditions of this agreement you shall be bound by Registry policies and any pertinent rules or policies that exist now or in the future and which are posted on the Registry website at http://www.switch.ch/id/terms. You are responsible for monitoring the Registry's site on a regular basis. In the event that you do not wish to be bound by a revision or modification to any Registry policy, your sole remedy is to cancel your domain name registration by following the appropriate Registry policy regarding such cancellation.

ii.Domain Name Dispute Policy. If you reserved or registered a domain name through us, or transferred a domain name to us from another registrar, you agree to be bound by the .ch Dispute Policy that is incorporated herein and made a part of this Agreement by reference. The current version of the Dispute Policy may be found at

http://www.switch.ch/id/disputes/rules. Please take the time to familiarize yourself with this policy.

x. .me Domains: In the case of a ".me" registration, the following terms and conditions will apply:

i.Registry Policy. You acknowledge and understand that by accepting the terms and conditions of this agreement you shall be bound by Registry policies and any pertinent rules or policies that exist now or in the future and which are posted on the Registry website at http://www.nic.me/policies. You are responsible for monitoring the Registry's site on a regular basis. In the event that you do not wish to be bound by a revision or modification to any Registry policy, your sole remedy is to cancel your domain name registration by following the appropriate Registry policy regarding such cancellation.

ii.Domain Name Dispute Policy. If you reserved or registered a domain name through us, or transferred a domain name to us from another registrar, you agree to be bound by the .me Dispute Policy that is incorporated herein and made a part of this Agreement by reference. The current version of the Dispute Policy may be found at http://www.nic.me/policies. Please take the time to familiarize yourself with this policy.

y. .tel Domains: In the case of a ".tel" registration, the following terms and conditions will apply:

i.Registry Policy. You acknowledge and understand that by accepting the terms and conditions of this agreement you shall be bound by Registry policies and any pertinent rules or policies that exist now or in the future and which are posted on the Registry website at http://www.telnic.org/policies. You are responsible for monitoring the Registry's site on a regular basis. In the event that you do not wish to be bound by a revision or modification to any Registry policy, your sole remedy is to cancel your domain name registration by following the appropriate Registry policy regarding such cancellation.

ii.Submission to UDRP. Registrant agrees to submit to proceedings under ICANN's

Uniform Domain Dispute Policy ("UDRP") (http://www.icann.org/dndr/udrp/policy.htm) and comply with the requirements set forth by the Registry. These policies are subject to modification;

iii.For the adjudication of disputes concerning or arising from use of the domain name, the Registrant shall submit, without prejudice to other potentially applicable jurisdictions, to the jurisdiction of the courts (1) of the Registrant's domicile, and (2)

where Tucows is located, presently Toronto, Ontario.

z. .mobi Domains: In the case of a ".mobi" registration, the following terms and conditions will apply:

i.Registry Policy. You acknowledge and understand that by accepting the terms and conditions of this agreement you shall be bound by Registry policies and any pertinent rules or policies that exist now or in the future and which are posted on the Registry website at http://dotmobi.mobi/. You are responsible for monitoring the Registry's site on a regular basis. In the event that you do not wish to be bound by a revision or modification to any Registry policy, your sole remedy is to cancel your domain name registration by following the appropriate Registry policy regarding such cancellation.

ii.Submission to UDRP. Registrant agrees to submit to proceedings under ICANN's

Uniform Domain Dispute Policy ("UDRP") (http://www.icann.org/dndr/udrp/policy.htm) and comply with the requirements set forth by the Registry. These policies are subject to modification;

iii.For the adjudication of disputes concerning or arising from use of the domain name, the Registrant shall submit, without prejudice to other potentially applicable

jurisdictions, to the jurisdiction of the courts (1) of the Registrant's domicile, and (2) where Tucows is located, presently Toronto, Ontario.

aa. .in Domains: In the case of a ".in" registration, the following terms and conditions will apply:

i.Registry Policy. You acknowledge and understand that by accepting the terms and conditions of this agreement you shall be bound by Registry policies and any pertinent rules or policies that exist now or in the future and which are posted on the Registry website at https://registry.in/Policies. You are responsible for monitoring the Registry's site on a regular basis. In the event that you do not wish to be bound by a revision or

modification to any Registry policy, your sole remedy is to cancel your domain name registration by following the appropriate Registry policy regarding such cancellation.

bb. .bz Domains: In the case of a ".bz" registration, the following terms and conditions will apply:

i.Registry Policy. You acknowledge and understand that by accepting the terms and conditions of this agreement you shall be bound by Registry policies and any pertinent rules or policies that exist now or in the future and which are posted on the Registry website at http://www.afilias-grs.info/bz-belize. You are responsible for monitoring the Registry's site on a regular basis. In the event that you do not wish to be bound by a revision or modification to any Registry policy, your sole remedy is to cancel your domain name registration by following the appropriate Registry policy regarding such cancellation.

cc. .ws Domains: In the case of a ".ws" registration, the following terms and conditions will apply:

i.Registry Policy. You acknowledge and understand that by accepting the terms and conditions of this agreement you shall be bound by Registry policies and any pertinent rules or policies that exist now or in the future and which are posted on the Registry website at http://www.worldsite.ws/legal/index.dhtml?url=worldsite.ws. You are responsible for monitoring the Registry's site on a regular basis. In the event that you do not wish to be bound by a revision or modification to any Registry policy, your sole remedy is to cancel your domain name registration by following the appropriate

Registry policy regarding such cancellation.

dd. .co, .com.co, .net.co, and .nom.co Domains: In the case of a ".co", ".com.co", ".net.co", or ".nom.co"" registration, the following terms and conditions will apply:

i.Registry Policy. You acknowledge and understand that by accepting the terms and conditions of this agreement you shall be bound by Registry policies and any pertinent rules or policies that exist now or in the future and which are posted on the Registry website at http://www.go.co. You are responsible for monitoring the Registry's site on a regular basis. In the event that you do not wish to be bound by a revision or modification to any Registry policy, your sole remedy is to cancel your domain name registration by following the appropriate Registry policy regarding such cancellation.

ee. .com.au, .net.au, .org.au, .asn.au, and .id.au Domains: In the case of a ".com.au", ".net.au", ".org.au", ".asn.au", or ".id.au" registration, the following terms and conditions will apply:

i.auDA AND REGISTRAR'S AGENCY: (1) In this agreement, auDA means .au Domain Administration Limited ACN079 009 340, the .au domain names administrator. The Registrar acts as agent for auDA for the sole purpose, but only to the extent necessary to enable auDA to receive the benefit of rights and covenants conferred to it under this agreement. auDA is an intended third party beneficiary of this agreement.

ii.auDA PUBLISHED POLICY: (1) In this clause, auDA Published Policies means those specifications and policies established and published by auDA from time to time at http://www.auda.org.au/ (2) Registrant must comply with all auDA Published Policies, as if they were incorporated into, and form part of, this agreement. In the event of any

inconsistency between any auDA Published Policy and this agreement, then the auDA Published Policy will prevail to the extent of such inconsistency.

iii.Registrant acknowledges that under the auDA Published Policies: (1) there are mandatory terms and conditions that apply to all domain names licences, and such terms and conditions are incorporated into, and form part of, this agreement; and (2) Registrant is bound by, and must submit to, the .au Dispute Resolution Policy; and (3) auDA may delete or cancel the registration of a .au domain name.

iv.auDA'S LIABILITIES AND INDEMNITY: (1) To the fullest extent permitted by law, auDA will not be liable to Registrant for any direct, indirect, consequential, special, punitive or exemplary losses or damages of any kind (including, without limitation, loss of use, loss or profit, loss or corruption of data, business interruption or indirect costs) suffered by Registrant arising from, as a result of, or otherwise in connection with, any act or omission whatsoever of auDA, its employees, agents or contractors. (2) Registrant agrees to indemnify, keep indemnified and hold auDA, its employees, agents and contractors harmless from all and any claims or liabilities, arising from, as a result of, or otherwise in connection with, Registrant's registration or use of its .au domain name.

(3) Nothing in this document is intended to exclude the operation of Trade Practices Act 1974.

ff. .fi Domains: In the case of a ".fi" registration, the following terms and conditions will apply: The applicant or registrant confirms that they have read and understood:

i.The required content and form of .fi and .ax domain names described in Chapter 3, Section 21, as well as Section 166 of the Finish Information Society Code. A summary

of these provisions is available at: https://www.viestintavirasto.fi/attachments/Summary_of_the_domain_name_sections _in_the_Information_Society_Code_917_2014.pdf.

ii.The requirements concerning the form of the domain name provided in section 12 of

the Domain Name Regulation, located at: https://www.viestintavirasto.fi/attachments/maaraykset/FICORA682016M.pdf.

iii.Information on the protection of names that have been entered into the Finnish Trade Register or into the registers of associations, foundations or political parties, located at: https://www.prh.fi/en/index.html.

iv.Information on the protection of trademarks entered into the Finnish register of

trademarks,locatedat: https://www.prh.fi/en/tavaramerkit/tavaramerkkitietokannat/tavaramerkkitietokanta. html.

v.Information on the protection of trademarks entered into the trademark register of the European Union, located at: https://euipo.europa.eu/ohimportal/de.

gg. .ro Domains: In the case of a ".ro" registration, the following terms and conditions will apply: i. You accept the terms of the ROTLD Dispute Resolution Policy, located at:


ii. You accept the ROTLD Registration Agreement, located at: http://www.rotld.ro/engleza/index_en.html

hh. .xxx, .adult, .porn, .sex Domains: In the case of a ".xxx", ".adult", ".porn", or ".sex" registration, the following terms and conditions will apply:

i.Registry Policy. You acknowledge and understand that by accepting the terms and conditions of this agreement you shall be bound by Registry policies and any pertinent rules or policies that exist now or in the future and which are posted on the Registry website at http://icmregistry.com/policies/registry-registrant-agreement/. You are responsible for monitoring the Registry's site on a regular basis. In the event that you

do not wish to be bound by a revision or modification to any Registry policy, your sole remedy is to cancel your domain name registration by following the appropriate Registry policy regarding such cancellation.

ii.Submission to UDRP. Registrant agrees to submit to proceedings under ICANN's

Uniform Domain Dispute Policy ("UDRP") (http://www.icann.org/dndr/udrp/policy.htm) and comply with the requirements set forth by the Registry. These policies are subject to modification;

iii.For the adjudication of disputes concerning or arising from use of the domain name,

the Registrant shall submit, without prejudice to other potentially applicable jurisdictions, to the jurisdiction of the courts (1) of the Registrant's domicile, and (2) where Tucows is located, presently Toronto, Ontario.

ii. .pro Domains: In the case of a ".pro" registration, the following terms and conditions will apply:

i.Registry Policy. You acknowledge and understand that by accepting the terms and conditions of this agreement you shall be bound by Registry policies and any pertinent rules or policies that exist now or in the future and which are posted on the Registry website at http://www.registry.pro/legal/user-terms

You are responsible for monitoring the Registry's site on a regular basis. In the event that you do not wish to be bound by a revision or modification to any Registry policy, your sole remedy is to cancel your domain name registration by following the appropriate Registry policy regarding such cancellation.

ii.Submission to UDRP. Registrant agrees to submit to proceedings under ICANN's

Uniform Domain Dispute Policy (.UDRP.) (http://www.icann.org/dndr/udrp/policy.htm) and comply with the requirements set forth by the Registry; these policies are subject to modification;

iii.For the adjudication of disputes concerning or arising from use of the domain name, the Registrant shall submit, without prejudice to other potentially applicable jurisdictions, to the jurisdiction of the courts (1) of the Registrant's domicile, and (2)

where Tucows is located, presently Toronto, Ontario.

jj. .dk Domains: In the case of a ".dk" registration, the following terms and conditions will apply:

i.Registry Policy. You acknowledge and understand that by accepting the terms and conditions of this agreement you shall be bound by Registry policies and any pertinent rules or policies that exist now or in the future and which are posted on the Registry website at https://www.dk-hostmaster.dk/english/laws-conditions/

ii.You are responsible for monitoring the Registry's site on a regular basis. In the event that you do not wish to be bound by a revision or modification to any Registry policy, your sole remedy is to cancel your domain name registration by following the appropriate Registry policy regarding such cancellation.

iii.Information submitted by you is registered by the registry operator DK Hostmaster and will be used for administering the .dk top-level domain.

iv.Your personal data is not publicly available in the whois database, but the operating registry, DK Hostmaster, shall release hidden personal details on request where a legal interest is demonstrated.

v.You agree to allow Tucows to make a payment for a domain registration/renewal/transfer on your behalf.

vi.You have the right to change the billing contact or proxy and to pay the registry, DK Hostmaster, directly.

vii.The registration of a .DK domain name takes place with the registry operator, DK Hostmaster and you must agree to DIFO's rules available at https://www.dk- hostmaster.dk/english/laws-conditions/.

viii.You have the right to, at any time, change your Registrar, DNS and Zone Contact.

ix.Your e-mail address must not be related to the Domain Name to be Registered and must be an e-mail address that is under your control. It is your responsibility to ensure that the e-mail address stated is valid.

x.For the adjudication of disputes concerning or arising from use of the domain name, the Registrant shall submit, without prejudice to other potentially applicable jurisdictions, to the jurisdiction of the courts (1) of the Registrant's domicile, and (2) where Tucows is located, presently Toronto, Ontario.

kk.Additional ccTLD Policies. Additional registry policies may apply for ccTLDs. You acknowledge and understand that by accepting the terms and conditions of this agreement you shall be bound by Registry policies and any pertinent rules or policies that exist now or in the future and which are referenced at http://www.tucowsdomains.com/domaininfo/cctld-registry-policies.

ll. .ventures, .holdings, .singles, .clothing, .guru, .bike, .plumbing, .camera, .lighting, .equipment, .estate,

.graphics, .gallery, .photography, .land, .today, .technology, .contractors, .directory, .kitchen,

.construction, .diamonds, .enterprises, .tips, .voyage, .careers, .photos, .recipes, .shoes, .limo, .domains,

.cab, .company, .computer, .systems, .academy, .management, .center, .builders, .email, .solutions,

.support, .training, .camp, .education, .glass, .institute, .repair, .coffee, .house, .florist, .international,

.solar, .holiday, .marketing, .codes, .farm, .viajes, .agency, .bargains, .boutique, .cheap, .zone, .cool,

.watch, .works, .expert, .exposed, .foundation, .cruises, .flights, .rentals, .vacations, .villas, .tienda,

.condos, .properties, .maison, .dating, .events, .partners, .productions, .community, .catering, .cards,

.cleaning, .tools, .industries, .parts, .supplies, .supply, .fish, .report, .vision, .services, .capital,

.engineering, .exchange, .gripe, .associates, .lease, .media, .pictures, .reisen, .toys, .university, .town,

.wtf, .fail, .financial, .limited, .care, .clinic, .surgery, .dental, .furniture, .discount, .fitness, .schule, .tax,

.cash, .fund, .investments, .gratis, .claims, .credit, .creditcard, .digital, .accountants, .finance, .insure,

.loans, .church, .life, .guide, .direct, .place, .world, .delivery, .energy, .business, .immo, .network,

.pizza, .coach, .memorial, .legal, .money, .tires, .bingo, .chat, .style, .tennis, golf, .gold, .tours, .plus,

.team, .jewelry, .show, .express, .cafe, .dog, .theater, .taxi, .hockey, .run, .movie, .coupons, .soccer,

.mba, .fyi, .vin, .wine, .shopping, .hospital, .jetzt. apartments, .irish, and .reise Domains: In the case of a ".ventures", ".holdings", ".singles", ".clothing", ".guru", ".bike", ".plumbing", ".camera", ".lighting", ".equipment", ".estate", ".graphics", ".gallery", ".photography", ".land", ".today", ".technology", ".contractors", ".directory", ".kitchen", ".construction", ".diamonds", ".enterprises", ".tips", ".voyage", ".careers", ".photos", ".recipes", ".shoes", ".limo", ".domains", ".cab", ".company", ".computer", ".systems", ".academy", ".management", ".center", ".builders", ".email", ".solutions", ".support", ".training", ".camp", ".education", ".glass", ".institute", ".repair", ".coffee", .house", ".florist", ".international", ".solar", ".holiday", ".marketing", ".codes", ".farm", ".viajes", ".agency", ".bargains", ".boutique", ".cheap", ".zone", ".cool", ".watch", ".works", ".expert", ".exposed", ".foundation", ".cruises", ".flights", ".rentals", ".vacations", ".villas", ".tienda", ".condos", ".properties", ".maison", ".dating", ".events", ".partners", ".productions", ".community", ".catering", ".cards", ".cleaning", ".tools", ".industries", ".parts", ".supplies", ".supply", ".fish", ".report", ".vision", ".services", ".capital", ".engineering", ".exchange", ".gripe", ".associates", ".lease", ".media", ".pictures", ".reisen", ".toys", ".university", ".town", ".wtf", ".fail", ".financial", ".limited", ".care", ".clinic", ".surgery", ".dental", ".furniture", ".discount", ".fitness", ".schule", ".tax", ".cash", ".fund", ".investments", ".gratis", ".claims", ".credit", ".creditcard", ".digital", ".accountants", ".finance", ".insure", ".loans", ".church", ".life", ".guide", ".direct", ".place", ".world", ".delivery", ".energy", ".business", ".immo", ".network", ".pizza", ".coach", ".memorial", ".legal", ".money", ".tires", ".bingo", ".chat", ".style", ".tennis", ".golf", ".gold", ".tours", ".plus", ".team", ".jewelry", ".show", ".express", ".cafe", ".dog", ".theater", ".taxi", ".hockey", ".run", ".movie", ".coupons", ".soccer", ".mba", ".fyi", ".vin", ".wine", ".shopping", ".hospital", ".jetzt", ".apartments", ".irish", or ".reise" registration, the following terms and conditions will apply:

i.You agree to the Donuts Inc. Acceptable Use and Anti-Abuse Policy, located at http://www.donuts.co/policies/acceptable-use/.

ii.You acknowledge that TLDs offered by Donuts Inc. will have non-uniform renewal registration pricing, such that the fee for a domain name registration renewal may differ from other domain names in the same or other Donuts TLDs.

mm. .doctor Domains: In the case of a ".doctor" registration, the following terms and conditions will apply:

i.You agree to the Donuts Inc. Acceptable Use and Anti-Abuse Policy located at http://www.donuts.co/policies/acceptable-use/.

ii.In addition to the criteria stated above, .doctor registrants who hold themselves out to be licensed medical practitioners must be able to demonstrate to the Registrar and Registry, upon request, that they hold the applicable licenses.

nn. .tattoo, .sexy, .guitars, .link, .gift, .pics, .photo, .christmas, .blackfriday, .click, .help, .diet, .hiphop,

.juegos, .flowers, .lol, .country, .game, .cars, .auto, .car, .mom, and .hiv Domains: In the case of a ".tattoo", ".sexy", ".guitars", ".link", ".gift", ".pics", ".photo", ".christmas", ".blackfriday", ".click", ".help", ".diet", ".hiphop", ".juegos", ".flowers", ".lol", ".country", ".game", ".cars", ".auto", ".car", ".mom", or ".hiv" registration, the following terms and conditions will apply:

i.You agree to the Uniregistry Inc. Acceptable Use and Anti-Abuse Policy, located at http://uniregistry.link/bin/pdf/Acceptable_Use_Policy_and_Terms_of_Service.pdf

ii.You acknowledge that TLDs offered by Uniregistry Inc. will have non-uniform renewal registration pricing, such that the fee for a domain name registration renewal may differ

from other domain names in the same or other Uniregistry TLDs.

.diet, .hiphop, and .juegos Domains: In the case of a "diet", ".hiphop", or ".juegos" registration, the following additional terms and conditions will apply:

i.The registrant will abide by all applicable laws regarding privacy, data collection, consumer protection (including in relation to misleading and deceptive conduct), fair lending, debt collection, organic farming, disclosure of data, and financial disclosures.

ii.The registrant further agrees that if it collects or maintains sensitive health and financial data that it will implement reasonable and appropriate security measures commensurate with the offering of those services, as defined by applicable law.

.sexy Domains: In the case of a ".sexy" registration, the following additional terms and conditions will apply:

i.The Registrant shall NOT permit content unsuitable for viewing by a minor to be viewed from the main or top-level directory of a .sexy domain name. For purposes of clarity, content viewed at the main or top-level directory of a .sexy domain name is the content immediately visible if a user navigates to http://example.sexy or http://www.example.sexy. No restrictions apply to the content at any other page or subdirectory addressed by a .sexy Registered Name.

ii.For the purposes of these additional conditions, the term "content unsuitable for viewing by a minor" means any communication, consisting of nudity, sex, or excretion, that, taken as a whole and with reference to its context–

predominantly appeals to a prurient interest;

is patently offensive to prevailing standards in the adult community as a whole with respect to what is suitable material for minors; and

lacks serious literary, artistic, political, or scientific value.

iii.For the purposes of these additional conditions, the term "sex" means acts of masturbation, sexual intercourse, or physical contact with a person's genitals, or the condition of human male or female genitals when in a state of sexual stimulation or arousal; and "minor" means a person who has not attained the age of 13.

oo. .dance, .democrat, .ninja, .immobilien, .futbol, .reviews, .social, .pub, .moda, .kaufen, .consulting,

.actor, .rocks, auction, .forsale, .rip, .band, .sale, .news, .live, .studio, .family, and .games Domains: In the case of a ".dance", ".democrat", ".ninja", ".immobilien", ".futbol", ".reviews", ".social", ".pub", ".moda", ".kaufen", ".consulting", ".actor", ".rocks", ".auction", ".rehab", ".gives", ".degree", ".forsale", ".rip", ".band", ".sale", ".news", ".live", ".studio", ".family", or ".games" registration, the following terms and conditions will apply:

i.You agree to the Rightside Inc. Acceptable Use and Anti-Abuse Policy, located at http://rightside.co/registry/for-registrars/#c290.

ii.You acknowledge that TLDs offered by Rightside Inc. will have non-uniform renewal registration pricing, such that the fee for a domain name registration renewal may differ from other domain names in the same or other Rightside TLDs.

pp. .fishing, .vodka, .rodeo, .cooking, .horse, .bayern, .beer, .surf, .casa, .yoga, .work, .fashion, .wedding,

.garden, .fit, .nrw, .miami, .law, .abogado, and .vip Domains: In the case of a ".fishing", ".vodka", ".rodeo", ".cooking", ".horse", ".bayern", ".beer", ".surf", ".casa", ".yoga", ".work", ".fashion", ".wedding", ".garden", ".fit", ".nrw", ".miami", ".law", ".abogado", or ".vip" registration, the following terms and conditions will apply:

i.You agree to the Minds + Machines Inc. Acceptable Use and Anti-Abuse Policy, located at http://mm-registry.com/policies/.

ii.You agree to the .BAYERN Minds + Machines Inc. policies located at http://mm- registry.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/Bayern-Registry-Policies_English1.pdf

iii.You acknowledge that TLDs offered by Minds + Machines Inc. will have non-uniform

renewal registration pricing, such that the fee for a domain name registration renewal may differ from other domain names in the same or other Minds + Machines TLDs.

.nrw Domains: in the case of a ".nrw" registration, the following additional terms and conditions will apply:

i.You agree to additional acceptable use policies located at http://nic.nrw/die-nrw- domain/richtlinien/.

ii.Registrants of .NRW domains in Sunrise and General Availability must be:

Individuals with residence in the postal code area of the federal state of North Rhine – Westphalia; or

Individuals that have a place business in connection with self-employment or freelance work in the postal code area of the federal state of North Rhine- Westphalia; or

Entities that have a place of business in the postal code area of the federal state of

North Rhine-Westphalia.

.law and .abogado Domains: in the case of a ".law" or ".abogado" registration, the following additional terms and conditions will apply:

i.Registrant Validation, Data, and Restriction. Registration in the .law and .abogado TLDs is restricted to accredited lawyers as validated by an agent, which shall be appointed from time to time by the Registry (Validation Agent). Registrar must capture additional data as necessary to facilitate validation (Validation Data).

ii.Validation Data must be provided as requested from time to time by the Registry. Registrar must pay the non-refundable Validation Fee (see Section 5(b) below). Registrar must require that Registrant certify, prior to check out or collection of any registration fees, that Registrant is qualified to register the domain and that all provided information is true and accurate.

iii.Registrar must display to Registrant terms to the effect that providing false information may lead to the deletion of their registration on all Registry TLDs including, but not limited to, .law and .abogado. Failure to maintain accreditation may result in

cancellation of registration; no refunds will be granted outside the add grace or renewal grace periods. Validation may occur for each registration year. Registry may periodically re-verify accreditation at no additional cost to the Registrar. Disputes regarding validation will be handled by the Registry and Registrar agrees to submit such disputes immediately to the Registry for determination.

iv.The applicant must provide the Qualified Lawyer information:

a)Their full name as the applicant, as recorded with their regulator.

b)The official name of the accreditation body (e.g., The State Bar of California); The accreditation body is the entity that issued the accreditation ID to the qualified lawyer. Within the Qualified Lawyer extension, a character string is used to represent an accreditation body.

c)The accreditation year; A qualified lawyer's accreditation year is the year he/she was initially certified by the accreditation body. It is represented by a four-digit year including the century.

d)The applicant's accreditation ID number; The qualified lawyer's accreditation ID is a character string issued by the accreditation body to the qualified lawyer. Accreditation IDs uniquely identify the qualified lawyer within the context of the accreditation body.

e)The accreditation jurisdiction: country and state, province, or district, as applicable. The accreditation jurisdiction country is the country in which the accreditation body certifies the qualified lawyer. ISO two-letter country codes are used to represent the accreditation jurisdiction country. The accreditation jurisdiction country is required. The accreditation jurisdiction state/province is the specific region, within the accreditation jurisdiction country, in which the accreditation body certifies the qualified lawyer. A character string represents the

region. The accreditation jurisdiction is required when the accrediting body limits the qualified lawyer's certification to this area.

qq. .berlin Domains: In the case of a ".berlin" registration, the following terms and conditions will apply:

i.You agree to the dotBERLIN GmbH & Co. Registration and Anti-Abuse Policy, located at http://nic.berlin/de/berlin-policies/.

rr. .ruhr Domains: In the case of a ".ruhr" registration, the following terms and conditions will apply:

i.You agree to the regiodot GmbH & Co. Registration and Anti-Abuse Policy, located at http://www.dot.ruhr/en/registration-policy/.

ss. .wien Domains: In the case of a ".wien" registration, the following terms and conditions will apply:

i.You agree to the punkt.wien GmbH Registration and Anti-Abuse Policy, located at https://www.nic.wien/de/.wien/policies.

tt. .kim, .pink, .red, .blue, .black, .global, .meet, .ltda, .poker, .lgbt, .green, srl, .bet, .pet, .promo, .group,

.salon, .ltd, .gmbh, .ski, .archi, .bio, .organic, and .shiksha Domains: In the case of a ".kim", ".pink", ".red", ".blue", ".black", ".global", ".meet", ".ltda", ".poker", ".lgbt", ".green", ".srl", ".bet", ".pet", ".promo", ".group", ".salon", ".ltd", ".gmbh", ".ski", ".archi", ".bio", ".organic", or ".shiksha" registration, the following terms and conditions will apply:

i.You agree to the Afilias Inc. Acceptable Use and Anti-Abuse Policy, located at https://www.afilias.info/de/node/2936.

ii.You acknowledge that TLDs offered by Afilias Inc. will have non-uniform renewal registration pricing, such that the fee for a domain name registration renewal may differ from other domain names in the same or other Afilias TLDs.

.lgbt Domains: In the case of a ".lgbt" registration, the following additional terms and conditions will apply:

i. You agree to additional acceptable use policies located at http://get.lgbt/LGBTAUP.

.green Domains: In the case of a ".green" registration, the following additional terms and conditions will apply:

i.You agree to additional acceptable use policies located at http://get.green/about/afilias-anti- abuse-policy.

.poker Domains: In the case of a ".poker" registration, the following additional terms and conditions will apply:

i.Registrants of .poker must:

comply with all applicable laws, including those that relate to privacy, data collection, consumer protection (including in relation to misleading and deceptive conduct), fair lending, debt collection, disclosure of data, and financial disclosures;

implement reasonable and appropriate security measures commensurate with the collection and maintenance of financial data, as defined by applicable law;

provide administrative contact information, which must be kept up-to-date, for the notification of complaints or reports of registration abuse, as well as the contact details of

the relevant regulatory, or industry self-regulatory, bodies in their main place of business.

.srl Domains: In the case of a ".srl" registration, the following additional terms and conditions will apply:

i.Only companies that are registered as SRL qualify to be a Registrant of a .srl domain name. Such registration must be granted by a governmental body, or an organization authorized by a governmental body to issue such registration. If at any time during the term of registration of a Registered Name a Registrant shall no longer meet the requirements of the Eligibility Policy, then, in addition to any other rights of InterNetX existing under the Registry Registrar Agreement ("RRA") between InterNetX and any applicable Registrar orotherwise, InterNetX reserves the right to deny or cancel the registration, renewal, or transfer of any Registered Name, or to place any Registered Name on registry lock, hold, or similar status, with respect to any such Registered Name that InterNetX, upon reasonable belief formed after reason-able investigation, deems

to be registered to a Registrant that is not in compliance with the Eligibility Policy.

.archi Domains: In the case of a ".archi" registration, the following additional terms and conditions will apply:

i.You must be professionally and academically qualified as an architect as defined by the UIA Accord, or

ii.Be an architecture-related organization listed on a dedicated list defined by the APAC in collaboration with the UIA and the UIA Member Sections, and available on the Registry website.

iii.You agree to the additional .archi conditions located at http://www.domains.archi/archi-domain-name-policy/.

.bio and .organic Domains: In the case of a ".bio" or ".organic" registration, the following additional terms and conditions will apply:

i.Registrants of .bio and .organic must:

Registration is limited to those who are producers, transformers and retailers, or otherwise involved in the field of agriculture, food and farming.

You agree to the additional .bio conditions at http://www.domains.bio/about/.

You agree to the additional .organic conditions at http://get.organic/about/afilias-anti- abuse-policy.

.ski Domains: In the case of a ".ski" registration, the following additional terms and conditions will apply:

i.You agree to the additional .SKI conditions at http://www.domains.ski/ski-domain-name- policy/


.club Domains: In the case of a ".club" registration, the following terms and conditions will apply:


i. You agree to the DotCLUB DOMAINS Registration and Anti-Abuse Policy, located at




.uno Domains: In the case of a ".uno" registration, the following terms and conditions will apply:

i.You agree to the DotLatin LLC Registration and Anti-Abuse Policy, located at http://nic.uno/policy/Acceptable-Use-and-Anti-Abuse-Policy.pdf.

ww. .buzz Domains: In the case of a ".buzz" registration, the following terms and conditions will apply: i. You agree to the Dot Strategy Co., Registration and Anti-Abuse Policy, located at


xx. .nyc Domains: In the case of a ".nyc" registration, the following terms and conditions will apply: i. You agree to the City of New York's Registration and Anti-Abuse Policy, located at


yy. .moe Domains: In the case of a ".moe" registration, the following terms and conditions will apply: i. You agree to the Interlink Co. Registration and Anti-Abuse Policy, located at


zz. .build Domains: In the case of a ".build" registration, the following terms and conditions will apply: i. You agree to the Plan Bee LLC. Acceptable Use and Anti-Abuse Policy, located at


aaa. .luxury Domains: In the case of a ".luxury" registration, the following terms and conditions will apply:

i. You agree to the Luxury Partners LLC. Acceptable Use and Anti-Abuse Policy, located at http://nic.luxury/#documents.

bbb. .menu Domains: In the case of a ".menu" registration, the following terms and conditions will apply: i. You agree to the Wedding TLD2 LLC, Acceptable Use and Anti-Abuse Policy, located

at http://nic.menu/#documents.

ccc. .wiki, .ink, and .design Domains: In the case of a ".wiki", ".ink", or ".design" registration, the following conditions apply:

i.You agree to the Top Level Design, LLC Acceptable Use and Anti-Abuse Policy, located at http://toplevel.design/policy/.

ddd. .xyz, .college, .rent, .security, .protection, and .theatre Domains: In the case of a ".xyz", ".college", ".rent", ".security", ".protection", or ".theatre" registration, the following terms and conditions will apply:

i. You agree to the xyz.com LLC, Domain Names Policies, located at https://static.helpjuice.com/helpjuice_production/uploads/upload/image/2808/102814/ XYZ_Domain_Name_Policies_v2.0.pdf.

eee. .bar and .rest Domains: In the case of a ".bar" or ".rest" registration, the following terms and conditions will apply:

i.You agree to the Punto 2012 S.A.P.I. de CV, Acceptable Use and Anti-Abuse Policy, located at http://www.register.bar/policies/.

fff. .fans Domains: In the case of a ".fans" registration, the following terms and conditions will apply: i. You agree to the dotfans Terms and Conditions, located at http://dotfans.com/about-


ggg. .love Domains: In the case of a ".love" registration, the following terms and conditions will apply: i. You agree to the getdotlove Terms and Conditions, located at http://dotfans.com/about-


hhh. .host, .press, .website, .space, .site, .tech, .store, and .fun Domains: In the case of a ".host", ".press", ".website", ".space", ".site", ".tech", ".store", or ".fun" registration, the following terms and conditions will apply:

i.You agree to the Radix , Acceptable Use and Anti-Abuse Policy, located at http://radixregistry.com/policies/our-experience.php.

iii. .bid, .trade, .webcam, .party, .science, .cricket, .review, .faith, .date, .men, .accountant, .download,

.loan, .racing, .win, and .stream Domains: In the case of a ".bid", ".trade", ".webcam", ".party", ".science", ".cricket", ".review", ".faith", ".date", ".men", ".accountant", ".download", ".loan", ".racing", ".win", or ".stream" registration, the following terms and conditions will apply:

i.You agree to the Famous Four Media Limited Use and Anti-Abuse Policy, located at http://nic.bid/resources, http://nic.trade/resources, http://nic.webcam/resources,

http://nic.party/resources, http://nic.science/resources, http://nic.cricket/resources, http://nic.review/resources, http://nic.faith/resources, http://nic.date/resources,

http://nic.men/resources,http://nic.accountant/resources, http://nic.download/resources, http://nic.loan/resources, http://nic.racing/resources, http://nic.win/resources, and http://nic.stream/resources.

jjj. .soy and .how Domains: In the case of a ".soy" or ".how" registration, the following terms and conditions will apply:

i.You agree to the Google Inc, Charleston Road Registry, Inc. Policies located at http://www.googleregistry.co, http://www.google.com/registry/policies/domainabuse/, and https://www.google.com/registry/privacy.html.

kkk. .cymru and .wales Domains: In the case of a ".cymru" or ".wales" registration, the following terms and conditions will apply:

i. You agree to the Nominet UK Policies located at http://ourhomeonline.wales/about- us/policy.

lll. .paris Domains: In the case of a ".paris" registration, the following terms and conditions will apply:

i.You agree to the City of Paris' Policies located at http://bienvenue.paris/en/politique- de-registre-du-paris/.

mmm. .tirol Domains: In the case of a ".tirol" registration, the following terms and conditions will apply: i. You agree to the Tirol GmbH's Policies located at http://nic.tirol/ueber-uns/policies/.

nnn. .physio Domains: In the case of a ".physio" registration, the following terms and conditions will apply:

i. You agree to the ARI Registry Services Policies located at http://nic.physio/#documents.

ooo. .one Domains: In the case of a ".one" registration, the following terms and conditions will apply: i. You agree to One Registry's Policies located at http://one.nic/policies/.

ppp. .attorney, .lawyer, and .dentist Domains: In the case of a ".attorney", ".lawyer", or ".dentist" registration, as a highly-regulated TLD, the following terms and conditions will apply:

i.You agree to the Rightside Inc. Acceptable Use and Anti-Abuse Policy, located at http://rightside.co/registry/for-registrars/#c290

ii.You acknowledge that TLDs offered by Rightside Inc. will have non-uniform renewal registration pricing, such that the fee for a domain name registration renewal may differ from other domain names in the same or other Rightside TLDs.

iii.You must comply with all applicable laws, including laws relating to privacy, data collection, consumer protection (including in relation to misleading and deceptive conduct) and applicable consumer laws in respect of fair lending, debt collection, organic farming (if applicable), disclosure of data and financial regulations;

iv.You must acknowledge and agree that any collection and use of sensitive health and financial data must implement reasonable and appropriate security measures commensurate with the offering of those services, as defined by applicable laws.

v.You must provide administrative contact information, which must be kept up-to-date, for the notification of complaints or reports of registration abuse, as well as the contact

details of the relevant regulatory, or industry self-regulatory, bodies in your main place of business.

vi.You must represent that you possesses any necessary authorizations, charters, licenses and/or other related credentials for participation in the sector associated with this highly regulated TLD.

vii.You must report any material changes to the validity of your authorizations, charters licenses and/or other related credentials for participation in the sector associated with this highly regulated TLD to ensure you continue to conform to the appropriate regulations and licensing requirements and generally conduct activities in the interests of the consumer served.

viii.You must email a copy of your valid, active authorization, charter, license, or other related credentials to rightside@opensrs.com, along with contact information for the licensing/governing body for your profession. Registrars may set up a forwarding email to receive these documents and must forward these emails to OpenSRS if they wish to

use their own email domain/address.

qqq. .engineer, .market, .mortgage, .software, .vet, .gives, .degree, and .rehab Domains: In the case of a ".engineer", ".market", ".mortgage", ".software", ".vet", ".gives", ".degree", or ".rehab" registration, as a regulated TLD, the following terms and conditions will apply:

i.You agree to the Rightside Inc. Acceptable Use and Anti-Abuse Policy, located at http://rightside.co/registry/for-registrars/#c290.

ii.You acknowledge that TLDs offered by Rightside Inc. will have non-uniform renewal registration pricing, such that the fee for a domain name registration renewal may differ from other domain names in the same or other Rightside TLDs.

iii.You must comply with all applicable laws, including laws relating to privacy, data collection, consumer protection (including in relation to misleading and deceptive conduct) and applicable consumer laws in respect of fair lending, debt collection, organic farming (if applicable), disclosure of data and financial regulations;

iv.You must acknowledge and agree that any collection and use of sensitive health and financial data must implement reasonable and appropriate security measures commensurate with the offering of those services, as defined by applicable laws.

rrr. .army, .navy, and .airforce Domains: In the case of a ".army", ".navy", or ".airforce" registration, as a regulated TLD, the following terms and conditions will apply:

i.You agree to the Rightside Inc. Acceptable Use and Anti-Abuse Policy, located at http://rightside.co/registry/for-registrars/#c290.

ii.You acknowledge that TLDs offered by Rightside Inc. will have non-uniform renewal registration pricing, such that the fee for a domain name registration renewal may differ from other domain names in the same or other Rightside TLDs.

iii.You must take steps to ensure against misrepresenting or falsely implying that you or your business is affiliated with, sponsored, or endorsed by one or more country's or government's military forces if such affiliation, sponsorship, or endorsement does not


sss. .durban, .joburg, .capetown. .za, and .africa Domains: in the case of a ".durban", ".joburg", ".capetown", ".za", or ".africa" registration, the following terms and conditions will apply:

i. You agree to the ZA Central Registry Policies located at https://www.registry.net.za/content.php?gen=1&contentid=143&title=Legal%20/%20 Policies.

ttt. .desi Domains: In the case of a ".desi" registration, the following terms and conditions will apply: i. You agree to the Dot Desi, LLC Policies located at http://nic.desi/.

uuu. .hamburg Domains: In the case of a ".hamburg" registration, the following terms and conditions will apply:

i. You agree to the Hamburg Top-Level-Domain GmbH Policies located at http://www.punkthamburg.de/richtlinien/.

vvv. .london Domains: In the case of a ".london" registration, the following terms and conditions will apply:

i. You agree to the Dot London Domains Ltd Policies located at http://domains.london/policies/.

www. .melbourne Domains: In the case of a ".melbourne" registration, the following terms and conditions will apply:

i. You agree to the ARI Registry Services Policies located at http://nic.melbourne/policies/.

xxx. .scot Domains: In the case of a ".scot" registration, the following terms and conditions will apply: i. You agree to Dot Scot Registry Policies located at http://dotscot.net/help/.

yyy. .quebec Domains: In the case of a ".quebec" registration, the following terms and conditions will apply:

i. You agree to PointQuebec Policies located at http://registre.quebec/en/policy/.

zzz. .bzh Domains: In the case of a ".bzh" registration, the following terms and conditions will apply:

i. You agree to www.bzh Association Policies located at http://www.pik.bzh/images/documents/bzh_Politique_enregistrement.pdf.

aaaa. .brussels and .vlaanderen Domains: In the case of a ".brussels" or ".vlaanderen" registration, the following terms and conditions will apply:

i.You agree to the DNS Belgium Policies located at http://dnsbelgium.be/en/domain- name/registering-domain-names.

bbbb. .ist and .istanbul Domains: In the case of a ".ist" or ".istanbul" registration, the following terms and conditions will apply:

i. You agree to the Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality Media Inc. Policies located at http://nic.ist/politikalar/mkk-politikalari.

cccc. .barcelona Domains: In the case of a ".barcelona" registration, the following terms and conditions will apply:

i. You agree to the Foundation puntCAT Media Inc. Policies located at http://fundacio.cat/ca/avis-legal.

dddd. .ceo and .best Domains: In the case of a ".ceo" or ".best" registration, the following terms and conditions will apply:

i. You agree to PeopleBrowsr's Policies located at http://aboutus.best/overview.html.

eeee. .ngo and .ong Domains: In the case of a ".ngo" or ".ong" registration, the following terms and conditions will apply:

i.You agree to Public Interest Registry's Policies located at http://pir.org/policies/ and http://globalngo.org/discover/eligibility/, and detailed below:

Registrants must meet the following requirements:

1.Focused on acting in the public interest. Whether in support of education or health, the environment or human rights, members of the .ngo|.ong community work for the good of humankind and/or the preservation of the planet and do not promote discrimination or bigotry.

2.Non-profit making/non-profit-focused entities. While many NGOs engage in commercial activities or generate revenue in support of their missions, members of the .ngo|.ong community do not recognize profits or retain earnings.

3.Limited government influence. Recognizing that many NGOs have important interactions with government, not least for reasons of funding (which may include

receipt of some government funding in support of their programs), members of the

.ngo|.ong community decide their own policies, direct their own activities and are independent of direct government or political control.

4.Independent actors. Members of the .ngo|.ong community should not be political parties nor should be a part of any government. Participation in the work of a NGO or ONG is voluntary.

5.Active organisations. Members of the .ngo|.ong community are actively pursuing their missions on a regular basis.

6.Structured. Members of the .ngo|.ong community, whether large or small, operate in a structured manner (e.g. under bylaws, codes of conduct, organizational standards, or other government structures.)

7.Lawful. Members of the .ngo|.ong community act with integrity within the bounds of law.

ii.To activate new domains, NGO organisations will also need to complete a post- registration validation process:

1.Registrant is required to submit information and documentation to PIR establishing that it meets the eligibility requirements of an NGO.

2.Validation documentation may consist of one or more of the following:

i.government list;

ii.corporate documents (e.g. Articles of Incorporation); and

iii.tax records or other documents evidencing the entity's charitable status and work in the community it serves.

3.Registrant is required to certify that the information and documentation it submitted in the validation process remains true, complete, and accurate at least once every two years after initial validation.

4.If the registrant does not successfully complete the validation process within one year from the date it registers the domain name bundle, the domain name bundle will be deleted and released back into the pool of available domains and any fees paid in connection with the registration of the domain name bundle will be forfeit.

5.Registrant acknowledges and understands that, in the event it is selected for an audit, it will promptly comply with any inquiries and requests from the Registry to provide additional evidence of its NGO status.

i.If, as a result of the audit process, the Registry determines (in its sole discretion) that the Registrant does not meet the NGO eligibility requirements, the Registrant's domain name bundle will be deleted and released back into the pool of available domains and any fees paid in connection with the Registrant's domain name bundle will be forfeit.

ffff. .vote and .voto Domains: In the case of a ".vote" or ".voto" registration, the following terms and conditions will apply:

i. You agree to Monolith Registry LLC's Policies located at http://vote.afilias.info/vote_registration_policy.

gggg. .amsterdam Domains: In the case of a ".amsterdam" registration, the following terms and conditions will apply:

i. You agree to the dotAMSTERDAM BV policies located at: http://nic.amsterdam/.

hhhh. .sucks Domains: In the case of a ".sucks" registration, the following terms and conditions will apply: i. You agree to the Vox Populi Registry Inc. policies located at:


iiii. .courses Domains: In the case of a ".courses" registration, the following terms and conditions will apply:

i. You agree to the ARI policies located at: http://nic.courses/#documents.

jjjj. .study Domains: In the case of a ".study" registration, the following terms and conditions will apply: i. You agree to the ARI policies located at: http://nic.study/#documents.

kkkk. .film Domains: In the case of a ".film" registration, the following terms and conditions will apply: i. You agree to the ARI Policies located at http://go.film/eligibility/ and


llll. .earth Domains: In the case of a ".earth" registration, the following terms and conditions will apply: i. You agree to the Interlink CO., Ltd. policies located at:


mmmm..cloud Domains: In the case of a ".cloud" registration, the following terms and conditions will apply: i. You agree to the Aruba PEC S.p.A. a Socio Unico Policies located at


nnnn. .top Domains: In the case of a ".top" registration, the following terms and conditions will apply: i. You agree to the .top domain name registry Policies located at


oooo. .feedback Domains: In the case of a ".feedback" registration, the following terms and conditions will apply:

i. You agree to the Top Level Spectrum, LLC. Policies located at http://www.nic.feedback/registration-agreement/.

pppp. .tube Domains: In the case of a ".tube" registration, the following terms and conditions will apply: i. You agree to the Latin American Telecom LLC. Policies located at


qqqq. .shop Domains: In the case of a ".shop" registration, the following terms and conditions will apply: i. You agree to the GMO Registry, Inc. Policies located at


rrrr. .storage Domains: In the case of a ".storage" registration, the following terms and conditions will apply:

i. You agree to the Self Storage Company, LLC Policies located at http://www.domains.storage/registry-policies/.

ssss. .blog Domains: In the case of a ".blog" registration, the following terms and conditions will apply: i. You agree to the Knock Knock Whois There Policies located at


tttt. .art Domains: In the case of a ".art" registration, the following terms and conditions will apply: i. You agree to the UK Creative Ideas Ltd. Policies located at http://nic.art/wp-


uuuu. .travel Domains: In the case of a ".travel" registration, the following terms and conditions will apply: i. You agree to the Tralliance Policies located at http://www.travel.travel/wp-


ii.Registrants must only be (or plan to be) a creator or provider of travel and tourism products, goods, services or content.

iii.Registrant is required to provide a UIN number, which can be obtained at the registry here: http://www.travel.travel/resources/obtain-your-travel-uin.php.

SUPPORT FOR DNSSEC. We allow you to add DNSSEC on your domain upon request by relaying orders to add, remove or change public key material (e.g., DNSKEY or DS resource records) on your behalf to Registries operating under contract with ICANN that support DNSSEC.

The following fees apply to DNSSEC relay services:

Add DNSSEC key material: $500 per transaction.

Change DNSSEC key material: $500 per transaction.

Remove DNSSEC key material: $0 per transaction.

oFees charged for DNSSEC support by registration service providers may differ.


A seguito della registrazione/trasferimento del dominio, il gestore internazionale invierà una email per la conferma dei dati identificativi dell'intestatario del dominio, all'indirizzo email specificato.
Nel messaggio è presente un link/pulsante che dovrà essere cliccato per dare conferma della identità corretta.
Se la conferma non viene data entro i successivi 7gg il dominio verrà bloccato.

condizioni e modalità del servizio
l'informativa sulla privacy
Il cliente prende atto che i servizi Sitoper.it vengono offerti da Italiasport.net s.r.l. Unipersonale, P.IVA e C.F. 01582930507 con sede in Santa Maria a Monte (Pisa), (qui di seguito indicata come italiasport.net) alle seguenti condizioni:

Art. 1 Perfezionamento del contratto

Il presente contratto ha per oggetto la fornitura, da parte di italiasport.net di alcuni servizi informatici tra quelli qui elencati: produzione di siti internet, mantenimento degli stessi siti internet, utilizzo di un software che consente la facile gestione degli stessi siti internet, aggiornamento dello stesso software, fornitura di spazi host, registrazione o mantenimento di domini, fornitura e gestione di caselle email, server dedicati, fornitura di servizi di backup, servizi di ottimizzazione dei siti web per i motori di ricerca, e di eventuali optional indicati nell´ordine di acquisto.

Nel caso in cui venga fornito un sito web di tipo Sitoper.it non viene fornito al cliente l´accesso ftp e i codici sorgenti del software. Tale software rimane di totale proprietà di italiasport.net. La proprietà dei dati e delle pagine html del sito web generato è del cliente, come meglio specificato nell´Art. 4.

Art. 2 Tempi di consegna dei servizi

Italiasport.net si impegna ad attivare il servizio, o a rinnovarlo, entro 48 ore lavorative dall´accredito del pagamento, dalla ricezione del materiale (tra cui l´attivazione del dominio). Il cliente può richiedere di attivare il servizio in tempi successivi.

Italiasport.net non è responsabile di eventuali ritardi dovuti alla mancata consegna da parte del cliente dei dati necessari alla fornitura dei servizi, o dovuti a ritardi degli enti registranti dei domini.

Art. 3 Utilizzo e limiti dei servizi

L’utente può usufruire dei servizi offerti da italiasport.net rispettandone i limiti. L’integrità dei dati, il funzionamento dei servizi e il backup vengono garantiti solo se non si superano i limiti sotto riportati.

Il sito web Sitoper.it non ha limiti al numero di pagine realizzate.
Lo spazio host può essere utilizzato fino al limite previsto dal contratto.
L’utente può utilizzare tutti i moduli previsti dal pacchetto acquistato.

La casella email può essere utilizzata fino al limite previsto dal contratto.
Nel caso in cui la casella email raggiunga il proprio limite, non potrà ricevere nuove email. L’utente potrà provvedere a riattivarla dal proprio pannello webmail, sbloccandola e rimuovendo i dati in eccesso.
La gestione delle caselle email prevede un traffico massimo orario di 100 email in uscita, giornaliero di 300 email in uscita e di 3000 email in entrata. Tali limiti sono solamente volti a proteggere gli utenti, per garantire il corretto funzionamento del sistema di posta, in quanto un abuso delle risorse da parte di uno o più utenti potrebbe altrimenti creare ritardi o malfunzionamenti del sistema di posta agli altri utenti.

Italiasport.net si riserva il diritto di intervenire al blocco del sito o del servizio email, qualora si verificassero abusi di immagini, marchi e testi sul sito o invio di spam, materiale offensivo o volgare da newsletter ed email.

Art. 3.1 Responsabilità dei dati
Il cliente si assume piena responsabilità delle informazioni, intese in qualsiasi tipo di formato (testo, immagini, video, documenti e quanto altro possibile) che pubblica sulle proprie pagine web o spazio host, che consegna a italiasport.net per la realizzazione del sito, che invia per email, e di tutte le attività che da esse possono derivare.

I dati inseriti in fase di consegna di una prova, o di consegna di acquisto sono da intendersi come dati di esempio ed è cura del cliente rimuovere dal sito web i dati che non sono riconducibili alla propria attività, e che non sono di proprietà del cliente.

Art. 3.2 Rimozione dei dati a scadenza del contratto

Italiasport.net si riserva il diritto di spegnere il servizio una volta scaduto il contratto, se non rinnovato.

Italiasport.net si riserva il diritto di eliminare qualsiasi copia dei dati del cliente, una volta scaduto il contratto da almeno 15 giorni, se non rinnovato.

Per rinnovo del contratto si intende una richiesta di rinnovo, con effettivo pagamento accreditato a italiasport.net.

Art. 4 Diritti di proprietà

La proprietà e la responsabilità dei testi, dei loghi, dei marchi, delle immagini e dei materiali in genere che il cliente fornisce ad italiasport.net per l´esecuzione del servizio, o che il cliente pubblica direttamente sul sito o spazio host, e ogni diritto ad essi connesso, spettano al cliente.
Italiasport.net si riserva il diritto di utilizzare i prodotti, realizzati per il cliente, per propria pubblicità. Il cliente si impegna a richiedere l´autorizzazione di italiasport.net per la divulgazione di comunicati stampa, materiale informativo e promozionale che coinvolgono direttamente italiasport.net. Italiasport.net mantiene la proprietà e/o tutti i diritti esclusivi sui programmi, servizi, procedure, disegni, software, marchi, nomi commerciali, invenzioni, testi e materiali, dalla stessa realizzati.

La proprietà del software di gestione dei siti internet rimane interamente di italiasport.net ed è concessa in licenza solo per la durata del contratto. Il contratto ha una durata di 365 giorni dalla attivazione, a meno di diversi accordi tra le parti. La fattura al cliente, emessa nella data di ricezione del pagamento e consegnata al cliente entro un massimo di 7 giorni, riporta esattamente le date di competenza del servizio fornito.

La proprietà del sito internet generato come pagine statiche html e del loro contenuto è del cliente. Il cliente ha in ogni momento la possibilità di scaricare il suo sito internet in formato html, con tutto il materiale pubblicato, dalle semplici funzioni del browser (salva pagina) o con programmi adatti allo scopo. In qualsiasi caso, non è possibile scaricare il software di gestione.

Art. 4.1 Specifiche delle tipologie di contratto

Italiasport.net specifica che il cliente può acquistare uno o più servizi in forma aggregata (nominati “Pacchetto”) o distinta. Costi dei vari servizi sono specificati su www.sitoper.it, oppure, se particolari, inviati come preventivo direttamente per email al cliente. In tutti i casi non variano i diritti di proprietà.

Art. 5 Obblighi e responsabilità dell´utente

Il cliente si impegna a mantenere italiasport.net indenne da responsabilità circa l´eventuale uso illecito che potrà essere fatto sia del servizio, sia delle informazioni reperite o fornite attraverso il servizio o prodotto stesso. Italiasport.net non è altresì responsabile degli eventuali danni che il cliente potrebbe causare a terzi con l´uso anche lecito del servizio.
Il cliente si impegna, in particolare, a utilizzare i servizi di web publishing in conformità alle vigenti leggi con particolare riferimento alle leggi sul diritto d´autore.
L´accesso al servizio è limitato ai clienti che sottoscrivono un contratto con italiasport.net o ad utenti abilitati dagli stessi clienti.
Attraverso il servizio offerto da italiasport.net non è consentito svolgere attività che deliberatamente:
1. Cerchino di conseguire accesso non autorizzato alle risorse connesse alla rete;
2. Influenzino negativamente la regolare operatività della rete o ne restringano l´utilizzabilità o le prestazioni per gli altri utenti;
3. Alterino l´integrità d´informazioni contenute su altri computer;
4. Provochino trasferimenti non autorizzati di informazioni (software, basi dati, altro).

Art. 6 Rivendita del servizio

Il cliente può rivendere il servizio a terzi previo accordo preventivo con italiasport.net.
Nello specifico una azienda o una persona con regolare registrazione fiscale può effettuare il servizio di rivendita del servizio registrandosi e stipulando un accordo con italiasport.net. Le condizioni di rivenditore sono specificate nella sezione "diventa rivenditore" di www.sitoper.it.

Art. 7 Limiti di responsabilità e diritti di italiasport.net

Italiasport.net risponde unicamente delle proprie omissioni e dei propri errori relativi al servizio commissionato che annullano o alterano gravemente l´efficacia del servizio e che vengono ricevuti per iscritto da italiasport.net, o tramite il centro assistenza, o tramite la casella email assistenza@sitoper.it, o tramite raccomandata.

Nel caso del servizio telematico italiasport.net non è responsabile per danni diretti o indiretti derivanti da interruzioni del funzionamento del servizio dovuti a manutenzione ordinaria o straordinaria o ad altre cause indipendenti da italiasport.net.
Italiasport.net si impegna affinché i sistemi garantiscano la massima sicurezza. In special modo i server sono quotidianamente controllati, sono posti sotto firewall di protezione, hanno un doppio disco interno con copia istantanea dei dati (mirroring), vengono effettuati backup su altri server distinti e a loro volta con dischi di doppia copia. Italiasport.net non è in ogni caso responsabile di una eventuale perdita dei dati pubblicati su server web.

Nel caso in cui il disservizio si protragga oltre 30 giorni il committente avrà diritto, a sua scelta, al rimborso degli importi eventualmente corrisposti, o alla ripetizione gratuita del servizio per lo stesso tempo pattuito, esclusa ogni ulteriore forma di risarcimento.

Italiasport.net si riserva comunque il diritto di:
1. Controllare accessi al software di gestione dei siti internet.
2. Inviare informazioni tecniche di possibile interesse via email al cliente.
3. Bloccare il servizio se in evidenza di abuso. A tutela del corretto utilizzo dei servizi offerti a tutti gli utenti, italiasport.net si riserva il diritto di bloccare il servizio ad un cliente che lo utilizzasse fuori dai termini della Netiquette e dai limiti specificati nell’Art. 3.

Art. 7.1 Sicurezza dei dati dei siti web e della posta elettronica
Italiasport.net ha creato e gestisce una struttura per ridurre al minimo la perdita dei dati. Tale struttura è progettata anche per ridurre al minimo i tempi di recupero dei servizi in caso di rottura del sistema.

Accettando i contratti di fornitura dei servizi Sitoper.it il cliente prende atto ed è cosciente che la struttura tecnica realizzata, riduce al minimo la probabilità di perdita dei dati, ma non annulla totalmente questa possibilità. Pertanto il cliente stesso è tenuto ad effettuare copie di sicurezza, se e solo se lo ritiene opportuno in base all´importanza dei dati mantenuti su siti web, host e caselle di posta elettronica, con tempi e modi a suo piacimento.

Dettagli sulla sicurezza dei dati: ogni server su cui vengono installati siti web e host viene replicato ogni notte su un distinto server. Ogni server su cui vengono installate caselle email viene replicato ogni notte su un distinto server e la singola casella email viene sincronizzata su una casella-replica al massimo ogni 2 ore, dalle ore 9 alle ore 17. Non vengono garantiti i servizi di backup al superamento dei limiti specificati nell’Art. 3.

Le copie dei siti web e host vengono mantenute per 10 giorni. Le copie delle caselle email vengono mantenute per 2 giorni.

Italiasport.net reputa questo sistema di sicurezza adeguato in base ai servizi offerti, ai dati statistici di rischio di rottura in proprio possesso, e al costo proposto.

Italiasport.net offre, a richiesta del cliente, anche servizi aggiuntivi e migliorativi. Tali servizi vengono forniti su progetto personalizzato e previa accettazione di un preventivo da parte del cliente.

Art. 8 Durata del contratto e recesso

La durata del contratto è di 365 giorni a partire dalla data di accredito del pagamento. La validità del contratto non si intende tacitamente rinnovata. In mancanza di una richiesta di rinnovo del contratto e relativo pagamento il servizio sarà sospeso alla naturale scadenza del contratto. Passati 15 giorni dalla scadenza del contratto tutto il materiale presente sui server di italiasport.net sarà rimosso.

Il cliente può recedere dal contratto entro 10 giorni dalla stipula dello stesso. La richiesta di recesso deve avvenire per iscritto a mezzo raccomandata a/r o tramite PEC.

La richiesta di recesso deve essere inviata a:
Sitoper.it, c/o Italiasport.net s.r.l. Unipersonale
Via Provinciale Francesca Nord, 92
56020 Santa Maria a Monte (Pisa), Italia.

Il recesso può essere inviato, nel termine di dieci giorni sopra indicato, anche via email all´indirizzo email amministrazione@sitoper.it a condizione che la comunicazione di recesso sia confermata a mezzo lettera raccomandata o PEC negli stessi termini di cui sopra.

Il recesso è escluso, ai sensi dell´art. 55, comma 2, lett a) del Codice del Consumo, qualora l´utente acquisti un pacchetto, che comprenda il servizio registrazione di nomi a dominio e l´utente richieda l´esplicita attivazione del servizio prima della scadenza del termine della eventuale prova.

Nel caso di recesso conforme a quanto sopra esposto, italiasport.net si obbliga a restituire all´utente le somme dallo stesso versate quale corrispettivo del servizio, entro il più breve tempo possibile e comunque entro 30 giorni dalla data in cui è venuta a conoscenza del recesso.

Art. 9 Corrispettivo, termini e modalità di pagamento e variazione annuale del corrispettivo

Il committente provvede ai pagamenti entro 5 giorni dalla richiesta di attivazione. In caso di mancato pagamento italiasport.net ha la facoltà, a suo insindacabile giudizio, di considerare annullato l´intero ordine per inadempimento del committente.
Italiasport.net si impegna a non aumentare i canoni di abbonamento al servizio in maniera non superiore ai dati annuali riguardanti l´inflazione.

Il rimborso della cifra pagata e’ previsto solo in caso di disservizio, se accertato, nei termini indicati all’Art. 7. Il cliente, in alternativa, potrà richiedere servizi sostitutivi equivalenti alla cifra versata e sarà impegno di italiasport.net fornirli al meglio delle condizioni.

Art. 10 Risoluzione del contratto

Italiasport.net ha il diritto di sospendere con effetto immediato il servizio in tutti i casi di violazione e/o inadempimento da parte del cliente previsti dal presente contratto, e segnatamente agli articoli:
- Art. 4 Diritti di proprietà
- Art. 5 Obblighi e responsabilità dell’utente
- Art. 6 Rivendita del servizio
- Art. 9 Corrispettivo, termini e modalità di pagamento e variazione annuale del corrispettivo

Italiasport.net avrà la facoltà di risolverlo dandone semplice comunicazione scritta, senza alcun periodo di preavviso, fermo restando l´obbligo da parte del cliente di saldare l´intero corrispettivo.

Art. 11 Cessione di contratto

Il cliente autorizza espressamente a cedere il presente contratto a società controllate, partecipate, controllanti o a partners commerciali di italiasport.net.

Art. 12 Servizi aggiuntivi

Le presenti condizioni generali troveranno applicazione anche per eventuali altri servizi e prodotti che verranno offerti da italiasport.net, a cui il cliente potrà accedere mediante la sottoscrizione di contratti integrativi, se ritenuti compatibili da italiasport.net.

Art. 13 Clausola compromissoria e foro competente

Per ogni controversia è competente il Foro di Pisa, escluso ogni altro Foro anche alternativo o concorrente.

Il cliente procedendo all´acquisto di un servizio dichiara di aver attentamente esaminato tutte le clausole del presente contratto e le sottoscrive accettandone espressamente le condizioni contenute nei seguenti articoli:

Art. 1 Perfezionamento del contratto - Art. 2 Tempi di consegna dei servizi - Art. 3 Utilizzo e limiti dei servizi - Art. 4 Diritti di proprietà - Art. 5 Obblighi e responsabilità dell’utente - Art. 6 Rivendita del servizio - Art. 7 Limiti di responsabilità e diritti di italiasport.net - Art. 8 Durata del contratto e recesso - Art. 9 Corrispettivo, termini e modalità di pagamento e variazione annuale del corrispettivo - Art. 10 Risoluzione del contratto - Art. 11 Cessione di contratto - Art. 12 Servizi aggiuntivi - Art. 13 Clausola compromissoria e foro competente.
Il sito web www.sitoper.it raccoglie alcuni dati personali degli utenti che navigano sul sito web.

In accordo con l'impegno e l'attenzione che poniamo ai dati personali e in accordo agli artt. 13 e 14 del EU GDPR, www.sitoper.it fornisce informazioni su modalità, finalità, ambito di comunicazione e diffusione dei dati personali e diritti degli utenti.

Titolare del trattamento dei dati personali
Italiasport.net s.r.l. Unipersonale
Via Provinciale Francesca Nord, 92
56020 - Santa Maria a Monte (Pisa) Italia
P.IVA e C.F. 01582930507

Email: angiolini@sitoper.it
Telefono: +39 329 48 777 67

Tipi di dati acquisiti
www.sitoper.it raccoglie dati degli utenti direttamente o tramite terze parti. Le tipologie di dati raccolti sono: dati tecnici di navigazione, dati di utilizzo, email, nome, cognome, numero di telefono, provincia, nazione, cap, città, indirizzo, ragione sociale, stato, cookie e altre varie tipologie di dati. Maggiori dettagli sui dati raccolti vengono forniti nelle sezioni successive di questa stessa informativa.
I dati personali sono forniti deliberatamente dall'utente tramite la compilazione di form, oppure, nel caso di dati di utilizzo, come ad esempio i dati relativi alle statistiche di navigazione, sono raccolti automaticamente navigando sulle pagine di www.sitoper.it.

I dati richiesti dai form sono divisi tra obbligatori e facoltativi; su ciascun form saranno indicate distintamente le due tipologie. Nel caso in cui l'utente preferisca non comunicare dati obbligatori, www.sitoper.it si riserva il diritto di non fornire il servizio. Nel caso in cui l'utente preferisca non comunicare dati facoltativi, il servizio sarà fornito ugualmente da www.sitoper.it .

www.sitoper.it utilizza strumenti di statistica per il tracciamento della navigazione degli utenti, l'analisi avviene tramite log. Non utilizza direttamente cookie ma può utilizzare cookie includendo servizi di terzi.

Ciascun utilizzo di cookie viene dettagliato nella Cookie Policy (https://www.sitoper.it/cookie-policy.htm) e successivamente in questa stessa informativa.
L'utente che comunichi, pubblichi, diffonda, condivida o ottenga dati personali di terzi tramite www.sitoper.it si assume la completa responsabilità degli stessi. L'utente libera il titolare del sito web da qualsiasi responsabilità diretta e verso terzi, garantendo di avere il diritto alla comunicazione, pubblicazione, diffusione degli stessi. www.sitoper.it non fornisce servizi a minori di 18 anni. In caso di richieste effettuate per minori deve essere il genitore, o chi detiene la patria potestà, a compilare le richieste dati.

Modalità, luoghi e tempi del trattamento dei dati acquisiti
Modalità di trattamento dei dati acquisiti
Il titolare ha progettato un sistema informatico opportuno a garantire misure di sicurezza ritenute adatte ad impedire l'accesso, la divulgazione, la modifica o la cancellazione non autorizzata di dati personali. Lo stesso sistema effettua copie giornaliere, ritenute sufficientemente adeguate in base alla importanza dei dati contenuti.

L'utente ha diritto a ottenere informazioni in merito alle misure di sicurezza adottate dal titolare per proteggere i dati.

Accessi ai dati oltre al titolare
Hanno accesso ai dati personali raccolti da www.sitoper.it il personale interno (quale ad esempio amministrativo, commerciale, marketing, legale, amministratori di sistema) e/o soggetti esterni (quali ad esempio fornitori di servizi informatici terzi, webfarm, agenzie di comunicazione, fornitori di servizi complementari). Se necessario tali strutture sono nominate dal titolare responsabili del trattamento.

L'utente può richiedere in qualsiasi momento al titolare del trattamento, l'elenco aggiornato dei responsabili del trattamento.

Comunicazione di eventuali accessi indesiderati al Garante della Privacy
Il suddetto sistema informatico è monitorato e controllato giornalmente da tecnici e sistemisti. Ciò non toglie che, anche se ritenuta possibilità remota, ci possa essere un accesso indesiderato. Nel caso in cui questo si verifichi il titolare si impegna, come da GDPR ad effettuarne comunicazione al Garante della Privacy entro i termini previsti dalla legge.

Luoghi di mantenimento dei dati acquisiti
I dati personali sono mantenuti e trattati nelle sedi operative e amministrative del titolare, nonché nelle webfarm dove risiedono i server che ospitano il sito web www.sitoper.it, o sui server che ne effettuano le copie di sicurezza. I dati personali dell'utente possono risiedere in Italia, Germania e Olanda, comunque in nazioni della Comunità Europea. I dati personali dell'utente non vengono mai portati o copiati fuori dal territorio europeo.

Tempi di mantenimento dei dati acquisiti
Nel caso di dati acquisiti per fornire un servizio all'utente, (sia per un servizio acquistato che in prova) i dati vengono conservati per 24 mesi successivi al completamento del servizio. Oppure fino a quando non ne venga revocato il consenso.

Nel caso in cui il titolare fosse obbligato a conservare i dati personali in ottemperanza di un obbligo di legge o per ordine di autorità, il titolare può conservare i dati per un tempo maggiore, necessario agli obblighi.

Al termine del periodo di conservazione i dati personali saranno cancellati. Dopo il termine, non sarà più possibile accedere ai propri dati, richiederne la cancellazione e la portabilità.

Base giuridica del trattamento dei dati acquisiti
Il titolare acquisisce dati personali degli utenti nei casi sotto descritti.
Il trattamento si rende necessario:
- se l'utente ha deliberatamente accettato il trattamento per una o più finalità;
- per fornire un preventivo all'utente;
- per fornire un contratto all'utente;
- per fornire un servizio all'utente;
- perché il titolare possa adempiere ad un obbligo di legge;
- perché il titolare possa adempiere ad un compito di interesse pubblico;
- perché il titolare possa adempiere ad un esercizio di pubblici poteri;
- perché il titolare o terzi possano perseguire i propri legittimi interessi.

L'utente può richiedere in qualsiasi momento al titolare del trattamento, chiarimenti sulla base giuridica di ciascun trattamento.

Finalità del trattamento dei dati acquisiti
I dati dell'utente sono raccolti dal titolare per le seguenti finalità:

- fornire informazioni tecniche e commerciali;
- fornire prove gratuite del servizio agli utente;
- fornire preventivi agli utenti;
- ordini;
- fatturazione;
- inviare avvisi di scadenza sui servizi;
- inviare avvisi di rimozione dati;
- inviare newsletter.

Eventualmente i dati possono essere trattati anche per:
contattare l'utente, statistiche, analisi dei comportamenti degli utenti e registrazione sessioni, visualizzazione contenuti e interazione di applicazioni esterne, protezione dallo spam, gestione dei pagamenti, interazione con social network, pubblicità.

L'utente può richiedere in qualsiasi momento al titolare del trattamento, chiarimenti sulle finalità di ciascun trattamento.

Dettagli specifici sull'acquisizione e uso dei dati personali
Per contattare l'utente
Moduli di contatto
L'utente può compilare il/i moduli di contatto/richiesta informazioni, inserendo i propri dati e acconsentendo al loro uso per rispondere alle richieste di natura indicata nella intestazione del modulo.
Dati personali che potrebbero essere raccolti: CAP, città, cognome, email, indirizzo, nazione, nome, numero di telefono, provincia, ragione sociale.

Newsletter o SMS
L'utente può iscriversi alla newsletter del sito web www.sitoper.it. All'indirizzo email specificato dall'utente potranno essere inviati messaggi contenenti informazioni di tipo tecnico, informativo, commerciale e/o promozionale.
La registrazione alla newsletter viene eseguita con double opt-in.
All'utente viene inviata una email (all'indirizzo email indicato) con all'interno un link su cui cliccare per confermare che l'utente sia realmente il proprietario dell'indirizzo email.

Lo stesso servizio può essere effettuato tramite SMS.
Dati personali che potrebbero essere raccolti: CAP, città, cognome, email, indirizzo, nazione, nome, numero di telefono, provincia, ragione sociale.

Per gestire pagamenti
Il sito web www.sitoper.it utilizza servizi di pagamento per eseguire pagamenti con carta di credito, bonifico bancario o altri strumenti. Il sito web www.sitoper.it non raccoglie o acquisisce i dati usati per il pagamento. I dati per il pagamento sono raccolti e acquisiti direttamente dal gestore del servizio di pagamento (ad esempio dall'ente carta di credito o PayPal ecc...)
Questi servizi possono effettuare invio di messaggi verso l'utente, per esempio email o sms di notifiche del pagamento.

I dati acquisiti e l'utilizzo degli stessi da parte di servizi terzi sono regolamentati dalle rispettive Privacy Policy alle quali si prega di fare riferimento.

Fornitore del servizio: PayPal, Inc.
Finalità del servizio: effettuare pagamenti online
Dati personali raccolti: tipologie di dati secondo quanto specificato dalla privacy policy del servizio
Luogo del trattamento: secondo quanto specificato dalla privacy policy del servizio
Privacy Policy (https://www.paypal.com/it/webapps/mpp/ua/privacy-full)

Fornitore del servizio: Stripe, Inc.
Finalità del servizio: effettuare pagamenti online
Dati personali raccolti: tipologie di dati secondo quanto specificato dalla privacy policy del servizio
Luogo del trattamento: secondo quanto specificato dalla privacy policy del servizio
Privacy Policy (https://stripe.com/it/privacy)

Per interazione con applicazioni esterne (anche social network)
www.sitoper.it include nelle sue pagine plugin e/o pulsanti per interagire con i social network e/o applicazioni esterne.
Per quanto riguarda i social network, anche se l'utente non utilizza il servizio presente sulla pagina web, è possibile che il servizio acquisisca dati di traffico.

I dati acquisiti e l'utilizzo degli stessi da parte di servizi terzi sono regolamentati dalle rispettive Privacy Policy alle quali si prega di fare riferimento.

Facebook: Pulsante "Mi piace" e widget sociali
Fornitore del servizio: Meta Platforms Ireland Limited.
Finalità del servizio: interazione con il social network Facebook
Dati personali raccolti: cookie, dati di utilizzo
Luogo del trattamento: Stati Uniti e in altri Paesi
Privacy Policy (https://www.facebook.com/privacy/policy)

Whatsapp: Pulsante Whatsapp e widget sociali di Whatsapp
Fornitore del servizio: se l'utente risiede nella Regione Europea, WhatsApp Ireland Limited, se l'utente risiede al di fuori della Regione Europea, i Servizi vengono forniti da WhatsApp LLC.
Finalità del servizio: servizi di interazione con Whatsapp.
Dati personali raccolti: cookie, dati di utilizzo
Luogo del trattamento: Irlanda, le informazioni potrebbero essere trasferite o trasmesse o archiviate e trattate negli Stati Uniti o in altri Paesi terzi al di fuori di quello in cui l'utente risiede.
Privacy Policy (https://www.whatsapp.com/legal/privacy-policy-eea)
Aderente al Privacy Shield

Per visualizzare contenuti da siti web esterni
Questi servizi sono utilizzati per visualizzare sulle pagine del sito web contenuti esterni al sito web, con possibilità di interazione.
Anche se l'utente non utilizza il servizio presente sulla pagina web, è possibile che il servizio acquisisca dati di traffico.

I dati acquisiti e l'utilizzo degli stessi da parte di servizi terzi sono regolamentati dalle rispettive Privacy Policy alle quali si prega di fare riferimento.

Widget Video YouTube
Fornitore del servizio: Google, Inc.
Finalità del servizio: servizio per visualizzare ed interagire con video esterni sul proprio sito web
Dati personali raccolti: cookie, dati di utilizzo
Luogo del trattamento: Stati Uniti
Privacy Policy (https://policies.google.com/privacy?hl=it)
Aderente al Privacy Shield

Diritti dell'interessato
L'utente possiede tutti i diritti previsti dall'art. 12 del EU GDPR, il diritto di controllare, modificare e integrare (rettificare), cancellare i propri dati personali accedendo alla propria area riservata. Una volta cancellati tutti i dati, viene chiuso l'account di accesso all'area riservata.

Nello specifico ha il diritto di:
- sapere se il titolare detiene dati personali relativi all'utente (art. 15 Diritto all'accesso);
- modificare o integrare (rettificare) i dati personali inesatti o incompleti (Art. 16 Diritto di rettifica);
- richiedere la cancellazione di uno o parte dei dati personali mantenuti se sussiste uno dei motivi previsti dal GDPR (Diritto alla Cancellazione, 17);
- limitare il trattamento solo a parte dei dati personali, o revocarne completamente il consenso al trattamento, se sussiste uno dei motivi previsti dal Regolamento (Art. 18 Diritto alla limitazione del trattamento);
- ricevere copia di tutti i dati personali in possesso del titolare, in formato di uso comune organizzato, e leggibili anche da dispositivo automatico (Art. 20, Diritto alla Portabilità);
- opporsi in tutto o in parte al trattamento dei dati per finalità di marketing, ad esempio opporsi e ricevere offerte pubblicitarie (art. 21 Diritto di opposizione). Si fa presente agli utenti che possono opporsi al trattamento dei dati utilizzati per scopo pubblicitario, senza fornire alcuna motivazione;
- opporsi al trattamento dei dati in modalità automatica o meno per finalità di profilazione (c.d. Consenso).

Come un utente può esercitare i propri diritti
L'utente può esercitare i propri diritti sopra esposti comunicandone richiesta al titolare del trattamento Italiasport.net s.r.l. Unipersonale ai seguenti recapiti: angiolini@sitoper.it; tel. +39 329 48 777 67.

La richiesta di esercitare un proprio diritto non ha nessun costo. Il titolare si impegna ad evadere le richieste nel minor tempo possibile, e comunque entro un mese.

L'utente ha il diritto di proporre reclamo all'Autorità Garante per la Protezione dei dati Personali. Recapiti: garante@gpdp.it, http://www.gpdp.it (http://www.gpdp.it).

Cookie Policy
Si raccomanda di consultare nel dettagli anche la Cookie Policy (https://www.sitoper.it/cookie-policy.htm).

Informazioni aggiuntive sul trattamento dei dati
Difesa in giudizio
Nel caso di ricorso al tribunale per abuso da parte dell'utente nell'utilizzo di www.sitoper.it o dei servizi a esso collegati, il titolare ha la facoltà di rivelare i dati personali dell'utente. È inoltre obbligato a fornire i suddetti dati su richiesta delle autorità pubbliche.

Richiesta di informative specifiche
L'utente ha diritto di richiedere a www.sitoper.it informative specifiche sui servizi presenti sul sito web e/o la raccolta e l'utilizzo dei dati personali.

Raccolta dati per log di sistema e manutenzione
www.sitoper.it e/o i servizi di terze parti (se presenti) possono raccogliere i dati personali dell'utente, come ad esempio l'indirizzo IP, sotto forma di log di sistema. La raccolta di questi dati è legata al funzionamento e alla manutenzione del sito web.

Informazioni non contenute in questa policy
L'utente ha diritto di richiedere in ogni momento al titolare del trattamento dei dati le informazioni aggiuntive non presenti in questa Policy riguardanti il trattamento dei dati personali. Il titolare potrà essere contattato tramite gli estremi di contatto.

Supporto per le richieste "Do Not Track"
Le richieste  "Do Not Track" non sono supportate da www.sitoper.it.
L'utente è invitato a consultare le Privacy Policy dei servizi terzi sopra elencati per scoprire quali supportano questo tipo di richieste.

Modifiche a questa Privacy Policy
Il titolare ha il diritto di modificare questo documento avvisando gli utenti su questa stessa pagina oppure, se previsto, tramite i contatti di cui è in possesso. L'utente è quindi invitato a consultare periodicamente questa pagina. Per conferma sull'effettiva modifica consultare la data di ultima modifica indicata in fondo alla pagina.
Il titolare si occuperà di raccogliere nuovamente il consenso degli utenti nel caso in cui le modifiche a questo documento riguardino trattamenti di dati per i quali è necessario il consenso.

Definizioni e riferimenti legali
Dati personali (o dati, o dati dell'utente)
Sono dati personali le informazioni che identificano o rendono identificabile, direttamente o indirettamente, una persona fisica e che possono fornire informazioni sulle sue caratteristiche, le sue abitudini, il suo stile di vita, le sue relazioni personali, il suo stato di salute, la sua situazione economica, ecc.

Fonte: sito web del Garante della Privacy (http://www.garanteprivacy.it).

Dati di utilizzo
Sono dati di utilizzo le informazioni che vengono raccolte in automatico durante la navigazione di www.sitoper.it, sia da sito web stesso che dalle applicazioni di terzi incluse nel sito. Sono esempi di dati di utilizzo l'indirizzo IP e i dettagli del dispositivo e del browser (compresi la localizzazione geografica) che l'utente utilizza per navigare sul sito, le pagine visualizzate e la durata della permanenza dell'utente sulle singole pagine.

Il soggetto che fa uso del sito web www.sitoper.it.
Coincide con l'interessato, salvo dove diversamente specificato.

Interessato è la persona fisica al quale si riferiscono i dati personali. Quindi, se un trattamento riguarda, ad esempio, l'indirizzo, il codice fiscale, ecc. di Mario Rossi, questa persona è l'interessato (articolo 4, paragrafo 1, punto 1), del Regolamento UE 2016/679 (http://www.garanteprivacy.it/regolamentoue).

Fonte: sito web del Garante della Privacy (http://www.garanteprivacy.it).

Responsabile del trattamento (o responsabile)
Responsabile è la persona fisica o giuridica al quale il titolare affida, anche all'esterno della sua struttura organizzativa, specifici e definiti compiti di gestione e controllo per suo conto del trattamento dei dati (articolo 4, paragrafo 1, punto 8), del Regolamento UE 2016/679 (http://www.garanteprivacy.it/regolamentoue). Il Regolamento medesimo ha introdotto la possibilità che un responsabile possa, a sua volta e secondo determinate condizioni, designare un altro soggetto c.d. "sub-responsabile" (articolo 28, paragrafo 2).

Fonte: sito web del Garante della Privacy (http://www.garanteprivacy.it).

Titolare del trattamento (o titolare)
Titolare è la persona fisica, l'autorità pubblica, l'impresa, l'ente pubblico o privato, l'associazione, ecc., che adotta le decisioni sugli scopi e sulle modalità del trattamento (articolo 4, paragrafo 1, punto 7), del Regolamento UE 2016/679 (http://www.garanteprivacy.it/regolamentoue).

Fonte: sito web del Garante della Privacy (http://www.garanteprivacy.it).

www.sitoper.it (o sito web)  
Il sito web mediante il quale sono raccolti e trattati i dati personali degli utenti.

Il servizio offerto dal sito web www.sitoper.it come indicato nei relativi termini.

Comunità Europea (o UE)
Ogni riferimento relativo alla Comunità Europea si estende a tutti gli attuali stati membri dell'Unione Europea e dello Spazio Economico Europeo, salvo dove diversamente specificato.

Dati conservati all'interno del dispositivo dell'utente.

Riferimenti legali
La presente informativa è redatta sulla base di molteplici ordinamenti legislativi, inclusi gli artt. 13 e 14 del Regolamento (UE) 2016/679. Questa informativa riguarda esclusivamente www.sitoper.it, dove non diversamente specificato.

Informativa privacy aggiornata il 07/01/2025 08:34

Realizzazione siti web www.sitoper.it